Languages of Pandaria | langpand.htm |
COMMON | Spoken in Melderyn, Elorinar, Tharda, Rethem, Kaldor and Kanday. | [Classic Script] | (1) |
The Common Tongue - sometimes called "Central Common", or even "New Pandarian" - is the primary language of Pandaria itself, and is a preferred second language elsewhere. Almost a universal language, it is used as a 'Trade Talk' in the most distant lands and by many nonhuman races, and is said to be spoken even on other worlds. (The language originated with northwestern barbarian tribes, who brought it with them when they occupied the lands of Pandaria after the Migration Wars a thousand years ago. The local populace also adopted it and their own tongue, "Old Pandarian", is a dead language studied only by eccentric scholars.) |
WESTRON | Spoken in Corsh, Leonia and the Little Kingdoms of Chaubrette. | [Classic Script] | (1) |
Known as Beaulangue to native speakers, the Western Common tongue is the primary language of the Little Kingdoms of Chaubrette.. |
NORTHRON | Spoken in Mundia, Kurland, Kazlonia, Zax and Sullos. | [Classic Script] | (1) |
Northern Common, or Kurlish, is the harsh-sounding language of the Dark Empire and other northern lands. |
EASTRON | Spoken in Chybisa, Thessus, Koth and by the Peran barbarians. | [Emphidian Alphabet] | (1) |
The Eastern Common tongue(also known as Emphidian) is spoken throughout the region which once comprised the city-states of ancient Emphidor and also by the various barbarian tribes of Peran, who are of Emphidian descent. |
SOUTHRON | Spoken in Zishi, Araby, Ivinia, Pwene and the City of Porvendris. | [Jezant] | (1) |
Also known as Orbaalese, Southern Common is spoken in many lands around the coasts of the Middle Sea. The seagoing Orbaalese (Zishians) spread the language amongst the various arab nations which were once their colonies. |
Algandarve | Spoken throughout the kingdoms of Algandy, the crumbling MegaBarony of Lum. | [Classic Script] | (1) |
Vasic | A very old and crude language, still spoken in parts of the Kymerian isles. | [Nikkar Runic] | (1) |
Latter Mercanian | The language spoken by the reavers from the Mercanian Coast. | [Nikkar Runic] | (1) |
Sheban | The language of the common people of Sheba. | [Demotic Sheban] | (2) |
Klav | Spoken in the diabolist kingdom of Gash. | [Emphidian Alphabet] | (2) |
Raukil | Spoken in the lands of Bezira. | [Emphidian Alphabet] | (2) |
Unno | Spoken by the various nomad tribes of the Grazzendaal Plaine. | [Emphidian Alphabet] | (2) |
Etya'be'yely | Language of the Kazakh Steppe nomads. Various tribal dialects. | [No written form] | (3) |
Gazga | Languages of the Goblinoid tribes. There are at least three mutually unintelligible dialects, known as Goblin, Hobgoblin and Orcish. | [Orcish Scrawl] | (1) |
Elvish | The mellifluous language of the elven peoples. Also called Sindarin. | [Elvish Script] | (1) |
Quenya | High Elvish. Archaic language often used by noble elves for poetry. | [Elvish Script] | (1) |
Ancient Languages
Bacchile | Language of the old Corani Empire's bureaucracy and many sages. | [Classic (runic form)] | (2) |
Ancient Sheban | Timeless language of the Priests of Ancient Sheba. | [Sheban Heiroglyphs] | (3) |
Ancient Emphidian | Language of the advanced culture of ancient Emphidor. | [Emphidian Alphabet] | (2) |
Old Mercanian | Archaic form of the language of Mercania. | [Nikkar Runic] | (2) |
Old Kurlish | Archaic form of the Kurlish language. | [Classic Script] | (2) |
Old Pandarian | Original language of the first human natives of Pandaria, now virtually extinct. | [Classic Script] | (2) |
Low Cabbandari | Legislative language of the Empire of Woe and the Kingdom of Woe. | [Classic (runic form)] | (3) |
High Cabbandari | Convoluted language of the Wizard-Priests from the ill-fated Empire of Woe. | [Majestic] | (5) |
Lughwyd | Extinct language of the Swamp Lords of prehistoric Pandaria. No spoken form. | [Kell] | (3) |
The Millenial Song | Spiritual language of the legendary mountain-land of Shangri-La. | [Khitai Pictograms] | (5) |
Other Languages
The Black Speech | Priestly tongue of Melkor. Also spoken by some learned goblins. | [Feanorian Script] | (1) |
Dwarvish | A secret language taught to Dwarves only. It is virtually never spoken openly. | [Dwarvish Runes] | (2) |
Entish | Interminably verbose rumbling language, possible only for Ents. | [No written form] | (10) |
Thieves Cant | Coded speech of the criminal classes in some urban areas. | [Not written down] | (1) |
Temple Tongues | Special cult languages of the priests of particular religions. | [Various] | (1) |
Also notable: Centaur, Gnollish, Ogreish, High
Ogreish, Kobold, Lizardine and Draconic ("Auld
Gnomes and Halflings do not have their own languages, but usually
use the language of the local humans.
Classic Script | The most widespread writing in Pandaria. Includes a runic form with sharp, stately characters. | (1) |
Emphidian Alphabet | An ancient relative of the Classic script, but dissimilar enough to require learning separately. | (1) |
Nikkar Runic | A spare, linear script originally devised in old Mercania for cutting into wood and stone. | (1) |
Elvish Script | The Feanorian characters, used by the elves and their allies since time immemorial. | (1) |
Dwarvish Runes | The Angerthas Daeron. Dwarves use them, but also Nikkar or Classic runes as it suits them. | (1) |
Sheban Heiroglyphs | An ancient and semi-religious picture-writing. Unwieldy and almost useless for practical everyday purposes. | (3) |
Demotic Sheban | Debased form of heiroglyphs. Incorporates many other characters and useful modifications. | (2) |
Orcish Scrawl | Properly called Jezant, this is a sinuous and highly-accented script which flows backwards. | (2) |
Majestic | This bizarre alphabet was useed only by the Magi of Woe for their abstruse formal language, High Cabbandari. | (3) |
Kell | Used only for Lughwyd, it cannot be spoken as the symbol's pronunciation is now unknown. | (3) |
Khitai Pictograms | Thousand of individual pictograms, with no phonetic scheme. Immensely difficult to learn. | (4) |