Gallery of Heroes, Notables and Villains
Current Patriarch, His Holiness Prismatus I; by his garb, obviously portrayed on his way back from conducting evensong at the high temple complex. Although fully occupied in administering the theological element of the empire, the pontiff will often still make the time to hear a confession, on occasion even conducting the preparatory torture himself! |
Another illustration of his holiness, here shown just after gratefully accepting, directly from the Emperor, the hard-sourced prosthetic replacements for the hand and eye he lost in service of the Empire. As can be observed, they were still quite hot. | |
Immortal Knight-Lord Abigor, partaking of a moments contemplation, during a lull in the recent fighting for the liberation of the Imperial Duchy of Bretaine. | |
Another of Lord Abigor; Here in a less formal pose snatching a few hours well-earned relaxation engaged in his keenly-followed hobby of amateur phrenology. | |
Enemy of the month: A professed close likeness of the nefarious warrior-mage, Raedil the bloody, alias the infamous "Butcher of Urgrod". 'Lord' Raedil is renowned for his summoning of invisible chaos demons from the Abyss, to serve in battle in his stead. | |
Character of the month: Newly-appointed as "Warlord of Quendor" Drahena Giantbane, Champion of Arioch, is here pictured in her former guise as figurehead of the 'Demons Vale Chaos Exiles'. The watchful visage of Dragon-Prince Aaz, in the background, simply serves to illustrate further who wore the trews in that relationship! | |