Bane |
Animate Dead |
Cure Serious Wounds |
Aerial Servant |
Astral Spell |
Command |
Chant |
Commune |
Create Food |
Divination |
Cure Critical Wounds |
Blade Barrier |
Earthquake |
Cure Light Wounds |
Find Traps |
Cure Blindness |
Dispel Chaos/Good |
Gate |
Hold Person |
Cure Disease |
Flame Strike |
Find the Path |
Unholy Word |
Detect Magic |
Know Alignment |
Dispel Magic |
Neutralize Poison |
Heal |
Regeneration |
Resist Fire |
Prot. f. Chaos/Good 10ft r. |
Plane Shift |
Prot. from Chaos/Good |
Glyph of Warding |
Quest |
Speak with Monsters |
Slow Poison |
Symbol |
Cause Fear |
Prayer |
Tongues |
True Seeing |
Word of Recall |
Remove Curse |
Cause Critical Wounds |
Circle of Doom |
Harm |
Destruction |
Spiritual Weapon |
Divine Power |
Slay Living |
Hold Monster |
Disintegrate |
Cause Light Wounds |
Calm Emotions |
Bestow Curse |
Order's Wrath |
? |
Raise Undead |
Dominate Monster |
Doom |
Command Undead |
Cause Disease |
Unholy Blight |
? |
Restoration |
Wither |
Hold Undead |
Desecrate |
Control Lesser Undead |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Magic Weapon |
Smite |
Magic Vestment |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Shatter |
Sound Burst |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
– Casting: Standard (4s,VSM); Range: 0; Area: 50ft radius;
Duration: 1 min/lvl; Save: Neg (WISx5). Fills your enemies
with fear and doubt. Each affected creature takes a -1 penalty on
attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear effects.
Bane counters and dispels Bless. [D20/3.5]
from Chaos / Good – As Protection from Evil but
affects creatures/effects of either Chaos or Good, as selected.
Fear – Reversed Remove Fear (C1).
Light Wounds – Reversed Cure Light Wounds.
Requires touch (brawl melee attack) but ignores armour; parry and
Defence apply. Inflicts d8 damage.
Doom –
Casting: Standard (4s,VSM); Range: 100ft +10ft/lvl; Area: 1 living
creature; Duration: 1 min/lvl; Save: Neg (WISx5). Fills target
with horrible dread that causes it to become shaken (attack
rolls x1/2, saves at -2). [D20/3.5]
Hold Undead
– As
AD&D 2nd-level Cleric spell Hold
Person, but
only undead creatures are affected. [SJW]
Weapon – Casting: Standard (4s,VSM); Range: 0; Area:
Weapon touched; Duration: 1 min/lvl; Save: N/A. Gives
weapon a magical +1 damage bonus for the duration. Does not
stack with any existing magic bonus, and does not affect natural
weaponry (fists, claws etc). [D20/3.5]
– Casting: Standard (2s,VSM); Range: 60ft; Area: One object;
Duration: Permanent; Save: Neg (WISx1*). Non-magical
glass, ceramic or similar items of under 10lbs per level must save v
'crushing blow' or be shivered into dozens of pieces
(possessor can try WISx1). [AD&D]
Spiritual Weapon – As D&D3
spell, but the weapon can take the form of a longsword, mace,
falchion, battleaxe, battle-pick or spiked flail.
Emotions – Casting: Standard (4s,VSM); Range: 100ft
+10ft/level; Area: 20ft radius; Duration: Concentration, up to 1
rnd/lvl; Save: Neg (WISx5). Suppresses rage/fear/joy etc in
affected creatures, removing their will to fight or revel. They can
still defend themselves. Aggressive action against any affected
creature negates the spell for all creatures affected.
Command Undead – As
AD&D 2nd-level Cleric spell Hold
Person, but
only undead creatures are affected, and they will obey any one-word
command given as the spell is cast. The typical command, and their
default action if none given, is to 'Turn' (i.e. flee).
– Casting: Standard (4s,VSM, Unholy Water & 25gp of silver
dust); Range: 25ft +5ft/2lvls; Area: 20ft radius; Duration: 2
hours/level; Save: N/A. This spell imbues an area with
negative energy. Undead within this area gain +3 v Turn/Hold/Destroy
spells, and +1 damage rolls and any other saving throws; undead
summoned/created within the area will be of +20% SIZ (i.e. HPs).
If the desecrated area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent
fixture dedicated to the caster's religion, these modifiers are
doubled (+6 v turning, +2 on damage/saves, +40% SIZ/HP for
undead in the area). Furthermore, anyone who creates undead within
this area may create as many as double the normal amount of undead
(that is, 20HP per caster level rather than 10HP per
caster level). If the area contains an altar, shrine, or other
permanent fixture of a deity, pantheon, or higher power other than
your patron, the Desecrate spell instead curses the area,
cutting off its connection with the associated deity or power. This
secondary function, if used, does not also grant the bonuses and
penalties relating to undead, as given above. Desecrate
counters and dispels Consecrate. [D20/3.5]
– Casting:
Standard (4s,VSM); Range 0; Area: n/a; Duration: one attack; Save:
n/a. Next attack is at x2 and does extra damage of +1 per
Power level. (AD&D: +4 to hit, +1 damage per level).
[Adapted from D&D3 Paladin/Destruction ability by SJW]
Burst – Casting: Standard (4s,VSM); Range: 25ft
+5ft/2levels; Area: 10ft radius; Duration: Instantaneous; Save: Half
(CONx5). Blasts the target area with a tremendous cacophony.
Every creature takes d8 damage (even if they can't hear) and must
save (CONx5) or be stunned for 1 round (can't act, Defence halved).
Defence applies. [D20/3.5]
Bestow Curse – Reversed
Remove Curse (C3).
Cause Disease –
Reversed Cure Disease (C3).
Control Lesser Undead
- As
AD&D 2nd-level Cleric spell Hold
Person, but
only skeletons and zombies are affected. They will obey any one-word
commands given by the caster for the duration of the spell. A typical
command is to 'Turn' (i.e. flee), and this is their default action if
no commands are given. [SJW]
Vestment – Casting: Standard (6s,VSM); Range: Touch;
Area: Armour/Shield touched; Duration: 1 hour/level; Save: N/A.
Gives any shield or armour (or clothing) a +1 bonus (i.e. +1 Armour
Point) per three levels, subject to a total maximum of +5. [D&D3.0]
Protection from Chaos / Good 10ft radius
– As Prot. from Evil 10ft r. (C4) but affects
creatures/effects of either Chaos or Good, as selected.
Critical Wounds – Reversed Cure Critical Wounds.
Requires touch (brawl melee attack) but ignores armour; parry and
Defence apply. Inflicts 4d8 damage (which may well inflict a
critical/grievous injury).
Divine Power –
Casting: Standard (7s,VSM); Range: 0; Area: Caster; Duration: 1
round/level; Save: N/A. As Smite, but lasts for several
rounds. [SJW]
Order's Wrath – Casting:
Standard (7s,VS); Range: 100ft +10ft/lvl; Area: 30x30ft; Duration: 1
round; Save: Half (WISx5). A lattice of lawful energy smites
the area, inflicting d8 damage per 2 levels to chaotic-aligned
creatures, half that to neutrals and leaving lawful-aligned creatures
unharmed. Affected creatures
are also dazed for 1 round (unable to act, except to parry/dodge).
WIS save halves damage and negates daze effect. Defence applies.
Unholy Blight – Casting:
Standard (7s,VS); Range: 100ft +10ft/lvl; Area: 20ft radius;
Duration: 1-4 rounds; Save: Half (WISx5). A cold, cloying
miasma of greasy darkness infects the area, inflicting d8 damage per
2 levels to good-aligned creatures, half that to neutrals and leaving
evil-aligned creatures unharmed. Good
creatures are also sickened for d4 rounds (all attacks/skills at
x1/2). WIS save halves damage and negates sickening effect.
Defence applies. [D20/3.5]
Chaos / Good – As Dispel Evil (C5) but affects
creatures/effects of either Chaos or Good, as selected.
of Doom – Casting: Standard (8s,VS); Range: 0; Area:
20ft radius; Duration: Instant; Save: Half (CONx5). Negative
energy bursts outwards from the caster, inflicting d8 damage +1 per
level to living creatures in the area (but healing any undead that
amount instead). Defence applies.
Slay Living –
Reversed Raise Dead (C5).
Undead – Casting: 1 hour (VSM); Range: 25ft +5ft/lvl;
Area: 1 body; Duration: Instant; Save: None. Raises a dead
body as an undead. The caster's max power level limits the type of
creature created: Under 6 Ghoul; 6 Ghast; 7 Wight; 8 Mummy; 9+
Vampire. The creature is not controlled. [SJW]
Ghost – Casting: 1 hour (VSM); Range: 25ft +5ft/lvl;
Area: 1 body; Duration: Instant; Save: None. Raises an undead
spirit from a dead body. The caster's max power level limits the type
of creature created: Under 7 Shadow; 7 Wraith; 8 Spectre; 9+
Ghost. The creature is not controlled. [SJW]
– Reversed Heal (C6). Requires touch (brawl melee
attack). Ignores armour, but can be parried. Removes all
remaining hit points from the victim, and inflicts an additional d4
damage. Defence only applies to the additional 1-4 damage. [SJW]
Monster – As Hold Monster (M5).
– As Restoration (C7).
Unholy Word – Reversed Holy
Word (C7).
Destruction – Reversed
Resurrection (C7).
Disintegrate – As
Disintegrate (M6).
Dominate Monster –
Casting: 1 Round (VS); Range: 25ft +5ft/2 levels; Area: One Creature;
Duration: 1 day/level; Save: Neg (WISx5). Control the actions
of any creature via telepathy. Commands
spoken in a language it understands can be complex, but otherwise
only simple instructions can be transmitted, 'Come here', 'Stand
still', 'Fight', etc. It will continue to carry out commands to the
exclusion of all else, except as necessary for day-to-day survival.
Obviously self-destructive commands are not followed. Commands
against it's nature allow a new saving throw at +2. Issuing a new
telepathic command is equivalent to a move action. Concentrating
fully allows full sensory input to be received (but is still not as
good as being there); if this is not done each day, the creature gets
a new save. The link will not work across planar barriers or
Protection from Evil or
similar, but this just prevents new orders and does not break the
domination. [D20/3.5]
Wither –
Reversed Regeneration (C7).
Description: -
Deity: |
Ammon-Ra, the Golden, Lord of Light, God of the Sun |
Sphere: |
The Sun. Protection & Healing. Fighting Evil. |
Alignment: |
Lawful Good |
Symbols: |
Disc/Sphere (gold) or Cross (red). |
Holy Days: |
Midsummer & Yule (June 22nd & December 25th) |
Services: |
Weekly (Sunday), at Sunrise, Noon and/or Sunset (minor services are also held daily). |
Sacrifices: |
Valuables, especially Gold items |
Priestly Garb: |
Weapons: |
Priests - Blunt only (maces, flails, hammers, club, staff); Paladins - Any (but only sword, spear & lance are cult). |
Armour: |
Any armour (preferably golden), any shield |
Skills/Traits: |
One Cult Weapon, Shield, Oratory, First Aid, Ride / Brave, Pious, Just, Honest, Generous |
<”Before Time”: Prehistory/Gods War>
<Events in historical times, post Gods War>
<Funeral customs, Fate of worshippers souls>
<Holy symbols, animals etc>
??: ?
B. Friendly (Goodwill)
??: ?
C. Neutral (Tolerance)
??: ?
D. Hostile (Antipathy)
??: ?
E. Enemy (Hatred)
??: ?
(SJW, 13 November 2011)