MORADIN  - The Soul Forger, Creator of the Dwarves

God of the Dwarves – Dwarven pantheon, Greyhawk/Cantabria (Greater god)










Animate Dead

Cure Serious Wounds


Aerial Servant

Astral Spell



Continual Light

Detect Lie


Animate Object

Control Weather

Create Water

Detect Charm

Create Food


Cure Critical Wounds

Blade Barrier +


Cure Light Wounds

Find Traps

Cure Blindness


Dispel Evil

Conjure Animals


Detect Evil

Hold Person

Cure Disease

Lower Water

Flame Strike

Find the Path

Holy Word

Detect Magic

Know Alignment

Dispel Magic

Neutralize Poison

Insect Plague




Resist Fire

Feign Death

Prot. from Evil 10ft r.

Plane Shift

Part Water


Protection from Evil

Silence 15ft r.

Glyph of Warding

Speak with Plants


Speak with Monsters


Purify Food

Slow Poison

Locate Object

Sticks to Snakes

Raise Dead

Stone Tell +

Symbol +

Remove Fear

Snake Charm



True Seeing

Word of Recall

Wind Walk

Resist Cold / Fire X

Speak with Animals

Remove Curse


Earth Sense

Animate Rock

Divine Craftsmanship +


Spiritual Hammer

Speak with Dead

Control Temperature

Wall of Iron

Conjure Earth Elemental

Iron Body +

Animate Weapon

Enhance Skill

Cure Serious Wounds

Enchant Weapon


Earth Power

Miracle +

Cure Burns

Heat Metal

Fire Hammer

Meld into Stone


Forbiddance +

Prot. f. Forged Weapons

Detect Metal

Identify Mechanics

Moradin's Breath

Restore Earth


Statue +


Resist Elements +

Protection from Fire

Stone Shape

Wall of Stone












Turn Undead +






Special Spell Descriptions   (Spells marked + are not available in Cantabria; struck-out spells marked X are available in Cantabria only).

Animate Weapon - Casting: Standard (4s,VSM); Range: Touch; Area: 1 weapon; Duration: 1 minute/level; Save: n/a. Animates one weapon to attack one opponent as instructed by the caster. [SJW]
Cure Burns - Casting: Standard (5s,VS); Range: Touch; Area: Person touched; Duration: Instant; Save: n/a. Cures all damage and injuries caused by burning. [SJW]
Detect Metals - Casting: Standard (1rnd,VSM); Range: 30ft???????; Area: Person touched; Duration: Instant; Save: n/a. Cures all damage and injuries caused by burning. [SJW]
Resist ElementsAs D&D3 spell (C2).

Enhance Skill - ????
Heat MetalAs 2nd-level AD&D spell.
Identify Mechanics - ????
Protection from Fire - ????
StrengthAs 2nd-level Magic-user spell.
Turn UndeadAs AD&D Cleric 2nd-level spell Hold Person, but only undead creatures are affected, and will flee for 1 turn. [SJW]

Cure Serious WoundsAs AD&D Cleric 4th-level spell, but cures 3d8 hit points and any serious injury.
Fire Hammer - ???? (like Fireblade – but better?)
Moradin's Breath - ???? brings suits of armour alive (and/or weapons?) to fight (other things? Triggerable?? like Magic Mouth)
Stone Shape - As 3rd-level Druid spell.

Anvil - ????
Control Temperature - As 4th-level Druid spell.
Enchant Weapon - As 4th-level Magic-user spell, Enchanted Weapon.
Meld into Stone - As D&D3 spell (Cleric 3).
Restore Earth - ????
Wall of Stone - As 5th-level Magic-user spell.

Cure Critical WoundsAs AD&D Cleric 5th-level spell, but cures 4d8 hit points and any critical/grievous injury.
Earth Sense - ????
Wall of IronAs 5th-level Magic-user spell.

Animate Rock - As 7th-level Druid spell.
Conjure Earth Elemental - As 7th-level Druid spell.
Earth Power - ????
Forbiddance - As D&D3 spell (Cleric 6).
Statue - As 7th-level Magic-user spell.

Divine Craftsmanship - ????
Iron Body - As D&D3 spell (Cleric/Earth 8).
MiracleAs D&D3 spell (Cleric 9).
Protection from Forged Weapons - ????

Enchant Runestones
(Divination/Ritual) (C 2nd - Dwarven) [From Dragon #129]
VSM; CT 1 Turn; R 10ft; AoE One set of runestones; D Permanent; ST None.
With this spell, a Dwarf may prepare a set of Runestones to give greater accuracy in the casting of Augury and Divination spells. The cleric makes a set of 6-20 stones, inscribing them with special Dwarven runes, and casts this spell upon them. When a divination spell is cast, the Runestones are tossed upon the ground and read as part of the divination process. The reading of the Runestones gives greater accuracy with divination spells, the exact gain in accuracy varying from spell to spell (Augury & Divination +10% accuracy; others double duration or similar). (Material components: the Runestones and a Holy Symbol).

Enhance Skill (Enchantment) (C 2nd - Moradin) [SJW]
VSM; CT 1 Turn; R Touch; AoE Individual; D One Job; ST None.
The recipient of this spell gains a bonus to one of the Six Favoured Skills The Favoured Skills are Smithing, Armouring, Weaponcrafting, Gem Cutting, Stonemasonry and Fighting (with Hammer, Axe or Pick). The caster decrees which skill will be enhanced and the task to be performed. The bonus lasts until the recipient completes or otherwise ceases working on the task. Any period of rest will break the spell. Typical tasks are: forging an axe, cutting a gem, fighting an enemy. The bonus is +5% (weapons +1 to hit) per level of caster, up to a maximum of the normal skill of the recipient (or proficiency bonus [AD&D: level]). (Material component: Holy Symbol).

Enchant Weapon (Divination) (M 4th) [Adapted from PHB, by SJW]
VSM; CT 1 Turn; R Touch; AoE One Item; D Special; ST None.
This spell turns an ordinary weapon into a magical one. The weapon will be the equivalent of a +1 (+5%) weapon for 1 Turn per level. One normal-sized weapon or two small weapons (e.g. arrows, bolts or quarrels) can be affected. This spell can also affect armour and shields, not just weapons. Note particularly that this spell can be used to bestow a permanent bonus on the item: if successive Enchant Weapon spells are cast during the manufacture of an item so that is continually affected, then the item will take on the +1 bonus permanently (over and above any quality from the crafter's skills). (Material component: Holy Symbol of Moradin (or powdered lime & carbon)).

Restore Earth (Alteration) (C 4th - Dwarven) [From Dragon #129]
VSM; CT 1 round; R Touch; AoE Special; D 1 round per level; ST None.
This spell allows a Dwarven cleric to heal damage to an earthen structure. Once the spell is cast, the structure gradually restores itself. For each round the spell remains in effect, the stone, earth or metal fabric is healed of one point of structural damage. The spell cannot restore structures which have been totally destroyed, such as a castle wall battered to rubble or an iron gate smashed to pieces. (Material component: a small piece of clay mixed with iron filings and roughly moulded to resemble the original structure).

Grow Pointy Ears (Alteration) (C 5th - Dwarven) [MSW/SJW]
VS; CT 1 round; R 0; AoE 1 mile radius; D Permanent; ST None.
With this spell, a Dwarven cleric can ensure a good supply of kindling for starting fires, be they forge fires, camp site fires or forest fires. When the spell is cast, all Pointy Ears (i.e. Elves) within the area of effect are literally rooted to the spot and irrevocably stiffen up. Thereafter they will sprout leaves and generally continue to grow like trees, if allowed to - however, their wood makes excellent kindling so they are usually harvested.

Earth Sense (Divination) (C 6th - Dwarven) [Adapted from Dragon #129]
VSM; CT 1 Turn; R 0; AoE 1/4 mile radius per level; D Concentration; ST None.
This spell empowers the cleric to key his senses into the surrounding earth or stone to monitor the conditions of the area. The cleric is then able to note anything unusual or important happening within the volume of effect, via a vague feeling of unease or impending danger. If such a feeling is experienced, the cleric may then try to concentrate on determining the specific cause. The chance to successfully identify it is 5% per level of the caster. Failure identifies the general area in which the problem is occurring but not the specific cause. There are many things which could cause alarm: large-scale digging, sapping, unsympathetic mining, large burrowing creatures, earth-affecting magic, heavy movements under or overground, pre-earthquake stresses, build-up of dangerous gas pockets, volcanic activity, etcetera. Note that this spell may only be cast at a properly consecrated altar under stone (that is, underground or in a stone building). (Material components: Holy Symbol and a sample of stone from the area).


A. Before Time

The Dwarven gods grew from the primordial mountains before the dawn of time. Moradin is the greatest of the Dwarven gods and leader of them all. His wisdom and leadership held the clan of the Dwarven gods together in its struggles with the gods of other races. Great battles were fought with the gods of other races who wished to drive the Dwarven gods from the mountains, and the Dwarven gods were ever outnumbered.
The gods of Orcs and Giants were amongst those ancient enemies but by far the bitterest battles were fought against Maglubiyet and other Goblin gods who ravaged the underworld and threatened the Dwarven gods' sacred homeland.
Moradin is a great warrior but, more than that, he is the finest smith and crafter of all - other immortals notwithstanding. He gained the trust of Dumathoin, who showed him the marvellous bounty of the metals and minerals under their mountain home, and earned that god's undying loyalty by cutting a rough gem to reveal the secret beauty which lay within. 
Moradin created the superlative armour which protected the other gods and the weapons they used but, moreover, directed the best use of those tools to make sure they were used wisely and successfully. With the unity inspired by Moradin's leadership, and the weapons and armour forged by his skill - as well as the reckless bravery of Clanggedin - the Dwarven gods won a permanent place for themselves in the mountains. Where Clanggedin might decide the tactics to be used in a given encounter it was Moradin who was the supreme strategist and planned the victories.
The stature of the Dwarven gods was earned by the greatness of the deeds they respectively performed - this is reflected in their physical stature. Moradin's height is twenty feet: no other Dwarven god stands as tall, for his deeds are the greatest and most honourable.
At the Dawn of Time, he created the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves in his workshop, the Soul Forge, beneath the Holy Mountain. As the First Dwarves cooled, he blew the Breath of Life into them, bestowing upon them the gift of his creativity and, of necessity, free will. Abbathor saw the Dwarves and, appreciating the exquisite craftsmanship with which they were fashioned, desired them for his own. But Moradin, with great wisdom and foresight, appointed Dumathoin as protector of the Dwarves.

B. Since Time Began

The Dwarves, imbued with the creative spirit of Moradin, use the secrets that Dumathoin shares with them to delve into the earth and bring out the hidden beauty that lies within that realm: Great cavern systems, sympathetically carved from the living rock; gold and gems brought forth to shine with the splendour born of loving craftsmanship; other metals and minerals liberated from the base ores to make the fine tools with which the world can be made a better and more orderly place.
It is said that the greatest of all mortal dwarves, the First Dwarven King, forged the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords with the direct aid of Moradin, the Soul Forger, himself. As a result the King was able imbue the Axe with its own spirit, confirming that Dwarves had inherited Moradin's creative talents. Since then other great Dwarven craftsmen have emulated this great deed, in accordance with the will of Moradin the Soul Forger.

C. Life after Death

The devout worshippers of Moradin live, after death, in the Halls around the Soul Forge within his Holy Mountain. There they continue the work of their lifetimes, and are taught to perfect their crafts by great Dwarven master craftsmen of the past - and, sometimes, even by Moradin himself. This is very much a continuation of material life, as befits the Dwarven ideal of stability. Therefore there is no ban on the dead being resurrected (as, for example, is imposed upon Clanggedin Paladins fallen in battle): it is merely a question of where the Dwarf can best continue his work.
If the deceased has important work unfinished upon the material plane, he may well - if Moradin wills - return to attempt its completion. In the vast majority of cases, however, it is recognised that a Dwarf will be much better off in the Halls of Moradin.
Deceased Dwarves should always be buried under stone. Sometimes this is only a cairn of boulders, but preferably they should be entombed in catacombs deep underground where it is certain that Dumathoin will watch over the body, until it returns to the stone and metal from which it was made. Frequently, a Dwarf will be buried with the favourite tools of his trade, so that he may continue to use them in the spirit world.

D. Symbolic Associations

The Hammer is the Holy Symbol of Moradin. His Crafter-Priests display the device of an upright glowing hammer, using either an actual hammer or a gold miniature of one as the Holy Symbol component of their spells. 
Crafter-Priests robes are vary depending upon the temple of their allegiance but are always earthy colours:

Smithing : Black

Armouring : Silver

Weaponcrafting : Grey

Gem Cutting : White

Stonemasonry : Dark Grey

Fighting : Brown

Others of his followers, wishing to display unusual piety, use the device of the Hammer above the Anvil (the other major tool of his trade). Paladins, or would-be paladins, are wont to do this. Moradin teaches that no race or creature is greater than the Dwarven Race. Therefore no Dwarven sect has a living creature as its Holy Symbol, and none hold any animal as particularly sacred.


A. Reason for Continued Worship

Moradin is owed worship by all Dwarves, as he is the creator and inspiration of the Dwarven Race. Active worship reminds Dwarves of their responsibility to use wisely the creative Spirit of Moradin which lives within them. Moradin is the Greatest and Leader of all the Dwarven gods (even Abbathor defers to him). As a result individuals primarily worshipping one of the other Dwarven gods are also, indirectly, worshippers of Moradin. 
All Dwarves are at least lay worshippers of Moradin, except for outcasts. His continued worship underpins and binds together all of the Dwarven sects, and thus unites Dwarven society against the largely hostile outer world.

B. Social/Political Position and Power

The Church of Moradin affects all levels of Dwarven society. The craftsmen labour according to Moradin's will and tithe to their Kirk (Chapel); the Lords and King listen to the advice of his priests and thus rule wisely and well. A Dwarven King could not rule without the backing of the Church of Moradin. Internecine strife - often rampant in human kingdoms - is unheard of, and the whole Dwarven Nation works to the plans laid down by the King, with guidance from the Conclave of Master-Priests of Moradin. As the other Dwarven gods defer to Moradin, this is reflected on the material plane. For example, Clanggedin Paladins might decide how a military campaign were to be fought but the Priests of Moradin would advise the King as to how long it should last or whether it should be fought at all.

C. Particular Likes and Dislikes

Dwarves are an insular Race, viewing other races with justified (and ancient) suspicion. Dwarves regard goblins and their ilk as despoilers of the earth, spiritually incapable of craft and creativity: such pests must be wiped out, in order to preserve the world (by other races, less sensitive to such matters, this conservationist stance is often seen merely as racial hatred). Dwarves also dislike races who have a physical stature greater than their spiritual development deserves. This feeling is proportionate, so the giant races arouse particular antipathy. 
The Orcs hold the surface of many mountainous areas of Cantabria and are traditional enemies. But at least they seem to admire the stark grandeur of the mountains and leave their veins largely undisturbed. In more recent times it has been recognised that a tribe of Orc’s that worship Ilmatar are no threat at all and there are cordial relations with this tribe.
The ubiquitous humans of Cantabria are usually tolerable: they have done some good works in the past and sometimes produce promising craftsmen - but none of them live long enough to acquire any real skill. Sadly, humans seem more concerned with quantity than quality, quite contrary to the Dwarven way. 
The flighty and fickle elves, on the other hand, are exasperating. Many of them have the talent for excellent workmanship and they certainly have the time, but they just can't be bothered. Having a limited attention span, they seem completely incapable of working on any item for more than one octade!
Note that, in Dwarven society, there is no distinction between the sexes. Dwarves dislike shoddiness, laziness, lies and thievery because of the moral rectitude and diligence inspired in them by Moradin. Generally, worshippers of Moradin (i.e. Dwarves) appreciate good workmanship of any kind, though that relating to metals and minerals is valued more highly than, say, wood crafting. Dwarves (i.e. worshippers of Moradin) respect the earth and its bounty: they mine sympathetically and carefully, despising those who do so rapaciously and destructively. They regard trees as useful weeds that grow back quickly - a handy source of pit-props. However the wood from certain mushrooms, is far better as it does not seem to rot from damp or decay so rapidly. In the fungus of the underworld is, in dwarven eyes far more diverse and useful source of materials for all kinds of endeavours. Dwarven beer is made from the fermentation process of a certain mushroom.


A. Inter-Temple Organisation

Temples of Moradin are only found in Dwarven strongholds, where they may be properly defended. Each Temple is directly responsible for the upkeep and defence of any chapels (or 'kirks') it has established in surrounding areas. Chapels are usually found in mountainous regions, such areas where mining, smelting and/or smithing are important industries, or any other place Dwarves may live. Chapels contain shrines to the other Dwarven gods and frequently have sub-chapels within them, though the Priests of Moradin retain authority over all the others. Each chapel will be attended by at least one Priest, possibly more, and will be in regular contact with its home Temple. Shrines to Moradin may be found anywhere that Dwarves have had cause to dwell for any length of time in the past. These minor holy sites are visited by Crafter-Priests regularly but infrequently.
Within each kingdom, a Master-Priest (high priest) of the most prestigious Temple is appointed the Guildmaster-Priest (primate) of the whole Church of Moradin. He leads the Conclave of Master-Priests which advises the Dwarven Kings on matters both spiritual and temporal. The Conclave relays the King's decrees as necessary to the Temples of lesser Dwarven gods and, in cases where spiritual disputes arise between the various sects, the word of the Conclave of Master-Priests of Moradin is final.
Within Cantabria there were traditionally three separate dwarven kingdoms. Helms Deep, Clanggedin’s seat (which was sealed a long time ago) and Moradin’s seat. Moradin’s seat has been occupied by evil forces for many years.
Helm's Deep, the hidden Dwarven city in the mountains north of Cantabria, is large enough to support several Temples of Moradin. Each Temple has come to represent the trades using one of the Favoured Crafting Skills of Moradin: Smithing, Armouring, Weapon crafting, Stonemasonry and Jewelling. (The sixth Skill, that of Fighting, is best represented by the Temple of Clanggedin. The other major Dwarvish professions, miners and merchants, are represented by the Temples of Dumathoin and Vergadain respectively).

B. Intra-Temple Organisation

Temples are organised like artisans' workshops but semi-democratically. Each Temple has a Master-Priest whose duty it is to lead the main force of Priests, Paladins and Initiates. Priests are divided according to their level of skill: those who have shown expertise in a favoured skill are called Crafter-Priests, others are merely Journeyman-Priests. Paladins are similarly divided into Crafter-Paladins and Journeyman-Paladins. Those still training are known as Apprentice-Priests or Apprentice-Paladins.
Initiates are known as Journeymen-Initiates (there is no 'Crafter' status for Initiates unless they make the extra commitment to become Crafter-Paladins).
The Laity are sometimes referred to as 'Apprentices' but, outside of theology class, this is an impolite usage: no-one would call an Axe-Lord of Clanggedin an Apprentice and hope to get away with it!
The Master-Priest is elected for eight years, from amongst the sufficiently-skilled Crafter-Priests, by the Initiates, Paladins and Journeyman-Priests. The candidates may not vote but merely advise upon the choice. An outright majority is required. If it is not decided on the first round of voting, the candidate with the least votes drops out (he may then vote) and the process continues until it is decided. To be eligible for election, a Crafter-Priest must have demonstrated mastery, expertise and talent in Favoured Skills (as a Latecomer Paladin). Note that even though many may have shown such mastery, only the one elected is given the title of Master-Priest (so each Temple has only one Master, reflecting the fact that the Church itself has only one).

C. Centre of Power & Holy Places

Moradin's Seat, the Dwarven city in the southern mountains of Cantabria, was until recently the most important centre for worship of Moradin. The city is reputedly built at the site where Moradin rested after bringing the Fathers of the Dwarves to earth and delivering them into the care of Dumathoin. As such it has been a place of pilgrimage and special spiritual significance. However, Moradin's Seat was treacherously attacked by Dark Elves, Goblins and Orcs. The Temples were sealed with great magic’s to withstand a siege, but the rest of the city was taken and contact has now been lost with any Dwarves who may remain inside. 
Small expeditions have failed to recapture the city, including one led by the Dwarven King's late brother-in-law. Larger forces are forbidden by the rulers of neighbouring human lands. The Five Temples in Helm's Deep, long the centre of power, are now the major sites for Moradin worship.

D. Holy Days & High Holy Days

The first and last days of the Dwarven Sacred Time (the last sixteen days of each year) are High Holy Days dedicated to the worship of Moradin. (These are the 13th & 28th of December by the human calendar). The devout will make sacrifices of molten metals or specially crafted items at these times. The items are then distributed by the Priests to those undertaking quests or as rewards for completed quests.


A. Requirements

All Dwarves are (at least) lay members of the Church of Moradin. Lay members form the majority of worshippers and the salt of the earth of Dwarven society. Non-dwarves must satisfy the requirements a Dwarf would need for Initiation.

B. Restrictions

Lay members are expected to work loyally in their allotted place in Dwarven society (social mobility may be achieved through the military or one of the other Dwarven faiths). Lay members should observe the High Holy Days and tithe 1/8th of their income to the Church (or to one of the other Dwarven Temples).

C. Benefits

Lay members may purchase training in any of the Favoured Skills at reasonable rates:

Smithing (includes Black (Iron) smithing, or any other metal)

Armouring (any metal armour)

Weaponcrafting (includes Crossbowyery but not other Bowyery)

Gem Cutting (includes Jewelling)

Stonemasonry (not Mining)

Fighting (Any Hammer, Axe or Pick)

They may also purchase blessings for work involving these Favoured Skills.

D. Divine Intervention

Base 0%, but may receive a bonus of up to 10% for recent piety.


A. Requirements

Lay members of exceptional piety may become Initiates of Moradin. These Journeyman-Initiates are the loyal backbone of Dwarven society. They are a relatively large proportion of the population. Potential Initiates must currently be working for the good of Dwarven society and have been a lay member in good standing for at least eight years. They must be sponsored by an Initiate (or better) of Moradin, or a Paladin or Priest of an associated religion. They must demonstrate to a Crafter-Priest of the Temple that they have gained Expertise in one of the Favoured Skills and Talent in two others. Non-dwarves must satisfy the requirements a Dwarf would need to be a Paladin.

B. Restrictions

Initiates must continue to work for the good of Dwarven society. They must labour for the Temple one year in every eight (for lesser initiates most of these years are usually spent receiving training). Initiates must observe the High Holy Days and tithe 2/8th of their income to the Church. 

C. Benefits

Initiates may work for the Temple at any time, receiving food and board. Their Temple will usually attempt to rescue or ransom an Initiate who is held captive (but, if the Initiate has not deposited sufficient funds beforehand, the costs may be too high). Only Moradin Initiates may learn to construct Dwarven Repeating Crossbows (the techniques will only be taught to Expert crossbowyers, in any event).

D. Divine Intervention

Base chance is 1% per level (plus piety bonus of up to 10%).


A. Requirements

Dwarves of fanatical piety may become Paladins of Moradin. They are the leaders and unifiers of Dwarven society. They are pledged to take pride in their accomplishments and those of the Dwarven Race. The potential of many Paladins is noted by the Church hierarchy early on life and these are trained from youth in the ways of Moradin (All attributes must be 12+ and STR, WIS or CHA must be 15+). The 'Chosen' Paladins will receive training in Favoured Skills to the level required for Initiate status (they will be expected to achieve the greater skills demanded of Latecomer Paladins as soon as possible). Other 'Latecomer' Paladins come to their vocation later in life. These potential Paladins must be active Initiates and must have been in good standing with the Temple for at least eight years. They must demonstrate Mastery of one of the Favoured Skills, Expertise in two more and Talent in the other three. They must also have proven leadership ability.
All new Paladins must be sponsored by a Crafter-Priest, or Crafter-Paladin, and must complete a task set down by the Master-Priest of the Temple. This task should be a challenge to their skills, but not impossible (e.g. A weaponsmith may be required to fashion a Hammer of very good quality (+2) for the Priest). Anyone failing this test may try again in eight years time, if they are still in good standing of course. Non-dwarves cannot become Paladins of Moradin.

B. Restrictions

Moradin Paladins may only use the Hammer, Axe or Pick in combat. They may use any kind of Crossbow but no other bow. They may use Shield and any kind of metal armour. They must tithe 4/8ths of their income and spend at least half of their time in direct service of the Temple. At all times they must work towards furthering the cause of Moradin. They are, of course, required to observe the Holy Days and make sacrifices. Moradin Paladins are sworn to heed the advice of their Priests.

C. Benefits

As with all Cantabrian Paladins those of Moradin gain use of clerical spells. Paladins retain all the benefits of Initiation. Good-quality equipment (e.g. +1 Chainmail and Hammer) will be made available for Paladins' use whenever they require it. Facilities exist within the Temples for Paladins to manufacture or repair their own equipment, free of charge. Paladins may request any magic they need from the Priests.

D. Divine Intervention

Base chance is 4% per level (plus bonus from any sacrificed piety).


A. Requirements

The Priests of Moradin are the Advisors, Arbitrators and Spiritual Teachers of Dwarven society. They are always chosen by the Temples and trained from youth. They must have STR, INT and WIS of 12+ and at least one of these must be 15+; in addition they must have CHA 12+ and DEX 9+. Non-dwarves are never chosen to become Priests of Moradin.

B. Restrictions

The Priests must continually strive to master the Favoured Skills, and pass their skills and piety on to the faithful. It is they who are most actively involved in giving the training purchased by the Laity. Priests may only wield Hammers in combat, and may not use Crossbows. They may wear only Chainmail armour, but Shields are permitted. A Priest must always be working for the Temple, but may keep 1/8th of any money earned for his own (this is colloquially known as 'Beer Money').

C. Benefits

Those chosen to be Apprentice-Priests will be trained in the Favoured Skills up to Initiate levels. The Temple will provide for all a Priest's needs and will always try to free a Priest held to ransom. As the Priest advances in level, he will be provided with superior quality equipment: 3rd level +1 Hammer, 5th level +1 Shield, 7th +1 Chainmail. If they should lose these items, they will be provided with the resources necessary to manufacture replacements.

D. Divine Intervention

Base chance is 2% per level (plus bonus from any sacrificed piety).

E. Spell Lists

The Priests and Paladins of Moradin may select from the following spells. Some spells are marked as pertaining to the sphere of a particular deity: if the cleric has offended in some way against that deity (e.g. by missing their High Holy Day) then the relevant spell(s) will be not be available until the cleric has atoned (e.g. by observing the next High Holy Day properly).

0th Level
Bless own endeavour

1st Level
Command (Moradin)
Cure Burns
Cure Light Wounds 
Detect Evil 
Detect Magic
Detect Metal (Dumathoin)
Light (R) 
Protection from Evil 
Remove Fear
Resist Cold 
Resist Fire [PHB,C2] (Moradin)

2nd Level
Augury (Moradin)
Enhance Skill [Special] (Moradin)
Find Traps [PHB,C2] (Vergadain)
Heat Metal [PHB,D2] (Moradin)
Hold Person 
Identify Mechanics
Know Alignment (Berronar)
Protection from Fire
Slow Poison 
Spiritual Hammer 
Strength [PHB,M2] (Clanggedin)

3rd Level
Continual Light (R)
Cure blindness
Cure Disease 
Cure Serious Wounds
Dispel Magic
Fire Hammer
Glyph of Warding (Berronar)
Moradin’s Breath
Locate Object (Abbathor)
Remove Curse
Stone Shape [PHB,D3] (Dumathoin)

4th Level
Control Temperature 10’ Radius
Detect Lie
Enchant Weapon/Armour
Meld into Stone*
Neutralize Poison
Protection from evil 10’ Radius
Restore Earth
Wall of Stone

5th Level
Commune (Moradin)
Cure Critical Wounds
Dispel Evil
Plane shift
Raise Dead
Earth Sense [Special Dumathoin]
True Seeing (Berronar)
Wall of Iron

6th Level
Animate Rock [PHB,D7]
Conjure Earth Elemental
Earth Power [Special] (Dumathoin)
Find the Path
Word of Recall

7th Level
Holy Word
Protection from forged weapons


A. Divine Retribution

Any Initiate who knowingly and intentionally commits an act of shoddy work, will be struck by the Curse of the Bare Face (that is, their beard will fall out). This would usually result in the perpetrator's becoming an outcast, but acts of Atonement, decreed by a Crafter-Priest, may restore their status and adornment. For any Paladin or Priest who committed such a blasphemous act there would be no hope of restoration: they would be permanently outcast and all their clerical abilities and benefits lost. Any offender who actively continues his blasphemies will suffer an attack by minor spirits (called Gremlins) when attempting to use any Favoured Skill in a particularly critical situation (or about 10% of the time anyway). These spirits affect the victim like a Fumble spell cast at [MORADINS] level.

B. Subcults

There are no subcults dedicated to Dwarven Heroes as Moradin has forbidden Dwarves from worshipping other Dwarves.


A. Associated Religions

It is a sign of Moradin's good leadership that the other Dwarven religions are allowed Associated (rather than 'Subservient') status, even though they all owe him obedience. The Dwarven greater gods provide the Priests/Paladins of Moradin with spells or skills commemorating services rendered to the Soul Forger before Time. These extra benefits are available only if the Priest/Paladin joins the other god's Temple as a lay member: note that this may entail extra tithing. Moradin allows one of the eighths of his due tithe to be paid to one of the associated Temples. None of the others, however, allow such tithe transfer. (Note that Abbathor insists upon double the usual rate of tithes, so a Priest joining that sect will have to give up his Beer Money for the privilege).

Berronar, Mother of Safety, Truth and Home

The 18ft patroness of honesty and home defence gives the use of these spells to her companion's followers:

Ring of Truth (Divination) (C 5th - Dwarven) [SJW]
VSM; CT 1 round; R 0; AoE 6" radius; D 1 turn/level; ST None.
Anyone in the area who tells a lie or attempts to hide, sneak or steal will be highlighted with a revealing glow (as Faerie Fire [PHB,D1]). This will last for the full duration of the spell, even if they subsequently leave the Ring. Also, if the caster voices the intention to reveal the perpetrator of a stated criminal or faithless act immediately prior to casting the spell, any guilty parties will immediately be similarly illuminated. The Ring of Truth does not move with the caster and if he or she leaves the circle the spell is broken.
(Material component: Two silver rings).

[The guests of the Late Dr. Black were gathered in the Dining Room, eyeing each other suspiciously. Suddenly the squat, bearded figure of a Dwarven priestess trundled in, bearing the unmistakable Twin Rings symbol of Berronar.
"Uh-oh", thought the guilty Professor Plum, "It's Miss Marble...".]

Rune of Impregnable Defence (Alteration) (C 7th - Dwarven) [From Dragon #129]
VSM; CT 2 hours; R 6"; AoE Special; D Special; ST Special.
This spell is used to strengthen the fortifications of a Dwarven stronghold by increasing the resistance of a castle wall, gate, portcullis, drawbridge or other defensive structure against physical or magical attack. A large Rune is inscribed on the surface of the structure in the last turn of casting. The Rune is created to protect a surface of up to 2500 square feet in area. The Rune is invisible after the spell is cast, but revealed by Detect Magic. The protection provided is not permanent - it fades away after 1 month unless renewed by casting Glyph of Warding upon it. This powerful Rune protects a surface from the attacks of battering rams, siege machines, stones hurled by catapults or giants, ballista missiles or any other physical attacks that inflict structural damage. Physical attacks inflict no damage to the surface. A section of castle wall or stone tower protected by this Rune cannot be collapsed by sappers' undermining, because the Rune maintains the strength and integrity of the structure and its underlying foundation.
The Rune also provides protection from many magical attacks. The structure may save (7+ required) to halve the structural damage inflicted by attacks like Lightning Bolt, Disintegrate, Earthquake or a Horn of Blasting. Also it may save to prevent a Passwall spell from affecting it. The Rune has an additional protective function: if a Prayer is cast upon it by a Dwarven cleric, the structure heals itself of 2 points of structural damage per round that the Prayer lasts. The Rune may be dispelled, but is treated as if cast by a cleric of at least 19th level. If the surface upon which it is inscribed is utterly destroyed, the Rune is also destroyed, and Prayer cannot produce any structural healing.
(Material components: Gold Diamond-tipped stylus [5000 GP] and Holy Symbol).

Dumathoin, Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain

The 18ft silent patron god of miners provides these spells to the friend he idolises:

Silence (at 2nd Level) [PHB,C2]

Conjure Earth Elemental (at 6th Level) [PHB,D7]

And, for one-use only, after a Major Quest:

Renew Deposit (Alteration) (C 7th) [From Dragon #129]
VSM; CT 2 hours; R Touch; AoE 1 Mine; D Special; ST None.
With this spell a Dwarven High Priest can renew the normally non-renewable mineral resources upon which Dwarven society depends. With this spell a depleted mineral or metal ore deposit can slowly grow and renew itself. First a mineral 'seed' must be prepared, of the same type as the deposit to be renewed. The value of the seed ranges from 5000 GP for a base metal (such as Iron) up to 25000 GP for a very rare substance (such as Mithril). Once the spell is cast, the depleted deposit slowly grows new ore until the vein is completely renewed. The rate of renewal depends on the substance:

Base metal 

5-30 years (e.g. Iron, Copper)

Precious metal 

20-80 years (e.g. Silver, Gold)

Very rare metal 

70-100 years (e.g. Mithril)

Semiprecious stones 

5-20 years

Fancy stones 

10-60 years


20-80 years

The substance grows until the original volume of the deposit is renewed. If the vein is again depleted, the spell may be cast again. If the vein is hastily mined before it is fully renewed, the spell is broken and no further growth occurs. Furthermore, no regrowth can ever occur even if the spell is cast again because the vein will have been spiritually polluted.
(Material component: The vastly expensive mineral 'seed').

Clanggedin Silverbeard, Father of Battle

The 17ft Champion of the Dwarves has given over the following special spell to his elder brother:

Mighty Blow (Evocation) (C 3rd - Dwarven) [SJW]
VSM; CT 1 seg; R Touch; AoE 1 Weapon; D 1 round; ST None.
If the weapon strikes a giant (or similar blasphemously tall creature) during the round of effect, the first blow will inflict a Critical Hit [AD&D Triple damage]. (Material component: the weapon, and a Holy Symbol if it isn't one).

Vergadain, Father of Wealth and Luck 

The 10ft patron of merchants and bard of the gods lends the following spell to his leader's minions:

Legend Lore (at 4th Level) [PHB,M5]

He also allows them to be taught the Evaluate skill at reduced cost [AD&D2: the Appraisal non-weapon proficiency, normally available only to Rogues].

Abbathor, Father of Jewellers

The 8ft god of acquisitiveness allows his leader's Priests the use of this First Level spell:

Detect Metals and Minerals (Divination) (C 1st - Dwarven) [From Dragon #129]
VSM; CT 1 round; R 0; AoE 1" wide path, 12" long; D 1 turn; ST None.
The caster concentrates on a specific type of metal or mineral. If it is in the area of effect, the exact location and approximate quantity are revealed. The caster may try to detect different substances throughout the duration of the spell, one type per round. The form in which they occur is shown: pure, refined or raw ore. The caster can walk and still concentrate on the spell, but cannot engage in strenuous activity and maintain the spell.
(Material component: Holy Symbol).

B. Enemy Religions

Goblins. Kill them. It is a grim duty - no laughing.


A. Demonstrations Of Skill

Followers of Moradin who must show skill with weapons are not usually sent out to pick on and slay some creature - that is more the way of Clanggedin. Usually they only have to spar with a Master Fighter in front of the Priest (and, frequently, the gathered Initiates), the object being to get a certain number of blows past the Master's guard in the time before a gong is struck. Demonstrations of the other Skills usually involve the postulant working at the Temple for a week (8 days) and attempting to produce an item specified by the Testing Priest.

B. Talent, Expertise & Mastery

The definitions of these levels of skill depend upon the game system:



AD&D (2nd Ed.): Must have the relevant proficiency (weapon/non-weapon).


2+ proficiencies


Skill ability 9+, THACO 20* or less (e.g. 1st level fighter).


5+ proficiencies


Skill ability 12+, THACO 18* or less (e.g. 3rd level fighter).


9+ proficiencies


Skill ability 15+, THACO 15* or less (e.g. 6th level fighter).

(* Specialism allows THACO one greater, double specialism three greater).

(Written by S.J.Wells; Edited by S.A.Brooks; Reformatted by SJW, 02 Oct 2006; Updated 13 Nov 2011)

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