DUMATHOIN – “Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain”

Dwarven God of Mining, Protector of the Dwarves - Greyhawk/Cantabria (Greater god)










Animate Dead

Cure Serious Wounds X

Atonement +

Aerial Servant

Astral Spell



Continual Light

Detect Lie

Commune with Earth +

Animate Object

Control Weather

Create Water

Detect Charm

Create Food & Water


Cure Critical Wounds X

Blade Barrier


Cure Light Wounds

Detect Traps

Cure Blindness


Dispel Evil

Conjure Animals


Detect Evil / Good

Hold Person

Cure Disease

Lower Water

Flame Strike

Find the Path

Holy Word

Detect Magic

Know Alignment

Dispel Magic

Neutralize Poison

Insect Plague




Resist Fire

Feign Death

Prot. from Evil 10ft r.

Plane Shift

Part Water


Prot. from Evil / Good

Silence +

Glyph of Warding

Speak with Plants


Speak with Monsters


Purify Food & Water

Slow Poison

Locate Object

Sticks to Snakes

Raise Dead

Stone Tell


Remove Fear

Snake Charm



True Seeing

Word of Recall

Wind Walk

Resist Cold

Speak with Animals

Remove Curse

Atonement X

Earth Power

Conjure Earth Elemental

Animate Rock


Spiritual Pick

Speak with Dead

Cure Critical Wounds +


Hand of Earth I

Hand of Earth II

Detect Gems X

Fools Gold

Cure Serious Wounds +

Metalskin X

Metalskin +

Mother Lode +

Renew Deposit +

Detect Metals

Heat Metal


Pillar of Borogar +



Rune of Im.Defence +

Hold Undead +

Hold Portal

Destroy Lesser Undead +

Restore Earth +

Rock to Mud


****** (Stasis)

Magic Stone

Metal Analysis

Earth Sense +


Wall of Iron

Stone to Flesh


Stabilize Weapon

Turn Undead +

Meld into Stone

Spike Stones


Transport Via Stones +


Stone Analysis


Stone Shape

Stabilize Masonry







Wall of Stone




Special Spell Descriptions   (Spells marked + are not available in Cantabria; struck-out spells marked X are available in Cantabria only).

Detect Gems[Cantabria only. Same as Detect Metals and Minerals but only detects gems.]
Detect Metals (and Minerals)
Casting: 1 round (VSM, Divination); Range: 0; Area: 120ft long, 10ft wide path; Duration: 1 turn; Save: None. The caster concentrates on a specific type of metal or mineral. If it is in the area of effect, the exact location and approximate quantity are revealed. The caster may try to detect different substances throughout the duration of the spell, one type per round. The form in which they occur is shown: pure, refined or raw ore. The caster can walk and still concentrate on the spell, but cannot engage in strenuous activity and maintain the spell. (Material component: Holy Symbol). [From Dragon #129, similar to DMG Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection. In Cantabria, detects metals only and Detect Gems is a separate spell].
Hold Undead
As AD&D 2nd-level Cleric spell Hold Person, but only undead creatures are affected.
Magic Stone –
As D&D 3E spell (1st-level Cleric/Earth), but each stone has an extra +1 bonus [as per Dragon #129].
Stabilize Weapon –
Casting: 1 round (VSM, Alteration); Range: Touch; Area: 1 weapon; Duration: 1 hour/level; Save: n/a.   This enchantment is cast upon a weapon. For the duration of the spell, the affected weapon is immune to damage: unbreakable. [SJW: Adapted from Gods of Glorantha, Cults Book (Mostal, Sorcery spell)]
Stone Analysis –
Casting: 1 turn (VSM); Range: Touch; Area: One or more stone items; Duration: 1 round/lvl; Save: N/A.   This spell allows the caster to analyze stone items and identify their composition and stone type. Contact for more than one round reveals any magical properties (c.f. 1st-level Magic-user spell Identify), one per round, and longer contact may also reveal psychic impressions of previous owners, if any (c.f. psionic devotion Object Reading). [SJW: adapted from Identify/Object Reading]

Detect Traps – As AD&D 2nd-level Cleric spell, Find Traps.
Spiritual Pick
As D&D3 spell, Spiritual Weapon (C2), but the weapon appearing is a Military Pick.
Fools Gold
As AD&D 2nd-level Magic-user spell.
Heat Metal –
As AD&D 2nd-level Druid spell.
Hold Portal –
As AD&D 1st-level Magic-user spell.
Metal Analysis –
Casting: 1 turn (VSM); Range: Touch; Area: One or more metal items; Duration: 1 round/lvl; Save: N/A.   This spell allows the caster to analyze metal items and identify their composition and metal type. Contact for more than one round reveals any magical properties (c.f. 1st-level Magic-user spell Identify), one per round, and longer contact may also reveal psychic impressions of previous owners, if any (c.f. psionic devotion Object Reading). [SJW: adapted from Identify/Object Reading]
Turn UndeadAs AD&D 2nd-level Cleric spell Hold Person, but only undead creatures are affected, and will flee for 1 turn.

Cure Serious Wounds
As AD&D Cleric 4th-level spell, but cures 3d8 hit points and any serious injury.
Delving – Casting: Standard (6s, VSM, Alteration); Range: Touch; Area: One person; Duration: 10 mins/level; Save None. This spell enables the recipient to dig through earth or even solid rock. With proper digging tools they can do so at a rate of 20ft per round through soft earth, or 2ft per round through solid rock (i.e. the same rate as an 'Underhulk'); without tools the rate is halved. (Note: an open tunnel is not formed unless spoil is cleared, which would take the digger ~10 times longer). [SJW: Dwarf magic must at least equal some daft monster!]
Destroy Lesser UndeadAs AD&D 2nd-level Cleric spell Hold Person, but only skeletons or zombies are affected, and will be destroyed.
Earth SenseCasting: 1 round (VSM, Divination); Range: 0; Area: Special; Duration: 3 turns/lvl. Save: None. This spell empowers a cleric to key his senses into the surrounding earth or stone structure to monitor the conditions of the area. This spell can be used to monitor all the earth and stone in a spherical volume with a radius of 10ft per level of the caster. The cleric is then able to note anything unusual or important happening within the area of effect through a vague feeling of unease or impending danger. Once the feeling is experienced, the cleric may try to concentrate on determining the specific thing that has set off the feeling of alarm. The chance of identifying the specific event is 5% per level of the caster. Only one identification roll can be made for each event that may trigger the feeling. If the roll fails, the cleric is unable to determine the exact problem, but does identify the general area where the problem is occurring. Once the spell is cast, the dwarven cleric must remain quietly in place to continue concentrating on the spell. If the cleric moves more than 10ft from the spot where the spell was cast or engages in strenuous activity such as melee, the spell is broken. Many different things may set off the feeling of alarm. Digging or sapping in the area, movements by burrowing creatures, spells or magic that currently affect the earth, non-silent movement across the earth or through a nearby passage, strenuous physical activity (such as melee) occurring on a section of the earth, or an impending natural disaster are all things that can trigger the sense of alarm. A natural disaster that sets off the alarm could be unstable geological conditions that foreshadow a mine collapse or natural earthquake, a natural gas pocket about to explode, or volcanic or geyser activity that could become dangerous.
Dwarven clerics often maintain a line of sentries in a stronghold and use this spell to monitor anything that may signal an impending attack. Clerics might note a section of castle wall being undermined, an attempt to batter through a castle gate, invaders scaling a fortress wall, or a
Passwall spell suddenly cast upon a section of stone wall. The material components for this spell are the cleric's holy symbol and a small sample of earth or stone from the area to be monitored. [from Dragon #129, 3rd-level Cleric spell]
Meld into Stone – Casting: Standard (6s, VSM, Alteration); Range: 0; Area: Caster; Duration: 10 mins/level; Save None. This spell enables the priest to meld his body and possessions into a single block of stone. The stone must be large enough to accommodate his body in all three dimensions. When the casting is complete, the priest and not more than 100 pounds of non-living gear merge with the stone. If either condition is violated, the spell fails and is wasted. While in the stone, the priest remains in contact, however tenuous, with the face of the stone through which he melded. The priest remains aware of the passage of time. Nothing that goes on outside the stone can be seen or heard, however. Minor physical damage to the stone does not harm the priest, but its partial destruction, if enough so that the caster no longer fits, expels the priest with 4d8 points of damage. The stone's destruction expels the priest and slays him instantly, unless he rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell. At any time before the duration expires, the priest can step out of the stone through the stone surface he entered. If the duration runs out, or the effect is dispelled before the priest exits the stone, he is violently expelled and suffers 4d8 points of damage. The following spells harm the priest if cast upon the stone that he is occupying: Stone to Flesh expels the priest and inflicts 4d8 points of damage; Stone Shape causes 4d4 points of damage, but does not expel the priest; Transmute Rock to Mud expels and slays him instantly unless he rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell; and Passwall expels the priest without damage. [As D&D 3E spell (3rd-level Cleric/Druid)]
Stone Shape –
As AD&D 5th-level Magic-user spell.
As D&D3 spell (Cleric/Strength 6th-level).

Cure Critical Wounds As AD&D Cleric 5th-level spell, but cures 4d8 hit points and any grievous/critical injury.
Pillar of Borogar – Casting: Standard (7s, VSM, Alteration); Range: 30ft; Area: Special; Duration: 1 rnd/lvl; Save: None. This spell, first bestowed to the ancient, dwarven high priest Borogar, causes a pillar of earth to erupt upward from the ground. The Pillar rises up from a surface of earth, stone, sand, or clay, but not from any other substance. The height of the Pillar can be controlled by the caster, and can be raised or lowered at will (in the same manner as an elevator is controlled). The Pillar can be controlled while the caster is atop the Pillar or beside it, as long as the caster is within 30ft of the Pillar. The Pillar can attain a height of 10ft per level of the caster. The Pillar's height can rise or fall at the rate of 60ft per round (5ft/sec). The Pillar's width is normally 10ft in diameter, but can be doubled to 20ft in diameter by reducing the Pillar's height by one-half. It takes one round to alter the Pillar's diameter in this way. A Pillar can rise vertically only - never horizontally or diagonally. A Pillar can break through wooden flooring or roofing slate of no greater than 1 inch in thickness. In this way, a Pillar may be used as a vertical battering ram against light, thin materials. The Pillar of Borogar might also be used to create a small, temporary islet in a marsh or shallow pool of water if the Pillar can rise from the ground below the water to reach the surface. The Pillar begins not from the upper level of the ground, but from 10ft below the ground, where the earth is more solid and not muddy. The Pillar can be destroyed by casting a Transmute Rock to Mud spell at its earthen base, an attack by a water elemental, precipitation equal in strength to a tropical storm, or by any other means to turn the Pillar's earthen base into muck and mire. Material component: a small cylinder made of earth or clay. [From Dragon #129, 4th-level Cleric spell]
Restore Earth – Casting: 1 round (VSM, Alteration); Range: Touch; Area: Special; Duration: 1 rnd./lvl; Save: None. This spell, a more powerful version of the Stone Shape spell, allows a dwarven cleric to heal damage to an earthen structure. Once the spell is cast, the structure restores itself toward its original condition gradually over a period of time. The spell remains in effect for as many rounds as the cleric has levels of experience. The spell heals damage to stone, earth, or metal at the rate of one point of structural damage per round. Thereafter, the repair to the earthen structure is permanent (unless the structure is damaged again, of course). If the structure is totally destroyed or demolished, the spell has no effect. The spell cannot restore a castle wall that has been battered into rubble or an iron gate that has been smashed to pieces. The material component for this spell is a piece of clay with iron fillings mixed into it, which is then shaped to resemble the original appearance of the structure to be repaired. [From Dragon #129, 4th-level Cleric spell]
Safe – Casting: 1 hour (VSM, Alteration); Range: Touch; Area: 1 cu.ft./lvl; Duration: Permanent until discharged; Save: n/a.   This spell is cast upon a door or other closure of stone or metal construction. The enchanted portal will not open until some specified conditions are met, such as a password is spoken in a particular language (c.f. Magic Mouth). Conditions can be that simple or more complex, such as answering riddles, inserting 'key' items, or performing actions in a certain order (e.g. turning a dial to particular points). [By SJW]
Spike Stones – Casting: Standard (6s, VSM, Alt/Ench); Range: 30 yds.; AoE 10 ft.sq./lvl, 1 spike/sq.ft.; D 3d4turns+1/lvl; ST None. The Spike Stones spell causes rock to shape itself into long, sharp points that tend to blend into the background. It is effective on both natural rock and worked stone. The Spike Stones serve to impede progress through an area and to inflict damage. If an area is carefully observed, each observer is 25% likely to notice the sharp points of rock. Otherwise, those entering the spell's area of effect suffer d4 damage per round (d6 if cast by a dwarven priest*). The success of each attack is determined as if the caster of the spell were actually engaging in combat. Those entering the area are subject to attack immediately upon setting foot in the area and for each round spent in the area thereafter. The initial step enables the individual to become aware of some problem only if the initial attack succeeds; otherwise movement continues and the spike stones remain unnoticed until damage occurs. Charging or running victims suffer two attacks per round. Those falling into pits affected by spike stones suffer six such attacks for every 10 feet fallen, each attack having a +2 bonus to the attack roll. In addition, the damage inflicted by each attack increases by +2 for every 10 feet fallen. Finally, the creatures also suffer normal falling damage. Material component: Four tiny stalactites. [As D&D 3E spell (4th-level Druid/Earth), *Dragon #129]
Stabilize Masonry –
Casting: 1 round (VSM, Alteration); Range: Touch; Area: 1 cu.yd./lvl; Duration: 1 day/lvl; Save: n/a.   This enchantment is cast upon a section of worked stone, of any shape. For the duration of the spell, the affected masonry maintains its position, no matter how top-heavy or unbalanced it is, even if it becomes totally unsupported. [SJW: Adapted from Gods of Glorantha, Cults Book (Mostal, Sorcery spell)]
Wall of Stone – As AD&D 5th-level Magic-user spell.

Commune with Earth – Casting: 1 turn (VSM, Divination); Range: 0; Area: Special; Duration: Special; Save: None. This spell enables the dwarven cleric to become one with his environment. The cleric is able to learn one fact about the surrounding area for each level of experience he has, in much the same manner as the druids' Commune with Nature spell. This spell is only effective in the typical dwarven environment of rocky mountains or hills, or underground caverns or mines. The spell operates in a radius of one-half mile per level of the cleric and to a depth of one-quarter mile per level. Material components: the cleric's holy symbol and a bit of earth, rock, or clay. [From Dragon #129, 5th-level Cleric spell]
Earth Power – Casting: Special (VSM, Necromancy); Range: Touch; Area: 1 Person; Duration: Special; Save: n/a. This spell may only be cast upon a person who has performed a special quest in order to receive it. Casting the spell requires a ceremony lasting about an hour, but the effect is then suspended as long as necessary: at any time thereafter, the spell effect will be triggered automatically when required. The spell activates when any statistic of the recipient drops below the minimum for life (HPs, Strength, etc), thus preventing their death and allowing them to fight on by drawing power directly from the earth. The Earth Power will immediately restore the recipient to full Hit Points, Power Points and statistic values, but it can only activate when they are in contact with the ground. (Material Component: Holy Symbol and full religious paraphernalia). [SJW: Adapted from Gods of Glorantha, Cults Book (Ernalda, 3pt Divine spell)]
Golem –
Casting: Standard (8s, VSM, Enchantment/Charm); Range: Touch; Area: One statue; Duration: Permanent; Save: None. In order for this spell to operate, the cleric must first construct the form of the Golem to be made. All Golems must be man-shaped and approximately man-sized, although they can be as small as 3ft or as large as 7ft tall. Clay is the usual material – others are possible but their use is impious. Construction takes about a week. The cleric must do this personally and then place a Prayer spell upon it and, while that is in effect, cast this spell which includes placing runic marks upon the construct (or inside it, scribed on parchment) to complete the enchantment. The caster must also sacrifice some of their personal will-force to make the creature animate [AD&D 250xp, RQ 3 POW]. It will then follow spoken commands of it's creator. Golems cannot speak and apparently have no minds; spells such as charm, fear; hold, sleep, and the like have no effect on them, but they can comprehend and carry out simple instructions involving no more than a dozen words. The dweomer of the lesser golem enables it to save as if it were a cleric of the same experience level as the one who created it. (Lesser Clay Golem: AC7, MV6”, HD5+10, hp50, #ATl, D 3-12, SD +1 or better magic weapon to hit, immune to slashing and piercing weapons. Carrying capacity is 60 pounds [RQ Stats ???]). Material components: Esoteric ingredients and vestments costing 1000gp [Cant.100gp]. [SJW: adapted from Golem, 5th-level Cleric spell, Unearthed Arcana 1st ed. (c.f. Animate Dead). No straw, rope, leather or wood golems thank you – they're just silly!].
Metalskin – Casting: 1 action (VSM, Transmutation/Alteration); Range: Touch; Target: Creature touched; Duration: 1 minute/level; Save: None. This spell transforms the skin of the recipient into a gleaming metallic surface. The recipient's natural armor bonus becomes +8 (unless it was already better than +8), but the creature also becomes somewhat slow and stiff, suffering a -2 penalty to effective Dexterity for the duration of the spell. Material Component: a strip of metal foil (Dragon #129). [From Oriental Adventures, 5th-level Wu-Jen]
Passwall  – As AD&D 5th-level Magic-user spell.
Rock to Mud
 – As AD&D 5th-level Magic-user spell Transmute Rock to Mud (n.b. castable reversibly, turning mud to rock).
Wall of Iron
 – As AD&D 5th-level Magic-user spell.

Conjure Earth ElementalAs AD&D 7th-level Druid spell.
Hand of Earth I (aka. Hand of Borogar)Casting: Standard (9s, VSM, Alteration/Conjuration/Summoning); Range: 60ft; Area: Special; Duration: 1 rnd./lvl; Save: None. This spell causes a great hand of earth and stone to emerge from any earthen surface - floor, wall, or ceiling. Once created, the hand performs the bidding of the caster for the duration of the spell. The base of the hand is rooted to the spot chosen by the caster, and cannot move from that spot. The hand does, however, have a reach of 10ft in any direction. The hand possesses a strength equal to that of a stone giant [AD&D: 20; D&D3E/Cant/RQ: 26 (+8dam)]. The hand could be used to uproot a small tree, lift a boulder, or help support a structure threatening to collapse. The hand is too slow and awkward to grab any object that can move faster than 3” per round, but if the hand grasps a living creature, it inflicts 2-12 hp constriction damage per round if the spell-caster so commands. The hand can also punch an opponent chosen by the caster. The hand can attack once per round, attacking with the same chance to hit in melee as the spell-caster. The hand always attacks last in a melee round because it is so slow. The hand does 2-16 hp damage when it punches. The hand can also attack by hurling stones just as does a stone giant, provided there are sufficient boulders within its reach. The hand can hurl stones a maximum range of 300ft, and a boulder inflicts 3-30 hp damage if it hits. The Hand of Borogar has AC 4 and can sustain 30 hp damage before being destroyed. Sharp weapons inflict only one-half damage to the hand. The Hand of Borogar can also be destroyed by turning its earthen base into mud and mire, so it is vulnerable to any of the attacks that may destroy the Pillar of Borogar (a 4th-level spell). The material components for this spell are a pinch of earth and a finely crafted, miniature stone fist worth no less than 1,000 gp [Cant.100gp]. [From Dragon #129, 6th-level Cleric spell]
Mother LodeCasting: 3 turns (VSM, Divination); Range: 0; Area: Special; Duration: Special; Save: None. With this spell, a dwarven cleric can locate a major ore deposit of any metal or mineral. When the spell is cast, the type of deposit to be located must be specified. Only one type of deposit may be divined per casting of the spell. Furthermore, the material component employed in the spell must pertain to the type of deposit sought. For example, a tiny iron anvil is required to find the location of an iron ore deposit, while a diamond must be expended to locate a diamond mine. The cost of the material component must be comparable to the value of the deposit to be found. Typical material components will cost 1,000gp for base metals, 5,000gp for precious metals or gemstones, or 10,000gp for very rare metals such as mithral or adamantite [Cant. 100, 500 or 1000gp]. Once the spell is cast, there is a 100% chance of finding the deposit if the deposit is within the area of effect of the spell. The DM must decide whether such a deposit is present because the DM is the only one who knows the geology of his game world. Obviously, the rarer the substance, the less chance there is of the deposit being present. If the DM wishes to leave the decision of whether the ore is present up to chance, he may use the following percentages: 60% chance for finding a desired base metal, 30% chance for a precious metal ore or gemstone deposit, 5% for a very rare substance, and 5% for no substance whatsoever. The spell detects the desired deposit in a radius of 10 miles per level of the caster and to a depth of one-half mile per level. Any deposit located should be quite substantial, an amount sufficient to support the needs of a dwarven community for months or even years. Material components: Cleric's holy symbol and a small amount of the ore to be found. [From Dragon #129, 5th-level Cleric spell. Ref. Mining Rules in Dungeoneer's Survival Guide.]
QuestAs AD&D 5th-level Cleric spell.
StatueAs AD&D 7th-level Magic-user spell.
Stone to FleshAs AD&D 6th-level Magic-user spell (n.b. castable reversibly, turning flesh to stone). [NB: Turning volumes of natural stone to a mass of flesh is forbidden].
Transport Via StonesAs AD&D 6th-level Druid spell Transport Via Plants, but travel is between specially constructed rune-carved menhirs (usually in Dwarven temples).

Animate RockAs AD&D 7th-level Druid spell.
Hand of Earth IIAs the 6th-level spell Hand of Earth I (Hand of Borogar) but the Hand can merge back into the earth, to reappear anywhere in range and attack next round. [SJW]
Renew DepositCasting: 2 hours (VSM, Alteration); Range: Touch; Area: 1 Mine; Duration: Special; Save: None. With this spell a Dwarven High Priest can renew the normally non-renewable mineral resources upon which Dwarven society depends. With this spell a depleted mineral or metal ore deposit can slowly grow and renew itself. First a mineral 'seed' must be prepared, of the same type as the deposit to be renewed. The value of the seed ranges from 5000gp [Cant: 500gp] for a base metal (such as Iron) up to 25000gp [Cant: 2500gp] for a very rare substance (such as Mithril). Once the spell is cast, the depleted deposit slowly grows new ore until the vein is completely renewed. The rate of renewal depends on the substance: Base metal (e.g. Iron, Copper) 5-30 years; Precious metal (e.g. Silver, Gold) 20-80 years; Very rare metal (e.g. Mithril) 70-100 years; Semiprecious stones 5-20 years; Fancy stones 10-60 years; Gemstones 20-80 years. The substance grows until the original volume of the deposit is renewed. If the vein is again depleted, the spell may be cast again. If the vein is hastily mined before it is fully renewed, the spell is broken and no further growth occurs. Furthermore, no regrowth can ever occur even if the spell is cast again because the vein will have been spiritually polluted. (Material component: The vastly expensive mineral 'seed'). [From Dragon #129]
Rune of Impenetrable Defence – Casting: 12 turns (VSM, Alteration/Evocation); Range: 60ft; Area: Special; Duration: Special; Save: Special. This spell is used to strengthen the fortifications of a dwarven stronghold by increasing the resistance of a castle wall, gate, portcullis, drawbridge, or other defensive structure against physical or magical attack. The spell is cast by a circle of dwarven clerics linked by a combine spell in combination. Next, a large rune is inscribed on the surface of the structure to be protected in the last turn of the spell-casting. The rune is created to protect a surface of up to 2,500 square feet in area (such as a 50x50ft section of castle wall). The rune is invisible after the spell is cast, but may be revealed by a Detect Magic spell. The protection provided by the rune is not permanent; it expires after one month, and the rune fades away if the spell is not renewed. To renew the rune's power, a dwarven cleric of at least 7th-level experience must cast a Glyph of Warding spell upon the rune before it fades; the rune is thus renewed and remains in effect for another month. The dwarves must constantly renew the runes protecting a stronghold every month on a regular schedule, or else the runes fade away and become useless.
This powerful rune protects a surface from the attacks of battering rams, siege machines, stones hurled by catapults or giants, ballistae missiles, or other such physical attacks that inflict structural damage. All physical attacks inflict no damage to the surface. A section of castle wall or stone tower protected by this rune cannot be undermined and collapsed by sappers, because the rune maintains the strength and integrity of the structure and its underlying foundation.
This rune also provides protection from many magical attacks. Against an attack that inflicts structural damage, such as a
Lightning Bolt, Disintegrate spell, or a Horn of Blasting, a saving throw vs. spells may be made to reduce the damage by half. The saving throw made by the structure is that used by a 19th-level or greater cleric. Thus, if an Earthquake spell strikes a structure protected by this rune, the earthquake's damage is reduced by 50% if a saving throw of 7 or better is rolled. If the save vs. spells is made against a Passwall spell cast upon a protected surface, the Passwall does not take effect.
This rune has one additional protective function. If a
Prayer spell is cast upon the rune by a dwarven cleric, any structural damage suffered by the protected structure repairs itself at the rate of two points of damage per round. The repair continues for as long as the Prayer spell is in effect.
It is possible for the rune to be destroyed or dispelled, of course. If the surface upon which the rune is inscribed is utterly destroyed, the rune is also destroyed, and no repair may take place
even if a Prayer spell is cast upon the rune. A section of castle wall reduced to rubble or a drawbridge smashed apart also loses its protective rune. A Dispel Magic spell cast by a high-level spell-caster might possibly dispel the rune. Again, the rune is treated as if cast by a 19th-level or greater cleric.
The material components for this spell are a golden writing stylus with a diamond point (worth at least 5,000gp
[Cant. 500gp]), which is used to inscribe the rune, and the holy symbols of all the clerics involved in the combine circle. [from Dragon #129, 7th-level Cleric spell]
****** (Stasis) Casting: Std (9s, VSM, Alteration); Range: Touch; Area: One creature/area; Duration: Permanent; Save: None. The subject enters a state of suspended animation, for which time ceases to flow and it's condition becomes fixed. It does not grow older, body functions virtually cease and no force or effect can harm it. This state persists until the magic is removed by a successful Dispel Magic spell the caster's specified conditions being met (c.f. Magic Mouth, Safe). Material component is a powder composed of diamond, emerald, ruby and sapphire dust of value at least 5000gp [Cant. 500gp]. Dumathoin's secret magic allows this spell to be alternatively cast on an area, with occupants, even an entire dwarven hold. The hold/area is thus protected from harm, being sealed from entry, sinking below the surface of the earth as necessary and hidden from magical means of detection (c.f. Imprisonment). Any Rune of Impregnable Defence or similar magics remain in effect without maintenance. [Adapted from AD&D 9th-level Magic-user spell, Temporal Stasis (1e/3E) by SJW.]


Description: -


Dumathoin, Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain, Protector of the Dwarves


Secrets, Earth (and the Afterlife), caverns, tunnels, mines, metals, gems




Gem inside a Mountain

Holy Days:



Monthly (New Moon)


Gems & Jewels

Priestly Garb:

Bare head, Leather apron, Brown raiment


Mattock, Pick, Hammer, Crossbow.






A. Legends

<”Before Time”: Prehistory/Gods War>

B. History

<Events in historical times, post Gods War>

C. After Death

<Funeral customs, Fate of worshippers souls>

D. Symbolic Associations

<Holy symbols, animals etc>


A. Reason for Continued Worship


B. Social/Political Position and Power


C. Particular Likes and Dislikes



A. Inter-Temple Organization


B. Internal Temple Organization


C. Holy Places

Places of worship are underground temples carved from natural rock.

D. Holy Days



A. Requirements


B. Restrictions


C. Benefits



A. Requirements

Only male dwarves may become clerics of Dumathoin. Minimum requirements are Int, Wis >12 and Cha >9. ??

B. Restrictions


C. Benefits

3rd Level : Hold secret, the priest is able to keep a secret from any means.
5th Level : Gains earth elemental familiar (normally a gargoyle)
7th Level : Remains silent even when casting, no V component
9th Level : ******


A. Requirements


B. Restrictions


C. Benefits



A. Cult Status/Position in the Pantheon


B. Sub-Cults

Cleric/Rangers: Train in xxx and leadership they have minimum requirements of Str >12, Wis, Dex, Per >14, Con >10 : Cha >9


A. Associated (Preferred)

??: Moradin ?

B. Friendly (Goodwill)

??: ?

C. Neutral  (Tolerance)

??: ?

D. Hostile (Antipathy)

??: ?

E. Enemy (Hatred)

??: ?


A. Unearthed Arcana (Revised version) details [original]

Greater god
ARMOR CLASS: 26 [-2]
MOVE: 45’ (9”) or 15’ (3”) burrowing [9”(48”)]
HIT POINTS: 550 [366]
ATTACK BONUSES: +27/+20/+19
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 10d4+22 (warhammer) [10-40 +14]
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Summon elementals
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3 or better weapon to hit
SIZE: Large (18’)
WORSHIPPER’S ALIGN: All alignments (dwarves)
SYMBOL: Gem inside a mountain
PLANE: Concordant Opposition
CLERIC: 15th cleric/15th druid [14th]; FIGHTER: 10th [16th]; MAGIC-USER: See below/14th illusionist; MONK: Nil; THIEF: 12th
S: 25 (+10) I: 23 (+8) W: 25 (+10) D: 20 (+5) C: 25 (+10) CH: 21 (+6) [CH: 18(24) CM: 13(16)]

Dumathoin is said to hide the secrets of the earth until they are ready to be uncovered by the diligent and the deserving. He is the protector of the mountain dwarves, the keeper of all metals. He lays veins of iron, copper, gold, silver, and mithril where he feels they will do the most benefit to his followers when found. Dumathoin has never been known to speak, instead keeping his wisdom to himself (though he may send subtle clues to keen observers on the nature of the world).

When Moradin named him protector of the mountain dwarves, Dumathoin created a "paradise" for the mountain dwarves to enjoy. He was angered at first when the dwarves started to "destroy" the mountains he had provided for them, but his anger turned to pleasure when he saw the finely crafted metal items the dwarves produced from the ore they had mined. His enemies are those (dwarven or otherwise) who plunder the earth’s riches and take them away for unfair or selfish purposes. He does not object to tunneling, mining or the keeping of treasures underground, however. Miners see him as their patron, and often carry a small diamond or gemstone in their pockets to attract the favor of the god.

Dumathoin appears to be a gigantic dwarven figure with hair and beard of gray stone, earth-brown skin, and eyes of silver fire. He owns a great two-handed mattock (+5) of solidified magma. Once per day, he may summon 3-18 earth elementals (16 hit dice each) at will instantly; they will fight for him to the death. Dumathoin may also use all metal-, earth-, or stone-related magic-user spells at the 30th level of ability, but cannot use any other magic-user spells.

Dumathoin maintains friendly relations with non-dwarven deities, though only a few. One of his closest allies is Hephaestus, whom he supplies with adamantite ore. Other gods of metalcraft and the earth sometimes do business with Dumathoin and his representatives for metals and ores as well. For these reasons, clerics of this god are sometimes involved in business ventures in the selling of metals and similar materials.

B. ??


(SJW, 28 February 2012)

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