ON GUARD – At the Hold of Gold
Character Campaign Activities in Down-Time


What the Heroes do between adventures - work to better themselves and society, or spend loot on drunkenness and debauchery – or just waste it!

In the Red Mountains of south Cantabria lies the Hold – liberated and now ruled, along with the nearby gold mine, by dwarf-lord Faradin and his adventurer companions. Below this
'Hold of Gold', it is said the lost dwarven city of Clanggedin's Seat hides sealed, it's secrets as yet undiscovered.

Nearby the Cave of Morwen's Rest, site of grisly and fatal betrayal, holds the focus of a magical portal from a mirror of the infamous dead wizard Tizun Thane. This gateway opens into the Halls of the Thane in the far lands of Ulek and thence, via further mirrors, even to other worlds! Characters can thus travel between the Hold and Halls, and perhaps even further afield if they so choose...

THE HOLD: The Gold Mine, Sprit village and new roads to Dragen and Sor – THE HALLS: In the borderlands of Ulek, ripe for colonization

HOLD AREA: Sprit Pass through the Southern Mtns

SOUTHERN MOUNTAINS: Port Raz & South Cantabria

BORDERLANDS: Between the Lortmil Mountains and wild Suss Forest

ULEK NATIONS: Principality of Ulek & the Eastern Ulek peninsula

THE ESSENTIAL RULES - Social Level and Status
Mostly as per standard
En Garde! rules but slightly adapted to the setting. You can read them and/or ask me via email.

Most important in those rules is your character's
SOCIAL LEVEL (SL) - which measures how highly-regarded they are by other members of society.
That need not be paramount, however, as this is a more wide-ranging RPG - your characters may have any goals you choose. But
SL still affects interactions with non-player characters, such as when joining a guild, regiment, club or temple, or being promoted to a higher rank, or a title.

To maintain
Social Level you need that many points of STATUS each month, otherwise SL decreases by one. SL increases by one if you get Status at least equal to the next Social Level x 3 in a month. Status doesn't carry forward.

Status is gained from your position in society: membership of a Guild or Regiment, a Temple, the right Club, and/or Appointments held. Also from activities, courting ladies, carousing, conspicuous consumption, excessive gambling, heroic achievements on campaign or adventure, besting rivals in honourable combat, exercising your wit... and anything else?

Non-player characters make many decisions: who gets appointed to a position, how many brigades go on campaign, should one regiment replace another, whether to execute a character for treason... Decisions by NPCs are D6 rolls versus a certain target number (which may be over 6). These decisions can be influenced by
FAVOURS. Favours can be gained from your Social Level, posts held, ladies wooed, and some other sources. Each Favour has a level - from just F1, which can influence a Captain, Major or mid-ranking Guild official, up to F9, which can sway the King! Each favour gives a +/-1 modifier. More than one can be spent, and higher-level favours give extra bonus: e.g. influencing a Guildmaster or Colonel (normally F3 required) with an F8 Favour (5 higher) would give a +/-5 modifier. Favours may be combined, for example two F3 Favours make one F4.
Favours are held to be even more powerful than Gold – although bribery is possible, and may have similar effect.

GOLD - Money is measured in Gold Crowns, which are very valuable in the Cantabrian area. They are equivalent to Gold Pieces of D&D.

GUILDS – Guilds are similar to the military regiments, but for civilians. It is not usual to belong to more than one, or a regiment either, as duties will almost inevitably clash. They have ranks, from apprentice to guildmaster (or other titles), which give respectability (Status) but demand dues and duties. Apprentices and journeymen (the next rank) are required to work 2 or 1 week a month respectively (as Privates/Sergeants duty in the military). Working an extra week, by any rank, will pay the monthly guild dues. Guildmasters may decide [4+, F3 to influence] to help the 'war effort' during the Summer military campaign. Membership of that guild must then work for the guild (throughout June, July & August), and checks are made for Death, Promotion, Mention & Crowns (profit) as with a military campaign (but reduced chance of Death and Mention).

TEMPLES – Membership of a temple brings status and requires tithes, but can also be of other benefit: healing, ransoming, etc, depending on the deity. This is simply Lay membership of the faith. To rise through the clerical hierarchy requires joining the Church of Cant (a guild).

Rules are based on
'En Garde!' (classic game of renaissance social climbing/duelling), adapted to the fantasy setting.

Players have one or more characters and may choose four activities to attempt each game month, each taking about a week. Time scale is about double the real world, thus allowing campaign history to progress yet not ageing characters too fast. So a game-month will occur roughly every two real weeks. If the schedule sounds too tight, don't worry: default actions apply if none are given in time for a month; and if chances are missed, that's just realistic!

The standard rules allow characters to pursue a military career, woo fine ladies, gain political influence, perhaps winning wealth, high office and titles – all the while carousing and wenching their fill – and cutting down social rivals with wit and sword. Extended rules allow characters to have civilian careers with various professional guilds, display their faith at temples, serve in a variety of local public appointments, and perhaps forge a mercantile empire by developing the lands newly opening up around the Hold & Halls. All this - and adventuring, and more – is now possible for your heroes!

Let me know what Actions you'd like your characters to do. See example results below, and this applet for possibilities. The buttons its buttons along the bottom line show: your Heroes; available Actions/Orders; Regiments, Clubs, Temples, Guilds to join; Ladies and Appointments to pursue...

Lands around Lord Faradin's Hold and Halls are ripe for development. Sprit village is on the Dragen-Sor Pass trade route, now guarded and paved by Dwarven troops. The Ulek borderlands, newly accessible, are rich in timber and other natural resources as yet unclaimed. Investors can become honoured “Aldermen of the Demesne”, entitled to develop sites on nearby land - and reap the profits. (See detailed rules here)


Being in the Main the Activities of Several Gentleman Adventurers during January 2088

Lord Faradin The Chosen One [PaulW] (SL10 = Knight)

2nd Child of a Wealthy Merchant Commoner, Colonel of the Hold Regiment, Male Dwarf

Favours: F2(Harriet),F9(King),3xF2(SL).

Crowns Status Activities

1061 14 B/F

+20 +3 Faradin receives his due as Colonel of the Red Mountains Hold Regiment.

+20 +4 Faradin receives his due as Lord of the Hold (HoLord)

+0 +3 Faradin receives his due as Thane of the Halls (Thane)

+60 +0 Faradin receives his allowance

-20 +0 Faradin supports himself as befits the social equal of a Knight

-5 +2 Faradin pays his tithe to the Dwarven Temple.

+0 +2 Faradin is a celebrated Hero (The Chosen One, Bearer of Kerok)

+0 +0 Week 1 : Faradin attempts to visit Miss Harriet Capracornia of Sprit but is denied entry.

-16 +0 Week 2 : Faradin Courts a Lady, Madame Alice Engardez of Hardale, and gives her some gifts. [Rqd:3;Roll:3@+0=3] The lady accepts his advances.

+0 +0 Week 3 : Faradin practices the Handaxe at (2). [80% +0%]

+0 +0 Week 4 : Faradin goes adventuring with Zel to Assault a stronghold of Giants [2,10,xSxCxxxxxSxSxCxxx]

----- -----

1120 28 Faradin continues at the Social Level of a Knight (10). Favours Gained: F2,F1,F2(SL).

Sword-Lord Zelinus Duetti [PeterW] (SL13 = Count)

1st Child of a Very Wealthy Nobleman (Duke), a Captain in the Sword Regiment, Male Human

Favours: 3xF3(SL).

Crowns Status Activities

15 4 B/F

+8 +0 Zel receives his due as a Captain in the Sword Brothers Regiment.

+38 +0 Zel receives his allowance

-26 +0 Zel supports himself as befits the social equal of a Count

-20 +4 Zel pays his tithe to the Sif Temple.

-5 +0 Zel maintains 1 Horse (3 Cr) and a Groom (2 Cr)

+0 +2 Zel is a celebrated Hero (Tomb Of Horrors, Slew Acererak)

+0 -2 Zel did not enjoy any female companionship this month.

----- -----

10 8 Zel falls to the Social Level of a Viscount (12). Favours Gained: F3(SL).

Absinthé the Bard [MikeC] (SL4 = Gentleman)

2nd Child of an Impoverished Nobleman (Knight), Civilian, Female Elf

Favours: None.

Crowns Status Activities

780 4 B/F

+0 +0 Absinthé receives no allowance

-8 +0 Absinthé supports herself as befits the social equal of a Gentleman

-15 +4 Absinthé pays her tithe to the Elven Temple.

-4 +2 Absinthé the Probationer pays her dues to the Bardic Beguiling Company.

+0 -2 Absinthé did not enjoy any male companionship this month.

----- -----

753 8 Absinthé continues at the Social Level of a Gentleman (4). Favours Gained: None.

Slobodan Megalodwarf [AlexW] (SL4 = Gentleman)

2nd Child of a Peasant Commoner, Civilian, Male Dwarf

Favours: None.

Crowns Status Activities

0 -2 B/F

+0 +0 Dan receives no allowance

+0 +0 CAN'T AFFORD TO Dan supports himself as befits the social equal of a Gentleman

+0 +0 CAN'T AFFORD TO Dan sends little what-nots to Baronetess Kethleen Muleteer of Adinos

+0 -2 Dan did not enjoy any female companionship this month.

----- -----

0 -4 Dan continues at the Social Level of a Gentleman (4). Favours Gained: F2&F3(Kethleen).

Sir Geradil the Reckless [PeterT] (SL8 = Most Honoured Gentleman)

2nd Child of an Impoverished Nobleman (Knight), Civilian, Male Elf

Favours: 3xF1(SL).

Crowns Status Activities

2259 3 B/F

+0 +0 Geradil receives no allowance

-16 +0 Geradil supports himself as befits the social equal of a Most Honoured Gentleman

-15 +4 Geradil pays his tithe to the Elven Temple.

+0 +1 Geradil is a celebrated Hero (Bearer of Kerok)

+0 -2 Geradil did not enjoy any female companionship this month.

----- -----

2228 6 Geradil falls to the Social Level of an Honoured Gentleman (7). Favours Gained: F1(SL).

Clave Nechratal [PhilT] (SL10 = Knight)

2nd Child of a Wealthy Nobleman (Baron), Lieutenant-Colonel of the Sword Regiment, Male Human

Favours: 3xF2(SL).

Crowns Status Activities

3836 4 B/F

+16 +2 Clave receives his due as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Sword Brothers Regiment.

+120 +0 Clave receives his allowance

-20 +0 Clave supports himself as befits the social equal of a Knight

-20 +4 Clave pays his tithe to the Sif Temple.

-5 +0 Clave maintains 1 Horse (3 Cr) and a Groom (2 Cr)

+0 -2 Clave did not enjoy any female companionship this month.

----- -----

3927 8 Clave falls to the Social Level of a Noble Gentleman (9). Favours Gained: F2(SL).

Mister Tree [MarkW] (SL8 = Most Honoured Gentleman)

2nd Child of a Well-To-Do Nobleman (Knight), Civilian, Male Elf

Favours: 3xF1(SL).

Crowns Status Activities

5359 9 B/F

+60 +0 Mistatri receives his allowance

-16 +0 Mistatri supports himself as befits the social equal of a Most Honoured Gentleman

-15 +4 Mistatri pays his tithe to the Elven Temple.

-42 +7 Mistatri sends little what-nots to Contessa Kelia of Soudal

+0 -2 Mistatri did not enjoy any female companionship this month.

----- -----

5346 18 Mistatri continues at the Social Level of a Most Honoured Gentleman (8). Favours Gained: F6(Kelia),F1(SL).

Origol Granitekey [SteveB] (SL10 = Knight)

3rd Child of a Very Wealthy Nobleman (Earl), Lieutenant-Colonel of the Hold Regiment, Male Dwarf

Favours: 3xF2(SL).

Crowns Status Activities

19 2 B/F

+16 +2 Origol receives his due as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Red Mountains Hold Regiment.

+28 +0 Origol receives his allowance

-20 +0 Origol supports himself as befits the social equal of a Knight

-5 +2 Origol pays his tithe to the Dwarven Temple.

+0 -2 Origol did not enjoy any female companionship this month.

----- -----

38 4 Origol falls to the Social Level of a Noble Gentleman (9). Favours Gained: F2(SL).

Quidderil Lightfinger [PaulS] (SL4 = Gentleman)

2nd Child of an Impoverished Nobleman (Knight), Civilian, Male Elf

Favours: None.

Crowns Status Activities

592 -2 B/F

+0 +0 Quid receives no allowance

-8 +0 Quid supports himself as befits the social equal of a Gentleman

+0 -2 Quid did not enjoy any female companionship this month.

----- -----

584 -4 Quid falls to the Social Level of a Commoner (3). Favours Gained: None.

Mistress Claudia Nova [MikeW] (SL4 = Gentleman)

2nd Child of an Impoverished Gentleman, Civilian, Female Human

Favours: None.

Crowns Status Activities

92 4 B/F

+0 +0 Claudia receives no allowance

-8 +0 Claudia supports herself as befits the social equal of a Gentleman

-20 +6 Claudia the Prestidigitator pays her dues to the Magicians Guild.

+0 -2 Claudia did not enjoy any male companionship this month.

----- -----

64 8 Claudia continues at the Social Level of a Gentleman (4). Favours Gained: None.

Gromok the Dwarf [Quent] (SL4 = Gentleman)

2nd Child of a Peasant Commoner, a Sergeant in the Hold Regiment, Male Dwarf

Favours: None.

Crowns Status Activities

49 -2 B/F

+4 +0 Grmok receives his due as a Sergeant in the Red Mountains Hold Regiment.

+0 +0 Grmok receives no allowance

-8 +0 Grmok supports himself as befits the social equal of a Gentleman

+0 -2 Grmok did not enjoy any female companionship this month.

+0 +0 Sergeant Grmok did insufficient duty with the Hold regiment.

----- -----

45 -4 Grmok falls to the Social Level of a Commoner (3). Favours Gained: None.

(For the earlier “Cantaboria: Legacy of Ayathgaron” PBeM – see here. For the Cantabria RPG campaign - see here).

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