Grievous Injuries Rules (20NOV08) injuries.htm

Hit Location Table  Use this table to determine where a character is hit. This is not necessary for every blow but only when significant:

d20 Location
19, 20 HEAD
13 - 18 R/L.ARM
10 - 12 CHEST
7 - 9 ABDOM
1 - 6 R/L.LEG
Sub-Locations : d6 1 2 3 4 5 6
HEAD Chin/Mouth Nose Skull Ear (L/R) Eye (L/R) Neck
R/L.ARM Hand Wrist Forearm Forearm Elbow Upper Arm
CHEST Liver Lungs Ribs Ribs Shoulder Heart
ABDOM Groin Hip (L/R) Guts Guts Stomach Kidneys
R/L.LEG Foot Ankle Shin Shin Knee Thigh

If the blow reduces the character to 0 or less Hit Points, the hit location goes out of action until cured (and scars will result); -5 hps less gives a Serious injury ("S"); -10 or less a Critical injury ("C") injury. Below -CON is dead - but you can still roll up the injuries just for a laugh!

1. Chin S Jaw broken [level 5]: lose/break d20 teeth, -1 CHA. C Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Carotid artery slashed: bleed 1hp/sec (light).
2. Nose S Nose broken [level 2]: lose 1 CHA. C Nose broken and brain damaged: lose 3 lots of d6 INT/WIS/DEX.
3. Skull S Skull fractured [level 4]: concussion (amnesia, fainting, etc). C Skull broken [level 10]: coma for whole 'Rest' period.
4. Ear (L/R) S Ear sliced/ripped off: deafened on that side. C ...and skull broken (see above).
5. Eye (L/R) S Eye blinded. C Eye destroyed (50% for other eye, too) and skull fractured (see above).
6. Neck S It's a bleeder! Jugular vein pierced: bleed 1hp/rnd (light). C Neck severed/broken: bleed/choke 1hp/sec until dead (critical!).
1. Liver S Ribs broken (d6): see below. C Liver failure [level 3]: bleed 1hp/hour (serious). Survivors lose d3 CON.
2. Lungs S Ribs broken (d6): see below. C Lung punctured [level 3]: bleed 1hp/turn (light). Survivors lose 1 CON.
3,4. Ribs S Ribs broken (d6): movement painful (half walking speed, max.) [level 2]. C Ribcage smashed [level 8]: never mends.
5. Shoulder S Collarbone broken [level 2]. C Arm severed at shoulder: bleed 1hp/rnd for 10mins (R serious/L critical).
6. Heart S Ribs broken (d6): see below. C Heart punctured [level 4]: bleed 1hp/sec (critical). Survivors lose d6 CON.
1. Groin S "Ouch!" Genitals damaged: bleed 1hp/min for 3 mins. C "What a rip off!" Genitals lost: bleed 1hp/min for 6 mins [level 4].
2. Hip (L/R) S Hip broken [level 9]: permanent limp, move reduced by 1". C Pelvis shattered [level 10]: crippled permanently.
3,4. Guts S Intestinal damage: bleed 1hp/min for 10 mins [level 4]. C Eviscerated: bleed 1hp/turn [level 6]. Lose d3 STR & CON.
5. Stomach S Stomach punctured: bleed 1hp/hour [level 4]. C Stomach ruptured: bleed 1hp/turn [level 6].
6. Kidneys S Kidney damage: bleed 1hp/min for 10 mins [level 4]. C Kidney failure - bleed 1hp/turn (serious). Lose d3 CON.
1. Hand S Fingers sliced/ripped off (d4). C Fingers lost and hand smashed [level 6] - permanently useless.
2. Wrist S Wrist broken [level 4]. C Hand severed at wrist - bleed 1hp/min for 1 min* (light).
3,4. Forearm S Forearm broken [level 4]. C Forearm severed - bleed 1hp/min for 3 min* (light).
5. Elbow S Elbow broken [level 5]. C Arm severed at elbow - bleed 1hp/min for 3 mins* (light).
6. Upper Arm S "How humerus!" Upper arm broken [level 5]. C Upper arm severed: bleed 1hp/min for 6 mins* (light).
1. Foot S Toes (d6) torn off: permanent limp, move reduced by 1". C Foot shattered [level 5]: crippled permanently, move halved.
2. Ankle S Ankle broken [level 3]. C Foot severed -bleed 1hp/min for 3 mins* (light), move halved.
3,4. Shin S Shinbone broken [level 6]. C Lower leg severed: bleed 1hp/min for 6 mins* (light), move halved.
5. Knee S Knee broken [level 7]. C Leg severed at the knee: bleed 1hp/min for 6 mins* (light), move halved.
6. Thigh S Thighbone broken [level 8]. C Upper leg severed: bleed 1hp/min for 10 mins* (light), move halved.
* Limbs not cleanly severed (e.g. crushed) will continue to bleed until amputated, or given the indicated level of healing.

Rest and Recovery - The "Break Level" of the injury is used to determine the amount of rest and recovery time required:

Level Examples Rest Required (days) Average Rest Average Recovery*
1 Finger d3/2 1 day 2 weeks
2 Nose, rib, cheek d4/2 2 days 3 weeks
3 Ankle, hand, wrist d3 2 days 1 month
4 Forearm, skull fracture d4 3 days 1 month
5 Jaw, foot, elbow, upper arm d3+1 3 days 1.5 months
6 Lower leg d4+1 4 days 2 months
7 Knee, shoulder 2d3 4 days 2 months
8 Upper leg 2d4 5 days 2.5 months
9 Hip 3d3+3 9 days 4 months
10 Neck, spine 4d4+4 14 days 6 months
* Recovery Period is equal to the Rest period multiplied by (4d6 - CON bonus).

Rest: Any movement requires CONx5 to avoid 1hp damage (violent movement causes damage automatically), gaining no rest for that day.
Recovery: Strenuous/violent movement requires CONx5 roll to avoid re-opening the wound, causing Level damage and starting over again.

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