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For two thousand years, since foolish men ruined the Divine Golden Age of Peace, the lands of Cantaboria have been plagued by unnatural evils. Nations rose and fell: wars, disease, zombies and foul sorceries ravaging all. Once the mighty empire of Ayathgaron gave hope of ending these millennia of chaos and suffering but now decays into insouciant decadence. Yet will another great nation arise in its wake to restore civilization - as the Legacy of Ayathgaron?



<Victor's Game-End Report to follow...>


URSUS: A Nec – Zoo, A Mal S A Nec – Zoo, A Plex – Boo, F Tempest C A Plex – Boo, F Ocean of storms S F Tempest, A Quime S A Ole – Ank, A Ole – Ank, A Obs – Eudopolis, A Tai – Ole, A Rav – Fionar, F Pol Hold, F Fion sea – Ursus, A Imn S A Jan, A Jan S A Imn; Bless Zoobar. Lose Boobar, Eudopolis; Gain Quime. 1 unit down. No Change.
ZOOBAR: A ZOO - NEC, A BOO S A ZOO - NEC; Vote Ursus. Lose Hambu; Gain Boobar. No change.
MELAN: F Pearl Sea to Hambu, F Iyapo to Pearl Sea, F Kabrevo Plain supports F Horror Strait to Tempest Ocean, F Horror Strait to Tempest Ocean, F Cantaborian Sea to Horror Strait, A Terravim supports ZOOBAR army Zoobarel holds [ARMY MOVED], A Corinthia to Malobar, F Denzalia supports F Canton holds, F Canton supports F Denzalia holds, F Solnor Ocean to Oceanum Titanicum, F Mare Mysticum to Bloody Channel, F Dragon's Reach to Mount Doom, A Municipia to Vecnopolis, A Ilmethonia to Strongheart, A Strongheart to Slennin, A Eastmarch to Boritzi, A Troicinet supports A Eastmarch to Boritzi, A Anzed to Ilmethonia, A New Aderna to Arrioni; Nominate Melan for the blessing of the Wild Hunt. THE WILD HUNT OF GAIALA takes A Troicinet to... EASTMARCH. Gain Hambu, Strongheart, Boritzi, Canton; Lose Arrioni. Build 3: A Hydrabad, A Alphemar, F Melandria.
UNSEEN CON.: A slennin - orking vale, A borizi – slenin [DESTROYED], A Eudopolis - Ankmor, A Xenocbah forest - Adern Forest. Lose Quime, Orking Vale, Strongheart, Boritzi; Gain Eudopolis, Slennin. 1 unit down. Disband 1: Army in Slennin - “The sun has clearly set on the Unseen”.
ADERN EXILES: A Istria - Canton, F Uradili S A Istria - Canton, A Taria - Adern Forest, F Theadonica - Adern Forest. Gain Arrioni; Lose Canton. 1 unit down. Build 1 – but no home centre available.
ZOMBIES: F Guul Sea – Malobar, A Nideg Khanate - Imnryr, A Bolemia – Nideg Khanate, A Orking Vale – Slennin, F Lat – Quime (nc), F Schlegian Isles - Theadonica, F Gulf of Ishtar Holds, A Vecnopolis - Municipia. Gain Orking Vale. No build – Zombies don't work that way!

Divine Blessing of GAIALA (The Wild Hunt – AGAIN!) to: (Zoobar 1, Ursus 1, Melan 1 – Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) MELANMust specify one of their units to move to a random adjacent territory (- AGAIN!!).

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Aaiieeee! The END is EVEN NIGHER!!”


URSUS: A Ank – Quime, A Tai – Ole, A Fio – Obs, F Ole – Fion Sea, A Ferre – Necroph, F Ocean of Storms C A Fer – Nec, F Tempest C A Fer – Nec, F Polyp S F Tempest, F Zoobar [Boobar] S F Tempest [DESTROYED], A Gug – Plex, A Imn S A Gug – Plex, A Mal S A Fer – Nec, A Jan S A Imn, A Por – Tai, A Urs - Rav; Worship – all gods.
ZOOBAR: A Nec - Boo, A Zoo S A Nec - Boo.
MELAN: F Pearl Sea to Tempest Ocean, F Iyapo to Pearl Sea, F Kabrevo Plain supports F Horror Strait, F Horror Strait supports F Pearl Sea to Tempest Ocean, A Corinthia to Terravim, A Hydrabad to Corinthia, A Eastmarch to Strongheart, A Ilmethonia supports A Eastmarch to Strongheart, A Troicinet to Eastmarch , A Anzed to Troicinet, A Alphemar to Anzed, F Melandria to Solnor Ocean, F Solnor Ocean to Cantaborian Sea, F Fireland to Dragon's Reach, F Bloody Channel to Denzalia, A New Aderna supports F Bloody Channel to Denzalia, F Earth Sea to Canton, F Mare Mysticum supports F Earth Sea to Canton, A Municipia to Istria.
UNSEEN CON.: A Lat - Eudopolis, A Qime – Ankmor [RETREAT], A Strongheart - Slennin, A Borizi supports A Strongheart into Slennin; Worship all gods. Retreat: A Quime - Xenocbah Forest.
ADERN EXILES: Theadonica S [URSUS] Ankmoor - Quime, A Taria - Slennin, F Oceanum Titanicum - Arrioni; God : Mafek. [AUTO-SUPPORT: A Istria S F Denzalia] [F Denzalia DESTROYED] Retreat: F Canton - Uradili.
ZOMBIES: F Guul Sea – Tempest Ocean, F Plex – Gugul [DESTROYED], A Nideg Khanate Holds, A Bolemia - Janthar, A Slennin – Tania [RETREAT], F Lake – Lat, F Schlegian Isles Holds, F Sea of Thunder – Gulf of Ishtar, A Vecnopolis Holds. Retreat: A Slennin – Orking Vale.

Divine Blessing: (Gaiala 1, Mafek 1: Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) GAIALA (The Wild Hunt)Ursus, Zoobar, Melan & Unseen Confederacy may vote in autumn for recipient.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “The END is NIGH!”


URSUS: F Polyp – Tempest, F Ocean of storms S F Polyp – Tempest, F Boobar S F Polyp – Tempest, F Ursus – Polyp, F Fion Sea – Olebra, A Fionar S F Fion Sea – Olebra, A Eudopolis – Ankmor, A Gugul hold, A Nideg – Malobar, A Imnryr S A Nid – Mal, A Janthar S A Imn, A Ferre – Taiga; Blessing on Unseen Confed. Gain Fionar, Ankmor, Malobar. Build 3: army units in Ursus and Ferre, and a third Army unit in Portare.
ZOOBAR: A STR - NID, A MAL - ZOO, F GUU - MAL, A NEC - BOO, F TEM - S A NEC – BOO [RETREAT]; Blessing to Khalkida. F Tempest Ocean retreats to Plex. Lose Iyapo, Malobar, Strongheart. Disband 3: No disband orders issued – F Plex, F Guul Sea & A Nideg Khanate become ZOMBIES!
MELAN: F Oceanum Titanicum to Fireland, A Fireland to Orceesh Forest, A New Aderna supports A Fireland to Orceesh Forest, F Scar Isle to Mare Mysticum, F Bloody Channel supports F Scar Isle to Mare Mysticum, F Mare Mysticum to Earth Sea, F Cursed Shore to Solnor Ocean, A Ilmethonia to Eastmarch, A Anzed supports A Alphemar to Ilmethonia, A Alphemar to Ilmethonia, A Troicinet supports A Ilmethonia to Eastmarch, A Corinthia supports ZOOBAR A Malobar holds [RECIPIENT UNIT MOVED], F Byanbo to Kabrevo Plain, F Horror Strait supports F Byanbo to Kabrevo Plain, F Pearl Sea supports F Byanbo to Kabrevo Plain, F Iyapo supports F Byanbo to Kabrevo Plain; Vote for MELAN to receive Gaiala's blessing. THE WILD HUNT OF GAIALA takes A Orceesh Forest to... MUNICIPIA! Gain Iyapo & Municipia, 1 build in hand. Build 3: F Melandria, A Hydrabad, A Alphemar.
UNSEEN CON.: A Orking Vale - Strongheart, A Slennin - Borizi, F Hell isles supports A Slennin into Borizi, A Ankmor - Lat, A Quime supports A Ankmor - Lat, A Olebra Hold [RETREAT]. Retreat: A Olebra - Obscuran steppes. Lose Fionar, Ankmor, Tania & Slennin falls to retreating Zombies; Gain Boritzi, Strongheart. Disband 2: A Obscuran Steppes & F Hell Isles.
ADERN EXILES: A Mt. Doom Hold, F Dragons reach -Oceanum Titanicum, F Caprian sea S F Dragons reach -Oceanum Titanicum, F Denzalia hold, F Canton S Denzalia, A Istria S Denzalia, A Bortizi – Slennin [DESTROYED], A Adern Forest – Tania. Lose Boritzi, Vecnopolis & Municipia falls to Wild Hunters of Melan; Gain Tania; 1 unit already destroyed. Disband 1: fleet in Caprian Sea.
ZOMBIES: A Bolemia - Janthar, A Eastmarch – Ilmethonia [RETREAT], F Lat – Quime [RETREAT], F Schlegian Isles Hold, F Gulf of Ishtar – Sea of Thunder, A Municipia - Vecnopolis. Retreats: A Eastmarch – Slennin, F Lat – Lake.

Divine Blessing of GAIALA (The Wild Hunt) to: (Unseen 1, Khalkidia 1, Melan 1 Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) MELANMust specify one of their units to move to a random adjacent territory.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “At last! The loyal southern barbarians rush to Our aid, sweeping all aside in their eagerness to serve their King-Emperor!”


URSUS: A Eud – Auchen, A Obs – Fionar, F Ole – Fion Sea, A Tai – Ferre, F Ferre - Ocean of storms, F Pol – Tempest, F Boo – S F Pol – Tem, F Urs – Pol, A Guu hold, A Imn – Mal, A Nid S A Imn – Mal, A Jan hold; Worship – all gods.
MELAN: F Ikelan to Iyapo, F Cantaborian Sea to Horror Strait, F Byanbo supports F Cantaborian Sea to Horror Strait, A Hydrabad to Ilmethonia, F Melandria to Cursed Shore, A Alphemar supports A Hydrabad to Ilmethonia, A Troicinet to Anzed, A Eastmarch to Troicinet, F Mare Mysticum to Earth Sea, F Scar Isle to Mare Mysticum, F Bloody Channel supports A New Aderna, A Arrioni to Fireland, A New Aderna supports A Arrioni to Fireland, F Oceanum Titanicum supports A Arrioni to Fireland, A Corinthia to Nideg Khanate; Worship all the gods.
UNSEEN CON.: A Fionar - Olebra, F Tania - Hell Isles, A Ash Plain - Orking Vale, A Borizi – Troicinet [UNIT IS NOT UNSEENS!], A Quime - Theadonica, A Ankmor Holds; Worship Mafek.
ADERN EXILES: NMR! A Mt.Doom S F Fireland [AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT]. Retreat: F Fireland to dragon's reach.
ZOMBIES: A Bolemia - Auchendennan, A Ilmethonia – Strongheart [RETREAT], F Ick - Lat, F Schlegian Isles – Adern Forest, F Gulf of Ishtar – Earth Sea, A Orcheesh Forest – Municipia. Retreat: A Ilmethonia to Eastmarch.

Divine Blessing: (Gaiala 1, Mafek 1: Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) GAIALA (The Wild Hunt)Ursus, Zoobar, Melan may vote in autumn for recipient.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Can none see the Melandrians are Evil, and their leader Mad? They claim to be Good yet send Zombie hordes marching before their armies!”


URSUS: A Rav – Gug, F Pol S A RavTav – Gug, A Nid S A Imn – Mal, A Imn – Mal, F Tem – Guu [RETREAT], F Fio – Ole, A Ferre – Tai, A Obs – Ank, A Eud S A Obs – Ank, A Jan – Imn; Blessing on myself. Retreat F Tempest Ocean to Pearl Sea – BUT BLOCKED* - and managed to divert to BOOBAR! Lose Fionar; Gain Olebra AND BOOBAR; 1 build carried forward: Build 2: a Fleet in Ursus and a Fleet in Ferre as well.
ZOOBAR: F GUU – TEM, F HAM S F GUU – TEM, F MAL GUU, A ZOO – MAL, A BOO – NEC, A STR – NID, F GUG HOLD [RETREAT]; Pray to Notret [WRONG SEASON]. Retreat F Gugul - Plex. Lose Ikelan, Byanbo AND BOOBAR, 1 unit previously destroyed: Disband 2: F Hambu & the fleet in Plex.
MELAN: F Pearl Sea to Ikelan, F Kabrevo Plain to Ikelan [UNREACHABLE], F Cantaborian Sea to Byanbo, F Solnor Ocean to Cantaborian Sea, A Corinthia supports ZOOBAR F Malobar [FLEET MOVED], A Anzed to Troicinet, A Eastmarch supports A Anzed to Troicinet, F Scar Isle supports F Mare Mysticum, F Mare Mysticum supports F Bloody Channel to Denzalia, F Bloody Channel to Denzalia, A New Aderna supports A Anzed to Fireland [INVALID], F Oceanum Titanicum supports A Anzed to Fireland [INVALID], A Anzed to Fireland [INVALID, SO IGNORED AND DOES NOT COUNTERMAND OTHER]; Vote for MELAN to receive the blessing of the Wild Hunt. THE WILD HUNT OF GAIALA takes F Kabrevo Plain to... PEARL SEA!* Gain Byanbo, Ikelan, Troicinet and 1 unit previously destroyed: Build 4 (only 3 centres available): F Melandria, A Hydrabad, A Alphemar.
UNSEEN CON.: A Slennin - Borizi, A Troicinet support A slennin – Borizi [RETREAT], A Ash plain - Eudopolis, A Ankmor supports A Ash plain - Eudoplis, A Olibra - Fionar, F Adern forest - Earth Sea [NO SUCH UNIT], A Quime- Theodonica; And Worship Mafek [WRONG SEASON]. .... WAR. WAR. WAR. Retreat A Troicinet - Ilmethonia. Lose Troicinet, Olebra; Gain Fionar: Disband 1: NOT ORDERED – so A Ilmethonia turns to ZOMBIES!
ADERN EXILES: A Mt Doom Hold, F Firelands - Arrioni, A istria - S Denzalia, F Denzalia Hold, F Canton S Denzalia, A Boritzi - Slennin, A Adern Forest - Taria, F Theadonica – Quime. No change.
ZOMBIES: A Bolemia – Nideg Khanate, F ICK – Adern Forest, F Schlegian Isles Holds, F Gulf of Ishtar Holds, A Orceesh Forest – Istria.

Divine Blessing of GAIALA (The Wild Hunt) to: (Ursus 1, Melan 1– Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) MELANMust specify one of their units to move to a random adjacent territory.
* The Wild Hunt of Gaiala transports the Melan fleet from Kabrevo Plain to Pearl Sea – overnight, miraculously, so the Ursus fleet attempting to retreat was unaware its way was blocked.)

His sights set on annexing the entirety of Hepmonaland for the growing Holy Melandrian Empire by the end of the year, the Divinely Inspired Paladin-Emperor Lucilius the Mad vows to subjugate the known world in the name of Religious Unity, and it soon becomes common knowledge that - gripped as he is by a wild-eyed zealotry - that he considers any and all of Melan's former treaties void, insisting that Melan can no longer treat with any other known nation - not even the so called 'empire' of Ayathgaron - as equals, and that to survive in his new Cantaboria anyone who would call themself a ruler should be made to swear fealty or be utterly destroyed in the name of all the gods!”

“No one seems to have enthusiasm for diplomacy so I'd better just KILL THEM ALL”

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “AIEE! Some kind of MADNESS is taking control! Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of... ME!!”


URSUS: A OBS – ANK, A EDU S A OBS – ANK, F POR – Fion Sea, F URS – Poly Isles, F Temp S F URS – POL, A FER – URS, A RAV – URS, A IMN – NID, A JAN S A IMN – NID, A PLEX – IMN; Worship – All Gods.
ZOOBAR: NMR! A Nideg Khanate DESTROYED; RETREAT: F Polyp Isles 'Retreat' to Gugul..
MELAN: F Pearl Sea supports ZOOBAR F Hambu to Tempes Ocean, F Kabrevo Plain supports ZOOBAR F Guul Sea to Tempest Ocean, A Corinthia supports Zoobar F Malobar Holds, A Anzed to Ilmethonia, A Eastmarh to Ilmethonia, F Melandria to Solnor Ocean, F Scar Isle to Mare Mysticum, F Mare Mysticum to Denzalia, F Bloody Channel supports F Mare Mysticum to Denzalia, F Bigendia to Cantaborian Sea, A Fireland to Orceesh Forest [DESTROYED], A New Aderna supports F Mare Mysticum to Denzalia, A Arrioni to Fireland, F Oceanum Titanicum supports A Arrioni to Fireland.
ADERN EXILES: F Caprian sea - Oceanum Titanicum, F Dragon's reach - Firelands, A Mt. Doom S F Dragon's reach - Firelands, A istria - S Denzalia, F Denzalia Hold, F Canton S Denzalia, A Boritzi - Slennin, A Adern Forest - Taria, F Theadonica - Quime; God is mafek.
ZOMBIES: A Bolemia – Nideg Khanate, F ICK – Adern Forest, F Schlegian Isles - Tania, F Gulf of Ishtar – Caprian Sea, A Orceesh Forest – Denzalia.

Divine Blessing: (Gaiala 1, Safieros 1, Mafek 1: Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) GAIALA (The Wild Hunt)Ursus, Zoobar, Melan may vote in autumn for recipient.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Allies bereft of will and retreating, armies destroyed - the end of this upstart 'emperor' of Melandria is near. Let all Our vassals, led by the loyal elves, join in his destruction.”


URSUS: A TRO hold [DESTROYED], A Syl – Edu, A Obs S A Syl – Eudo, A Jan S A Imn, A Imn Hold, A Plex S A Imn, F Gug – Tempest, F Ham S F Gug – Tempest [DESTROYED], F Urs – Polyp, A Rav – Urs, A Ferre – Urs; Blesssing to Adern. Lose Hambu, Olebra; Gain Eudopolis; 2 units destroyed; Famine over: Build 2 (but only 1 home centre available) - F Portare.
ZOOBAR: F TEM HAM, A STR S Unseen A ORK SLE, A NID JAL, F POL FER, F MAL IMN, F GUU S F MAL IMN, A ZOO MAL; Vote for Me! Gain Hambu: Build 1 - army in Boobar.
MELAN: F Pearl Sea supports Zoobar F Tempest Ocean to Hambu, F Hallion's March to Bigendia, F Solnor Ocean to Bloody Channel, F Scar Isle supports F Solnor Ocean to Bloody Channel, A Arrioni to Fireland, A Griffildi to Arrioni, A Eastmarch to Boritzi, A Anzed supports Unseen A Ilmethonia to Troicinet; Vote for Zoobar. No Change.
UNSEEN CON.: F Schlegian Isles _Tania, A Orking Vale - Slennin, A Ilmethonia - Troicinet, A Fionar - Olebra, A Ankmor supports A Fionar in to Olebra. Retreat: A Eudopolis retreats to Ash Plain. Lose Eudopolis, Theadonica; Gain Olebra, Slennin, Tania: Build 1 - A Quime.
ADERN EXILES: F Thedonica S Taria -Adern Forest, A Taria -Adern Forest, Slennin Hold [DESTROYED], Boritzi S Troicinet, F Dragons Reach - Mt Doom, F Caprian Sea - Mt Doom, A Istria - Orceesh forest, F Canton - Mare Mysticum, F Denzalia - New Aderna; Blessing – myself. Lose Slennin, Tania; GAIN ADERN FOREST(!), Theadonica; 1 unit destroyed: Build 1 - army in Mt Doom.
ZOMBIES: A Auchendennan - Bolemia, F ICK Hold, F Adern Forest – Schlegian Isles, F Gulf of Ishtar Hold, A Orceesh Forest – Denzalia.

Divine Blessing of MAFEK, God of War (“Berserkergang”): (Adern 2, Zoobar 2– Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) ZOOBARMay specify one moving unit to receive a divine support extra in Spring 16.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “We are pleased - the exile elves of Adern return to their forest homeland!”


URSUS: A Ole – Obs, A Syl S A Ole – Obs, A Tai – Fer, F Fer – Urs, A Fio – Ravv, A Jan S A Imn, A Imn hold, A Plex S A Imn, F Gug S A Plex, F Ham – Tem, A Eastmarch – Troicinet; Worship Mafek.
MELAN: A Ilmethonia to Eastmarch, A Anzed supports UNSEEN A Troicinet Holds [RECIPIENT MOVED], F Mare Mysticum supports UNSEEN A Troicinet Holds, F Scar Isle supports F Mare Mysticum Holds, F Melandria supports F Mare Mysticum Holds, F Bloody Channel to Oceanum Titanicum, F Solnor Ocean supports F Bloody Channel to Oceanum Titanicum, F Cursed Shore to Hallion's March, A Arrioni to Fireland, A New Aderna supports A Arrioni to Fireland, A Griffildi Holds, A Corinthia supports ZOOBAR F Malobar Holds [RECIPIENT MOVED], F Kabrevo Plain Holds, F Pearl Sea supports ZOOBAR F Tempest Ocean to Hambu [RECIPIENT NOT SO ORDERED].
UNSEEN CON.: A Troicinet – Eastmarch [RETREAT], A orking vale -auchendennan, ; The Blessing of Lanrakus. AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT (Random choice between Eudopolis & Obscuran Steppes): A Ankmor S A Eudopolis. Retreats: A Troicinet – Ilmethonia, A Obs - Fionar.
ADERN EXILES: F Oceanum Titanicum – Fireland [RETREAT], F Denzalia - New Aderna, A Istria - Orceesh Forest, F Earth Sea - Theadonica, A Boritzi S A Eastmarch – Troicinet, A Taria Hold, A Slenin S Taria, F Canton - Mare Mysticum; Worship Mafek. Retreat: F Oceanum Titanicum to dragons reach.
ZOMBIES: A Auchendennan - Eudopolis, F ICK – Adern Forest, F Adern Forest – Schlegian Isles, F Gulf of Ishtar – Caprian Sea, A Orceesh Forest – Fireland.

Divine Blessing: (Mafek 2, Lanrakus 1) MAFEK (Berserkergang)Ursus, Zoobar, Melan, Adern may vote in autumn for recipient..

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “The minion states are mad. Daggers of dying Unseen point at the hearts of friend and foe alike. We are amused.”


URSUS: A Eastmarch – Strongheart, A Taiga – Olebra, A Ferre – Taiga, F Ursus – Ferre, A Fionar S A Tai – Ole, A Sylinat – Obscurren Steppes, A Per – Plex, F Gug S A Per – Plex, A Calram – Imnryr, A Janthar S A Cal – Imn, F Hambu Hold. Gain Olebra & Imnryr, Lose Strongheart, but struck with FAMINE: No change.
ZOOBAR: A Mal - Nid, F Oce - Pol, All other units Hold; Vote Ursus for blessing. A Plex DESTROYED. Retreat: F Imnryr - Retreat to Malobar. Lose Imnryr, Gain Strongheart, but 1 unit destroyed: Build 1 - Build Army in Zoobarel.
MELAN: F Pearl Sea supports ZOOBAR F Tempest Ocean to Hambu, F Kabrevo Plain to Tempest Ocean, A Hydrabad to Corinthia, A Hallion's March to New Aderna, F Cursed Shore Holds, A Ilmethonia supports ZOOBAR A Strongheart Holds, A Anzed supports UNSEEN A Troicinet Holds, F Mare Mysticum Holds, F Scar Isle supports F Mare Mysticum Holds, F Solnor Ocean convoys A Hallion's March to New Aderna, F Bloody Channel convoys A Hallion's March to New Aderna, A Griffildi supports A Hallion's March to New Aderna, A Arrioni supports A Hallion's March to New Aderna. Gain New Aderna: Build 1 - F Melandria.
UNSEEN CON.: A orking vale - strongheart, A eudopolis - auchendennan, A quime - ankmor, F Theodonica to schlegian isles; Notrets divine blessing to fall on the Khalkidians. A Olebra DESTROYED. Retreat: F Adern Forest to Xenocbah Forest. Lose Adern Forest & Olebra but 1 unit destroyed: Disband 1 – Fleet Xenocbah Forest.
ADERN EXILES: F Oceanum Titanicum - Arroni, A Denzalia - Istria, F Canton - Denzalia, F Earth Sea - Canton, F Hell isles - Earth sea, A Slennin S Eastmarch - Strongheart, A Boritzi - Troicinet, A Tania - Adern Forest. No change.
ZOMBIES: A Auchendennan holds, F ICK S ZOMBIE F Schlegian Isles – Adern Forest, F Schlegian Isles – Adern Forest, F Gulf of Ishtar holds, A Orceesh Forest – New Aderna. Gain Adern Forest, but Zombies don't build!

Divine Blessing of NOTRET, Goddess of Disease (“FAMINE”) to: (Ursus 1, Khalkidia 1 – Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) URSUSSupport one less unit than their supply centres this year.

“The Paladin-Emperor of Melan deploys three legions to Khalkidia to cleanse 'New Aderna' with sword and flame. The elfin city had long languished under the occupation of unliving invaders, and any souls who yet remain are certain to be infected by the mysterious zombifying agents that no doubt brought the curse of undeath to the north-eastern continent in the first place.”

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “The Zoobari barbarians seem strong yet succumb to bodily sickness. Meanwhile the Unseen High Wizard succumbs to sickness of the mind – but can his Apprentice defeat the monsters threatening the land, and so long neglected? We shall see!”


URSUS: F Ham – Pearl Sea, F Ursus – Polyp Isles, A Perdition – Plex, F Gug S A Per – Plex, A Calram – Imn, A Jan S A Cal – Imn, A Sylinat – Obscuran, A Fio S A Syl – Obs, A Tai – Ole, A Ferre – Tai, A Strongheart S (new adern) A Slennin – Orking Vale [RETREAT]. Retreat: A Strongheart to Eastmarch.
ZOOBAR: A NID - STR, A PLE - PER, F TEM S F MELAN XUX - PEA, F IMN Hold, A MAL S F IMN, F GUU - PLE, F OCE - POL; The Lanrakus Blessing order: A FIONAR S A ZOOBAR PLE - PER; Vote for Notret.
MELAN: F Solnor Ocean convoys A Hallion's March to Griffildi, F Melandria to Cursed Shore, F Bloody Channel convoys A Hallion's March to Griffildi, A Hallion's March to Griffildi, A Arrioni to New Aderna, F Scar Isle supports F Mare Mysticum, F Mare Mysticum supports UNSEEN A Troicinet, A Anzed supports UNSEEN A Troicinet, A Cursed Shore to Hallion's March, A Hydrabad supports A Ilmethonia, F Horror Strait to Kabrevo Plain, F Xuxchan Isles to Pearl Sea, A Ilmethonia supports ZOOBAR A Nideg Khanate to Strongheart; LUNATICS: A Fionar supports ZOOBAR A Plex to Perdition; Worship Notret.
UNSEEN CON.: F. Theadonica-SCHLEGIAN ISLES, F.Adern Forest S F. Theadonica-SCHLEGIAN ISLES, A.Orking Vale - Slennin, A.Troicinet-Boritzi, rest stand; Worship NOTRET.
ADERN EXILES: A Brenin – Troicinet [GARBLED: Or is Brenin elvish for Boritzi?], A Slennin - Orking Vale, A Tania - Slennin, F Hell Isles - Tania, F Earth Sea Hold, F Oceanum Titanicum - Arrironi, F Canton S Earth Sea, A Denzalia - New Aderna, F Caprian Sea S Earth Sea; Blessing - A Fionar S A Sylinat - Obscuran Steppes.
ZOMBIES: A Auchendennan – Orking Vale, F ICK – Adern Forest, F Schlegian Isles – Theadonica, F Gulf of Ishtar – EARTH SEA, A New Aderna – Orceesh Forest.
LUNATICS: [TIED! Decided by random roll] A Fionar supports ZOOBAR A Plex - Perdition.

Divine Blessing: (Mafek 1, Notret 3) NOTRET, Goddess of Disease (“FAMINE”) – Zoobar, Melan & Unseen may vote for recipient in Autumn.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Prepare Our shuttle, Monty...”


URSUS: A Strongheart S (new adern) A Slennin – Orking Vale, F Tempest – Hambu, A Bolemia – Janthar, A Portare – Ferre, A Taiga – Olebra, A Fionar S A Tai – Ole, A Imn hold [RETREAT], A Calram – Sylinat, A Per S A Imn, F Gug – Plex. Retreat: A Imnryr – Calram. Lose Imnryr, Gain Strongheart & Hambu: Build 1 – a Fleet in Ursus.
ZOOBAR: F MAL - IMN, A NID S F MAL - IMN, F GUU S F MAL - IMN, A PLE S F MAL - IMN, A ZOO - MAL, F BOO - TEM, F OCE S F BOO - TEM; Vote URSUS to receive blessing. Gain Imnryr, Lose Hambu: No change.
MELAN: F Oljatt Sea to Xuxchan Isles, F Cantaborian Sea to Horror Strait, F Solnor Ocean to Oceanum Titanicum, A Arrioni to New Aderna, F Bloody Channel supports A Arrioni to New Aderna, F Scar Isle supports F Mare Mysticum, F Melandria to Solnor Ocean, F Mare Mysticum supports UNSEEN F Theadonica to Earth Sea, A Anzed supports UNSEEN A Eastmarch to Troicinet, A Ilmethonia supports UNSEEN A Eastmarch to Troicinet, A Alphemar to Cursed Shore, A Hydrabad supports A Ilmethonia, A Hallion's March holds; Curse Ursus with LUNACY. No change.
UNSEEN CON.: A.EastMarch - Troicinet, F.Theadonica - Earth Sea, F.Adern Forest - Theadonica, A.Quime - Theadonica, A.Obscuran Steppes S A.Olebra, A.Orking Vale – Strongheart, rest stand; Vote URSUS for Lanrakus. Retreat: A Orking Vale – Ash Plain. Lose Strongheart, but 1 unit destroyed: No change.
ADERN EXILES: F Troicinet Hold [DESTROYED], A Brenin S F Troicinet [GARBLED], A Slennin - Orking Vale, A Tania - Slennin, F Hell Isles - Tania, F Earth Sea S F Troicient, F Oceanum Titanicum - Bloody Channel, F Canton - Mare Mysticum, A Denzalia - New Aderna, F Caprian Sea S Earth Sea; 'Blessing' to Melan. Lose New Aderna, but 1 unit destroyed: No change.
ZOMBIES: A Auchendennan - Strongheart, F ICK – Adern Forest, F Schlegian Isles – Earth Sea, F Gulf of Ishtar Holds [S F SCH - EAR], A New Aderna - Arrioni.

Divine Blessing: LANRAKUS, God of the Moon (“LUNACY”) to: (Ursus 3, Melan 1) URSUSand a moonbeam strikes A Fionar, which will be ordered by 'diplomatic anarchy' next season.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Madness! Madness strikes the Barbarian Horde! But how shall We tell?”


URSUS: A Nid – Str, A Bol S A Nid – Str, A Syl – Fio, A Tai – Ole, A Por – Tai, A Cal S A Imn, A Per S A Imn, A Imn hold, F Gug S F Pol – Tem, F Pol – Tem.
ZOOBAR: A COR - NID, F TEM - OCE, F BOO - TEM, A PLE - IMN, F GUU S A PLE - IMN, F MAL S A PLE - IMN, A ZOO Hold; Pray to Lanrakus.
MELAN: F Solnor Ocean to Mare Mysticum, F Scar Isle supports F Solnor Ocean to Mare Mysticum, F Bloody Channel supports F Solnor Ocean to Mare Mysticum, F Melandria supports F Solnor Ocean to Mare Mysticum, A Arrioni holds, A Cursed Shore to Ilmethonia, A Anzed supports A Cursed Shore to Ilmethonia, A Alphemar supports A Cursed Shore to Ilmethonia, A Hydrabad supports A Cursed Shore to Ilmethonia, A Bigendia to Hallion's March, F Hallion's March (wc) to Cantaborian Sea, F Cantaborian Sea to Solnor Ocean, F Oljatt Sea supports F Cantaborian Sea to Solnor Ocean; Worship Lanrakus.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Troicinet -Eastmarch, A.Strongheart S A.Troicinet -Eastmarch [DESTROYED], A.Orking Vale - Slennin, F.Theadonica - Earth Sea, F.Adern Forest - Tania, all others stand; Worship Lanrakus.
ADERN EXILES: F Mt Doom - Caprian sea, A Denzalia - New Aderna, F Mare Mysticum – Denzalia [RETREAT], F Boritzi - Hell Isles, A Eastmarch - Broitzi, F Oceanum Titanicum - Arrioni; Gods- All. Retreat: F Mare Mysticum to Troicinet.
ZOMBIES: A Auchendennan - Eudopolis, F ICK holds, F Schlegian Isles holds, F Sea of Thunder – Gulf of Ishtar, A New Aderna - Arrioni.

Divine Blessing: (Mafek 1, Lanrakus 3) LANRAKUS, God of the Moon (“LUNACY”) – Zoobar, Melan, Unseen & Adern may vote for recipient in Autumn.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Our barbarian tributaries are truly vicious – to friend and foe alike.”


URSUS: A Per – Imn, A Gug – Per, F Plex – Gug, A Cal S A Per – Imn, A Nid – Mal, A Jan - Bol, F Urs – Polyp, A Fio – Syl, A Fer – Urs, A Tai - Por; “Blessing to Melan”. No change.
ZOOBAR: A TER - COR, A KAB - PLEX, F MAL Hold, F GUU S A KAB - PLEX, F TEM C A KAB – PLEX. No change, but 2 in hand: Build 2: an army in Zoobarel, and a fleet in Boobar.
MELAN: A Centeo Jungle to Bigendia, F Cantaborian Sea convoys A Centeo Jungle to Bigendia, F Sea of Sharks to Solnor Ocean, F Oljatt Sea supports F Sea of Sharks to Solnor Ocean, A Hydrabad supports ZOOBAR A Terravim to Corinthia, F Mare Mysticum to Bloody Channel, F Scar Isle supports F Mare Mysticum to Bloody Channel, F Hallion's March (wc) supports A Centeo Jungle to Bigendia, A Ilmethonia to Cursed Shore, A Alphemar supports A Ilmethonia to Cursed Shore, A Anzed supports UNSEEN A Troicinet holds, F Melandria supports A Ilmethonia to Cursed Shore, A Fireland to Arrioni; Nominate ADERN EXILES for Hetadun's blessing. Gain Arrioni, Lose Mt Doom: No change.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Troicinet stand, F.Theadonica - Earth Sea, F.Adern Forest - Tania, A.Quime stand, A.Eudopolis - Obscuran Steppes, A.Olebra S A.Eudopolis - Obscuran Steppes, A.Strongheart - Eastmarch, A.Orking Vale - Slennin; Vote for Adern Exiles to get divine blessing. No change, but unit lost previously: Build 1: A.Eudopolis.
ADERN EXILES: F Solnor ocean - Mare Mysticum, F Earth Sea S F Solnor ocean - Mare Mysticum, F Canton S F Solnor ocean - Mare Mysticum, F Bloody Channel - Scar Isle [RETREAT], A Orceesh forest - Denzalia, A Eastmarch S Slenin, F Boritzi S Slenin, A Slenin Hold, A Taria S Slenin. Retreat: F Bloody Channel to Oceanum titanicum. Gain Mt Doom, Lose Arrioni: No change.
ZOMBIES: A Corinthia Holds [DESTROYED], A Bolemia - Auchendennan, F Xenocbah Forest - ICK, F Schlegian Isles – Adern Forest, F Sea of Thunder - Quime.

Divine Blessing: HETADUN, God of Death (“ZOMBIES”) to: (Melan 1, Adern Exiles 2) ADERN EXILESan Army of Zombies Rises... [in random Adern home territory after builds] ... in New Aderna!

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Chamberlain – order Our vassal-states to cease squabbling and drive those tiresome rebels into the seas!”


URSUS: F Elsea [Imnryr] – Plex, A Plex – Perdit, A Jan – Nid, A Syl – Jan, A Fionar – Cal, A Ravv – Fionar, A Gug hold, F Fion Sea – Ursus, A Tai hold, A Ferre hold; Worship – Hetadun.
MELAN: F Xuxchan Isles to Oljatt Sea, F Cantaborian Sea to Sea of Sharks, F Yano Desert to Cantaborian Sea, F Lion Isles to Hallion's March (WC), A Jolan to Centeo Jungle, F Solnor Ocean to Mare Mysticum, F Scar Isle supports F Solnor Ocean to Mare Mysticum, A Hydrabad supports A Ilmethonia, A Alphemar supports A Ilmethonia, A Ilmethonia supports A Anzed, A Anzed supports A Ilmethonia, A Mt. Doom to Fireland, *WITH DIVINE BLESSING OF PRESCIENCE* F Melandria supports F Solnor Ocean to Mare Mysticum.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Troicinet S A.Eastmarch, A.Eastmarch S A.Troicinet [DESTROYED], A.Strongheart - Ilmethonia, A.Ash Plain - Orking Vale, everyone else stand; Worship Hetadun.
ADERN EXILES: F Vecnopolis - Mount Doom, A Dezalia - Orceesh forest, F Oceanum Titanicum - Solnor Ocean, F Bloody Channel - Scar Isle, F Mare Mysticum – Meladria [RETREAT], F Earth Sea - Troicinet, A Bortizi - Eastmarch, A Slenin S A Bortizi – Eastmarch [ORDER COUNTERMANDED BUT STANDS*], F Hell Isles - Boritzi, A Slennin - Adern Forest [SECONDARY ORDER ILLEGAL (DESTINATION NOT ADJACENT), SO IGNORED*]; God Hetadun. [* See '4.D.3.Multiple Orders to the Same Unit'] Retreat:: F Mare Mysticum to Canton.
ZOMBIES: A Corinthia Holds, A Bolemia - Strongheart, F Xenocbah Forest – Adern Forest, F Schlegian Isles - Tania, F Sea of Thunder Holds.

Divine Blessing: (Hetadun 3, Gaiala 1) HETADUN, God of Death (“ZOMBIES”)Ursus, Adern, Melan & Unseen Confederacy may vote for recipient in Autumn.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Treachery! The perfidious Elves attack! And there are an awful lot of Barbarian armies – should We be worried...?”


URSUS: F Imn – Guu, A Plex – Imn, A Gug – Plex, A Tun – Ferre, A Por – Rav, F Fion Sea C A Por – Rav, A Cal – Syl, A Fio S A Cal – Syl, A Jan S A Cal – Syl, A Tai Hold; Blessing to Unseen Confed. Lose Zoobarel, but 1 previously destroyed: No change.
ZOOBAR: A KAB - BYA, F NEC - GUU, F MAL Hold, A ZOO S F MAL; Vote Melan for blessing. Gain Byanbo, Zoobarel, and 1 in hand: Build 3 (but only 1 home centre available): Fleet in Boobar.
MELAN: F Pearl Sea to Xuxchan Isles, A Kelo Hills to Jolan, F Yano Desert supports Zoobar A Kabrevo Plain to Byanbo, F Horror Strait to Cantaborian Sea, F Terravim to Lion Isles, A Corinthia to Hydrabad, A Eastmarch supports Unseen A Strongheart to Slennin [RETREAT], A Troicinet to Anzed, A Anzed to Alphemar, F Melandria to Mare Mysticum, F Solnor Ocean to Bloody Channel, F Scar Isle supports F Solnor Ocean to Bloody Channel, F Mt. Doom to Theocracy of Franchia [UNIT IS ARMY AND DESTINATION INACCESSIBLE]; Vote for MELAN to receive Safieros' blessings. Retreat: A Eastmarch retreats to Ilmethonia. Gain Mt Doom; Lose Troicinet: No change.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Ilmethonia - Troicinet, A.Strongheart - Eastmarch, A.Orking Vale - Strongheart, A.Lat - Ash Plain, F.Adern Forest stand, F.Theadonica stand, A.Quime stand, A.Olebra stand. Gain Troicinet: Build 1: A.Eudopolis.
ADERN EXILES: F Caprian Sea - Vecnopolis, F Oceanum Titanicum - Solnor Ocean, A Denzailia - Scar Isle, F Mare Mysticum C A Denzailia - Scar Isle, F Bloody channel S A Denzailia - Scar Isle, F Earth Sea S Mare Mysticum, A Boritzi S A Ilmethonia - Troicinet, F Hell Isles S Slennin, A Tania - Adern Forest., [AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT: A Slennin S UNSEEN A Strongheart – Eastmarch]. Lose Mt Doom, but 1 in hand: No change.
ZOMBIES: A Byanbo – Yano Desert [DESTROYED], A Nideg Khanate - Corinthia, A Bolemia - Janthar, F ICK – Xenocbah Forest, F SCHLEGIAN ISLES - Tania, F SEA OF THUNDER - Quime.

Divine Blessing of SAFIEROS, God of Knowledge ('PRESCIENCE') to: (Unseen Confed. 1, Melan 2) MELANMay give a conditional order to any one of their units in Spring 12.

The ruler of Melan is, by some elements, accused of having misread his visions of a ruinous undead future. They claim that the lord of knowledge must instead have been warning him of the first recorded invasion of native Melandrian soil, but that their emperor was too obsessed with his own prestige and so concerned with organising a worldwide crusade against the unliving that he was too blind to see the danger.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “All Our vassals now impose Our Authority, and seal the rebels' doom. But wait - they escape and grow stronger! How can this be??”


URSUS: Army Ferre – Tundra, Army Taiga S A Fer – Tun, Army Ursus – Fionar, Fleet Fion Sea C A Urs – Fio, Army Per – Plex, Army Gug S A Per – Plex, Fleet Imn – Mal, Army Zoobarel S F Imn – Mal [DESTROYED], Army Cal – Imn, Army Jan S A Cal – Imn, Army Portare S A Tai; Worship All Gods – we need all the gods to help us rid the world of Zombies.
ZOOBAR: A BOO - ZOO, F TEM - NEC, A MAL Hold + Ilmethir's Blessing [UNIT IS FLEET], A IYA - KAB; Vote for Safieros.
MELAN: F Pearl Sea supports Zoobar Army Iyapo to Kabrevo Plain, A Kelo Hills supports Zoobar Army Iyapo to Kabrevo Plain, F Yano Desert to Byanbo, F Horror Strait supports Zoobar Army Boobar to Zoobarel, F Lion Isles to Terravim, A Corinthia supports F Lion Isles to Terravim, F Solnor Ocean supports F Mare Mysticum Hold, F Mare Mysticum supports F Solnor Ocean [RETREAT], F Scar Isle to Bloody Channel, A Anzed supports A Troicinet, A Troicinet supports A Ilmethonia to Eastmarch, A Ilmethonia to Eastmarch, A Orceesh forest to Mt. Doom; Worship Safieros. Retreat: F Mare Mysticum retreats to Melandria.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Strongheart - Ilmethonia, A.Auchendennan - Strongheart, A.Orking Vale S A.Auchendennan - Strongheart, F.Quime(sc) - Theadonica, F.Adern Forest S F.Quime(sc) - Theadonica, A.Xenocbar Forest - Quime, A.Ankmor - Lat, A.Olebra proclaims his divinity and commands all Ayathgaron to worship him as The Chosen One.
ADERN EXILES: F Oceanum Titanicum - Solnor ocean, F Bloody Channel - Scar Isle, F Canton - Mare Mysticum, F Earth Sea S F Canton - Mare Mysticum, A New Aderna - Denzalia, F Istria - Caprian Sea, A Slennin Hold, A Boritzi Hold, A Tania Hold, F Hell Isle S Slennin; God, Mafek.
ZOMBIES: A Kabrevo Plain – Iyapo [DESTROYED], A Byanbo – Yano Desert, F Terravim – Corinthia [DESTROYED], A Nideg Khanate - Strongheart, A Bolemia Hold, A Plex – Imnryr [DESTROYED], A Tundra – Taiga [DESTROYED], F Sea of Thunder Hold, F Schlegian Isles – Hold, F ICK – Adern Forest.

Divine Blessing: (All Gods 1, Safieros 3, Mafek 1) SAFIEROS, God of Knowledge (“PRESCIENCE”)Ursus, Zoobar, Melan & Unseen Confederacy may vote for recipient in Autumn.

Worship All Gods – we need all the gods to help us rid the world of Zombies.”

Following the troubling dreams plaguing the mind of the Paladin-emperor of Melan, the priests of the imperial theocratic conclave have decided that the best course is to thank Safieros for his warnings with worship and sacrifice and try to organise the nations of the world into a single crusading body determined to see the walking dead dispatched.
Emissaries hailing from Melan arrive at courts across Cantaboria, spreading word of the grim potential future that may become a reality should the zombie threat go unchecked, imploring them to set aside their differences and fight the undead menace together or prepare to face their impending doom.”

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “...and Our loyal, inhuman eastern vassals now deliver mortal blows to those holier-than-thou Melandrian upstarts! Their End is near.”


URSUS: A Sylinat – Janthar, A Cal S A Syl – Jan, F Guul Sea – Imnryr, A Perdition S F Guu – Imn, A Zoobarel – Malobar, A Gugal S A Per, A Por – Taiga, F Fion Sea S A Por – Tai, A Ursus – Ferre; Blessing on Unseen Confed. Gain Imnryr, Calram, Janthar; Lose Malobar: Build 2: Army Ursus and Army in Portare.
ELSEA: A Janthar S A Imnryr [RETREAT], A Imnryr S A Janthar [RETREAT]; Vote for Zoobar. Lose Imnryr, Calram, Janthar (1 already destroyed): Disband 2. OUT! :-( Retreat: “NMR” [A Janthar – Bolemia, A Imnryr – Plex] Disband: “NMR” - A Bolemia & A Plex become ZOMBIES!
ZOOBAR: A IYA-KAB, A BOO Hold, F TEM S A BOO Hold, F MAL Hold; Vote blessing for Zoobar. Gain Malobar: Build 1 (but no home supply centre available for build).
MELAN: F Ikelan to Pearl Sea, A Kelo Hills supports F Jolan to Yano Desert, F Jolan to Yano Desert, F Cantaborian Sea to Horror Strait, F Lion Isles supports F Cantaborian Sea to Horror Strait, A Corinthia to Terravim, F Solnor Ocean supports F Mare Mysticum, F Mare Mysticum supports A Eastmarch to Troicinet, A Eastmarch to Troicinet, A Anzed supports A Eastmarch to Troicinet, A Ilmethonia supports A Eastmarch to Troicinet, A Denzalia to Orceesh Forest, F Bloody Channel to New Aderna [RETREAT]; Vote for Zoobar to receive blessing. Retreat: F Bloody Channel retreats to Scar Isle. No change.
UNSEEN CON.: A.strongheart-slennin, A.orking vale S A.strongheart-slennin, A.Auchendennan-strongheart, F.Adern forest-tania, A.theaqdonica-xenochbar forest, F.quime-(sc)theadonica, A.ankmor-quime; vote zoobar for blessing. No change.
ADERN EXILES: F Earth Sea - Mare Mysticum, F Canton S F Earth Sea - Mare Mysticum, F Griffildi - Bloody Channel, F Oceanum Titanicum S F Griffildi - Bloody Channel, F Caprian Sea - Istria, F Hell Isles S Slenin, A Boritzi S Troicinet, [A Troicinet DESTROYED]; blessing to myself [Adern]. No gain, but 1 destroyed: Build 1: NMR – no build!
ZOMBIES: A Kabrevo Plain - Byanbo, A Byanbo – Yano Desert, F Horror Strait – Lion Isles [DESTROYED], F Terravim - Corinthia, A Nideg Khanate - Janthar, A Taiga - Tundra, F Sea of Thunder - Theadonica, F Schlegian Isles – Tania, F Lat - ICK.

Divine Blessing of ILMETHIR, Goddess of PEACE ('HEALING') to: (Unseen 1, Adern 1, Zoobar 4) ZOOBARMay specify one non-moving unit to receive a divine support extra in Spring 11.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “A-ha! Our loyal – albeit flea-bitten – Ursus vassals annihilate all before them! The northern rebels will soon be crushed...”


URSUS: A Ferre – Portare, A Ursus S A Ferre – Portare, A Fion Sea – Tai [INVALID], A Fionar – Cal, A Sylinat S A Fionar – Cal, A Per S A Fionar – Cal, A Gug S A Per, F Guul Sea – Imn, A Zoobar – Boobar; Blessing – All Gods.
ELSEA: A Janthar S A Calram, A Imnryr S A Calram, A Calram S A Imnryr [DESTROYED]; Worshipping Ilmethir.
ZOOBAR: A BOO Hold, F NEC - MAL, F TEM - HOR, A IYA S MELAN A TOL - KEL; Pray to All Gods.
MELAN: F Xuxchan Isles to Ikelan, A Tolanok to Kelo Hills, F Jolan supports F Hallion's March (wc) to Cantaborian sea, F Hallion's March (wc) to Cantaborian sea, F Lion Isles supports A Hydrabad to Corinthia, A Hydrabad to Corinthia, A Ilmethonia to Eastmarch, A Troicinet supports A Ilmethonia to Eastmarch [RETREAT], A Alphemar to Ilmethonia, A Melandria to Denzalia, F Mare Mysticum convoys A Melandria to Denzalia, F Solnor Ocean supports F Mare Mysticum, F Bloody Channel supports A Melandria to Denzalia; Worship Ilmethir. Retreat: A Troicinet retreats to Anzed.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Strongheart S MELAN A.Ilmethonia - Eastmarch, A.Auchendennan S A.Strongheart, A.Orking Vale - Slennin, F.Quime sc - SEA OF THUNDER, A.Ankmor - Quime, F.Adern Forest - SCHLEGIAN ISLES, A.Theadonica - Adern Forest; Worship Ilmethir.
ADERN EXILES: A Eastmarch - Troicinet, A Bortzi S A Eastmarch - Troicinet, F Earth Sea S A Eastmarch - Troicinet, F Canton - Mare Mysticum, F Hell Isles S Slennin, F Arrioni - Griffildi, F Caprian Sea S Oceanum Titanicum; God- all gods.
ZOMBIES: A Kelo Hills – Kabrevo Plain, A Yano Desert - Byanbo, F Horror Strait S A Kelo Hills – Kabrevo Plain, F Terravim - Zoobarel, A Nideg Khanate Holds, A Portare Holds [RETREAT], F Sea of Thunder - Holds, F Schlegian Isles – Adern Forest, F LAKE – Lat. Retreat: A Portare – Taiga.

Divine Blessing: (Ilmethir 3, All Gods 3) ILMETHIR, Goddess of PEACE ('HEALING')All nations may vote for recipient in Autumn.

Kill the Zombies before they take over everything.”

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “As their Apocalypse nears – the little member states of Our Empire tremble and pray to the Gods for mercy. Ha, ha, ha!”


URSUS: A Fionar – Cal, A Sylinat S A Fionar – Cal, A Perdition S A Fionar – Cal, A Ursus – Fionar, F Fion Sea C A Ursus – Fionar, A Gus S A Per, F Guu – Mal, A Mal – Zoobarel. Gain Zoobarel: Build 1: Army in Ferre.
ELSEA: A Janthar S A Calram, A Imnryr S A Calram, A Calram S A Imnryr; Vote Ursus. No change.
ZOOBAR: A IYA S Melan A TOL - KEL, F PEA-TEM, A ZOO Hold [DESTROYED], A BOO S A ZOO Hold, F NEC-MAL; Vote for Ursus to receive the blessing. Lose Zoobarel, but army destroyed: No change.
MELAN: F Centeo Jungle to Jolan, F Hydrabad to Lion Isles, F Hallion's March (wc) supports F Hydrabad to Lion Isles, A Troicinet supports A Ilmethir, A Ilmethir supports A Troicinet, F Mare Mysticum supports F Bloody Channel, F Bloody Channel supports F Mare Mysticum, F Solnor Ocean supports F Bloody Channel, Rest Hold. Gain Tolanok & Jolan, and Famine ends: Build 3: Army Hydrabad, Army Alphemar, Army Melandria.
DALESMEN: A Eastmarch – Slennin [DESTROYED], A Strongheart supports A Eastmarch – Slennin [RETREAT]; And we'll go with Mafek. Lose Tania & Strongheart, and army destroyed: Disband 1. OUT :-( Retreat: The tattered remnants of the once proud Dalesmen national guard retreat hurriedly in to the mountain caves and tunnels their forefathers dug in the old days of empire and end up in ... Nideg Khanate. Disband: NMR - Army Nideg Khanate becomes ZOMBIES!
UNSEEN CON.: A.Quime - Theadonica, F.Adern Forest S A.Quime - Theadonica, A.Ankmor - Quime, A.Orking Vale - Strongheart, A.Auchendennan S A.Orking Vale - [S]trongheart, A.Ash Plain - Orking Vale, A.Obscruran Steppes – Eudopolis [ARMY NON-EXISTENT], A.Olebra stand. Gain Strongheart: Build 1: F.Quime south coast.
ADERN EXILES: F Hell Isles – Lake [INVALID: SPACES NOT ADJACENT], A Boritzi - Eastmarch, A Slenin S A Boritzi - Eastmarsh, A Canton - Boritzi, F Earth Sea c A Canton - Boritzi, F Caprian Sea S Oceanum Titanicum, F Denzalia - Canton, A Tania S Slenin. Gain Tania: Build 1: Fleet at Arrioni.
THE TOUV: Fleet Horror Strait supports URSUS Army Malobar to Zoobarel, Fleet Terravim supports URSUS Army Malobar to Zoobarel. Lose Tolanok & Jolan: Disband 2. OUT :-( Disband: NMR – Fleet Horror Strait & Terravim become ZOMBIES!
ZOMBIES: A Kabrevo Plain – Kelo Hills, A Byanbo – Yano Desert, F Sea of Thunder - Quime, F Schlegian Isles – EARTH SEA, F LAKE – Adern Forest.

Divine Blessing of HETADUN, God of Death (ZOMBIE): (Ursus 2) URSUS – an Army of Zombies Rises... [Zombies Build 1 in random Ursus home territory after player builds] PORTARE!

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Ah! Our loyal servants of Ayathgaron expend their lives in Our service! The Touv against rebel scum, the Dalesmen for our War-god Mafek. Most gratifying! We are amused...”


URSUS: F Mal – GUU, A Nec – Mal, A Flo – Cal, A Syl S A Flo – Cal, A Per S A Flo – Cal, A Urs – Fionar, F Fion Sea C A Urs – Fionar, A Gug S A Per.
ELSEA: A Janthar S A Calram, A Imnryr S A Calram; Worshipping Hetadun.
ZOOBAR: F Ike-Pea, A Iya Hold, F Tem-Nec, A Boo Hold, A Zoo Hold; Pray to Hetadun; Change from Tributary to Free.
MELAN: A Ilmethonia supports A Troicinet, A Troicinet supports A Ilmethonia, F Mare Mysticum supports F Bloody Channel, F Bloody Channel supports F Mare Mysticum, F Hallion's March (wc) to Hydrabad, F Bigendia to Hallion's March (wc), F Cantaborian Sea to Solnor Ocean, A Centeo Jungle to Tolanok, F Sea of Sharks to Centeo Jungle, F Xuxchan Isles supports F Ikelan; Melan's vote is cast for Hetadun.
DALESMEN: Hold in both remaining provinces.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Quime - Theadonica, F.Adern Forest S A.Quime - Theadonica, A.Ankmor - Quime, A.Eudopolis - Auchendennan, A.Orking Vale S A.Eudopolis - Auchendennan, A.Ash Plain S A.Orking Vale.
ADERN EXILES: A Canton - Tania, F Earth Sea c A Canton - Tania, F Hell Isles S A Canton - Tania, F Caprian Sea S Earth Sea, A Denzalia - Canton, F New Adrena - Denzalia, A Griffildi - New Adren, A Boritzi S Slennin, A Slennin S Boritzi; God - Mafek.
THE TOUV: Fleet Lion Isles to Terravim, Fleet Horror Strait supports Fleet Lion Isles to Terravim.
ZOMBIES: A Byanbo – Kabrevo Plain, A Yano Desert – Byanbo, F Sea of Thunder - Theadonica, F Schlegian Isles – Adern Forest, F Tania – Schlegian Isles [RETREAT]. Retreat F Tania – LAKE.

Divine Blessing: (Mafek 2, Hetadun 3, Thrundar 1, Safieros 1, Ilmethir 1) HETADUN, God of Death (ZOMBIE) Elsea, Zoobar & Melan may vote in Autumn for recipient.

...from the diaries of Kris the Mental [a pirate of the time] “... I gave these scurvy land lubbers the chance to command the greatest pirate fleet upon the Horror Straits... I sent word to the countries of the continent that my men would slit any throat for the merest bauble in exchange, but all I received in reply were vague requests to be a bit naughty... I determined that in the Autumn I would ensure that my men and I would all go to hell...

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “We are pleased Our loyal Touv privateers will now crush the rebel Zoobar brigands. A lesson to all who spurn Our rightful rule.”


URSUS: A Nec S (Zoobar) A Mal – Zoobarel, F GUU – Mal, A Fionar – Cal, A Syl S A Fio – Cal, A Per S A Fio – Cal, A Gug S A Per, F Fion Sea – Fionar; Blessing to MELAN. Gain Malobar: Build 1: Army Ursus.
ELSEA: A Janthar S A Calram, A Imnryr S A Calram; Vote URSUS. No change.
ZOOBAR: A MAL ZOO, A BOO NEC, F TEM HOR, F PEA IKE, A IYA S F PEA IKE. [No vote submitted] Gain Iyapo, Lose Malobar: No change.
MELAN: F Zolteo Jungle to Xuxchan Isles, A Centeo Jungle to Jolan, F Oljatt Sea to Sea of Sharks, F Solnor Ocean to Cantaborian Sea, F Bigendia supports F Solnor Ocean to Cantaborian Sea, F Lion Isles to Hallion's March (wc), F Scar Isle to Bloody Channel, F Mare Mysticum supports A Troicinet, A Troicinet supports A Ilmethir, A Ilmethir supports A Troicinet; Vote for THE TOUV. (Still -1 for Famine) No change .
DALESMEN: A strongheart - slenin, A Eastmarch supports A strongheart to slenin, F schlegian isles to earth sea, F Tania to hell isles. Lose Orking Vale & Slennin: Disband 2: disbandment orders rescinded... let the zombies loose...... [F Schlegian Isles & F Tania (furthest from home centre) become ZOMBIES!]
UNSEEN CON.: A.Quime - Theadonica, F.Adern Forest - Theadonica, A.Eudopolis - Ash Plain, A.Auchendennan - Orking Vale, A.Obscruran Steppes - Eudopolis, A.Olebra – Ankmor. Gain Orking Vale: Build 1: A.Olebra.
ADERN EXILES: A Canton - Troicinet, F Earth Sea c A Canton - Troicinet, F Hell Isles - Tania, A Boritzi - S Slennin, F Caprian Sea S Earth Sea, A Denzalia - Canton, A New Aderna - Griffildi; Blessing to MELAN. Gain Slennin: Build 1: Fleet in New Aderna.
THE TOUV: Army Kelo Hills to Jolan, Fleet Cantaborian Sea supports Army Kelo Hills to Jolan [RETREAT], Army Tolanok holds [AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT: TOUV A Kelo Hills - Jolan], Fleet Horror Strait to Boobar. Retreat: Fleet Cantaborian Sea to Lion Isles. Lose Byanbo & Iyapo: Disband 2: Army Tolanok, Army Jolan.
ZOMBIES: A Kabrevo Plain - Byanbo, A Jolan – Kelo Hills [RETREAT], F Sea of Thunder holds. Retreat: A Jolan – Yano Desert.

Divine Blessing from NOTRET, Goddess of Disease (FAMINE) (Melan 2, Ursus 1, The Touv 1) MELAN – Support one less unit than their supply centres again this year.

"Diplomatic talks between the nation of Elsea and hordes of Ursus nations were never held. My extensive research has discovered the reasons primarily stem from pride on both sides. Elsea were suddenly under new management who were unaware of the politics of the area but briefly informed of a tenuous agreement with 'barbarians to the south' shortly before one of the previous regime's diplomats was beheaded*. As to the motives of the leaders of Ursus we can only speculate now due to their lack of surviving written records. From archeology on their early battle sites, the initial small skirmishing armies used implies that they expected the wars outcome to be decided in a years time and were not prepared for the long siege mentality the new leaders from the scarlet brotherhood had brought with them." - Excerpt from 'History of the People's Republic of Elsea' by Professor R.N Collins Imnryr University
*this scholar has to concede the thinning of diplomat numbers probably had something to do with the lack of communication

- King-Emperor Thagarius (still inspired by his Muse): “You don't have long. I am on to you. The time, it has come to destroy...Your Supremacy.”


URSUS: Army Fionar – Sylinat, Army Portare – Fionar, Fleet Fion Sea C Army Portare – Fionar, Army Plex – Necroph, Fleet Guul C A Plex – Necroph, A Gug S A Per Hold, A Per S A Gug Hold; Blessing ALL GODS.
ELSEA: A Calram S Unseen A Fionar [INVALID], A Imnryr holds, A Janthar S A Imnryr, Worshipping ALL GODS.
MELAN: F Zolteo Jungle supports Ikelan, F Xuxchan Isles to Oljatt sea, A Jadis to Centeo Jungle, A Troicinet supports A Slennin to Eastmarch, A Ilmethonia supports A Slennin to Eastmarch, F Melandria to Mare Mysticum, F Hydrabad to Lion Isles, F Hallion's March (WC) to Bigendia, F Solnor Ocean supports F Melandria to Mare Mysticum, F Scar Isle supports F Melandria to Mare Mysticum; ALL GODS
DALESMEN: F Tania to Earth Sea, F Schlegian Isles supports F Tania to earth sea, A Strongheart - Eastmarch, A Slenin supports A Strongheart to Eastmarch [RETREAT]; This season the Dalesmen will be worshipping LANRAKUS. Retreat: army in slennin retreats to strongheart.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Olebra S URSUS A.Portare - Fionar, A.Obscuran Steppes S URSUS A.Fionar - Sylinat, A.Eudopolis - Auchendennan, A.Ankmor - Eudopolis, A.Quime - Theadonica, F.Adern Forest - Theadonica
ADERN EXILES: A Eastmarsh - Slennin, A Boritzi s A Eastmarsh - Slennin, F Hell Isles s A Eastmarsh - Slennin, A Canton -Tania, F Earth Sea c A Canton - Tania, F Caprian Sea s Earth Sea, F Bloody Channel - Oceanum Titanicum, A Denzalia - Cantom; NOTRET.
THE TOUV: Fleet Jolan to Cantaborian Sea, Fleet Byanbo to Horror Strait, Army Tolanok to Zolteo Jugle, Army Iyapo to Ikelan [RETREAT]. Retreat: Army Iyapo to Kelo Hills
ZOMBIES: A Kabrevo Plain Holds, A Kelo Hills - Jolan, F Sea of Thunder – Quime.

Divine Blessing from: (Lanrakus 1, Safieros 1, Notret 1, Ilmethir 1: Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) NOTRET, Goddess of Disease (FAMINE) Ursus, Elsea, Zoobar, Melan & Adern may vote in Autumn for recipient.

Suddenly the people of Elsea become more religious as the future of their civilisation rests on the way in which Ursus decide to attack this turn.

- King-Emperor Thagarius (inspired by a new Muse):Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Win! Win! Win! Win! Yes I’m gonna win!”


URSUS: A Rav – Gug, A Plex – Imn, F Guu S A Plex – Imn, A Fio – Cal, A Per S A Pio – Cal, A Por – Fionar, F Fion Sea C A Por - Fionar. Blessing to Elsea !!! No change.
ELSEA: A Calram S A Imnryr, A Janthar S A Calram, A Imnryr Holds. No change.
ZOOBAR: A HAM-IKE, F PEA C A HAM-IKE, F TEM Hold, F MAL Hold [AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT: ELSEA A Imnryr Holds]. Gain Ikelan: Build 1: Army in Boobar.
MELAN: F Xuxchan Isles supports A Hambu to Ikelan, F Zolteo Jungle supports A Hambu to Ikelan, A Centeo Jungle to Jadis, F Bigendia to Solnor Ocean, F Hallion's March (wc) to Cantaborian Sea, F Scar Isle Holds, A Anzed to Troicinet, A Ilmethonia supports A Anzed to Troicinet. Melan to receive famine.Gain Jadis, Scar Isle & Troicinet (but -1 for Famine): Build 2: Fleet Melandria, Fleet Hydrabad.
DALESMEN: A Strongheart holds, F Schlegian Isles to Earth Sea, F Tania to Hell Isles, A Eastmarch – Boritzi [DESTROYED], A Slennin supports A Eastmarch to Boritzi. Lose Boritzi (but unit destroyed): No change.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Quime - Theadonica, F.Adern Forest - Theadonica, A.Eudopolis-Ankmor, A.Obscuran stand. Gain Quime (and 1 in hand): Build 2: A.Olebra and A.Eudopolis..
ADERN EXILES: A Canton - Tania, F Earth Sea C A Canton - Tania, F Caprian Sea S Earth Sea, F Hell Isles - Slennin, A Troicinet - Eastmarch, A Boritzi S A Troicinet - Eastmarch, A Denzalia - Canton, A New Aderna – Denzalia. Gain Boritzi, Lose Troicinet: No change.
THE TOUV: Fleet Jolan to Cantaborian Sea, Fleet Yano Desert to Byanbo, Everything else is holding. Gain Jolan, Lose Ikelan: No change.
SCARLET BRO.: A Kelo Hills – Ikelan. Lose Jadis & Jolan: Disband 1: 'NMR' – Army Kelo Hills turn into a zombie horde - much more fun! OUT :-(
ZOMBIES: A Kabrevo Plain Holds, F Sea of Thunder – Quime.

Divine Blessing from NOTRET, Goddess of Disease (FAMINE) to: (Elsea 1, Melan 1: Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I...) MELANSupport one less unit than their supply centres this year.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “Those Melandrian fanatics even call the Famine of Mother Notret upon themselves – they are pious beyond all reason!”


URSUS: Fleet GUU S Army Plex – Imn, Army Plex – Imn, Army Rav – Gug, Army Per S Army Plex - Imn, Army Fionar S Army Per, A Tai – Portare, F Fion Sea S Army Fionar, Worship NOTRET.
ELSEA: NMR! [GM: A Imn MS A Cal, A Jan S A Imn]
MELAN: F Mare Mysticum to Scar Isle, F Hydrabad to Hallion's March (WC), F Bigendia supports F Hydrabad to Hallion's March (WC), A Cursed Shore to Ilmethonia, A Anzed supports A Cursed Shore to Ilmethonia, A Xolapeqa to Centeo Jungle, F Xuxchan Isles to Zolteo Jungle, F Zar to Xuxchan Isles; ALL GODS.
DALESMEN: A Orking Vale - Strongheart, F Tania to Earth Sea, F Schlegian Isles supports F Tania to Earth Sea, A Boritzi – Troicinet [RETREAT], A Slennin – Boritzi. Retreat: A Borizi retreats to Eastmarch.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Auchendennan – Eudopolis, A.Olebra - Obscuran Steppes, F.Adern Forest – Theadonica, A.Ankmor – Quime.
ADERN EXILES: A Canton - Boritzi, F Earth Sea C A Canton - Boritzi, F Caprian Sea S Earth Sea, A Troicinet S A Canton - Boritzi, F Hell Isle S A Canton - Boritzi, A Denzalia - Canton, A New Aderna - Denzalia, A Arrioni - New Aderna, F Bloody Channel S F Mare Mysticum - Scar Isle; God- Mafek.
THE TOUV: Army Yano Desert supports Fleet Cantaborian Sea to Jolan, Fleet Cantaborian Sea to Jolan, Army Ikelan to Tolanok, Army Iyapo holds; Worship Notret.
SCARLET BRO.: NMR! [GM: A Jol holds] [RETREAT] Retreat: A Jolan retreat to Kelo Hills.
ZOMBIES: F Scar Isle – Mare Mysticum [DESTROYED], F Sea of Thunder - Theadonica, A Byanbo – Kabrevo Plain.

Divine Blessing from: NOTRET, Goddess of Disease (FAMINE) Ursus, The Touv, Melan may vote in Autumn for recipient.

- King-Emperor Thagarius:Ah, the clash of arms, the screams of the dying – music to Our ears!”


URSUS: A Tai – Ole, F Fion Sea S A Tai – Ole, A Fionar S A Tai – Ole, A Gug – Per, A Plex S A Gug – Per, F Guu – Imn, A Rav S A Gug – Per. Gain Fionar, Lose Olebra: No change.
ELSEA: A Calram - Fionar, A Perdition S A Calram – Fionar [DESTROYED], A Imnryr S A Perdition, A Janthar S A Imnryr. Vote Elsea. Lose Fionar (but unit destroyed): No disband.
MELAN: F Xuxchan Isles to Ikelan, A Xolapeqa supports F Pelisso Swamp to Zar, F Pelisso Swamp to Zar, F Bigendia to Hallion's March (WC), A Cursed Shore to Hallion's March, F Melandria to Mare Mysticum, A Anzed to Troicinet. Vote for MELAN to receive BERSERKERGANG. Gain Zar: Build 1: Fleet Hydrabad.
DALESMEN: A Orking Vale - Strongheart, F Schlegian Isles - Earth Sea, F Tania Supports F Schlegian isles to Earth Sea, A Eastmarch - Boritzi, A Slennin supports A Eastmarch – Boritzi. Gain Troicinet, Lose Boritzi: No change.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Olebra S ELSEA A.Calram - Fionar, A.Ankmor S A.Olebra, A.Auchendennan – Strongheart, F.Adern Forest – Tania. Gain Olebra: Build 1: A.Theadonica [INVALID – No Build].
ADERN EXILES: A Arrioni - New Aderna, F Earth Sea - Hell Isles, F Gulf of Ishtar - Earth Sea, F Caprian Sea S F Gulf of Ishtar - Earth Sea, A Boritzi – Hold [DESTROYED], A Troicinet S A Boritzi - Hold, F Bloody Channel S F Melandria - Mare Mysticum. Blessing – Myself. Gain Boritzi, Lose Troicinet (but unit destroyed) Build 1: Army in Arrioni.
THE TOUV: F Cantaborian Sea convoys A Byanbo to Hallion's March, A Byanbo to Hallions March, F Yano Desert to Byanbo, A Ikelan supports A Iyapo. [F Zar DESTROYED]. Lose Zar & Jolan (but 1 unit destroyed): Disband 1: NMR! [Army Byanbo becomes Zombies].
SCARLET BRO.: A Centeo Jungle - Jolan. Berserker gang vote Elsea. Gain Jolan: Cannot build (no home centres – one build in hand).
ZOMBIES: F Scar Isle – Bloody Channel, F Quime – Sea of Thunder.

Divine Blessing of MAFEK (Berserkergang, again) to: ELSEA May specify one moving unit to receive a divine extra support in Spring 07.

- King-Emperor Thagarius:The northern rebels become tiresome: Instruct our tributaries to aid the loyal Touv in crushing them.”


URSUS: A OLE – FIONAR, F Fion Sea S A OLE, A Tai - OLE, A RAV S A OLE, A PER S A OLE [RETREAT], A PLEX S A PER, F TEM - GUU. Blessing thrundar. Retreat: from Per to Gug.
ELSEA: A Fionar - Perdition BERSERKERGANG, A Calram S A Fionar - Perdition, A Imnryr S A Fionar - Perdition, A Janthar S (Elsea) A Imnryr. Worshipping Mafek.
MELAN: F Tilvanot to Xuxchan Isles, F Oljatt Sea to Pelisso Swamp, A Xolapeqa supports A Jadis to Centeo Jungle, F Cantaborian sea to Byanbo [RETREAT], A Cursed Shore Holds, A Alphemar to Anzed, F Melandria to Mare Mysticum. Vote for MAFEK, God of War. Retreat/Disband: F Cantaborian Sea retreats to Bigendia.
DALESMEN: F Schlegian isles - Supports F lake - Tania, F Lake- Tania, A Orking Vale- Slennin, A Eastmarch - supports A Orking Vale - Slennin, A Ash plain - Orking Vale.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Eudopolis - Auchendennan, A.Obscuran STeppes - Olebra, A. Ankmor S A.Obscuran STeppes - Olebra, F.Adern Forest - Theadonica.
ADERN EXILES: F Oceanum Titanicum - Bloody Channel, F Caprian Sea - Gulf of Ishtar, F Uradili - Caprian Sea, A Canton - Troicinet, F Earth Sea C A Canton - Troicinet, A Boritzi S A Canton - Troicinet, A Denzalia - Canton, A New Aderna - Denzalia. God - Mafek.
THE TOUV: Fleet Zar to Xolapeqa, Fleet Jolan to Cantaborian Sea, Fleet Yano Desert supports Fleet Jolan to Cantaborian Sea, Army Byanbo stands, Army Iyapo stands, Army Ikelan supports Army Iyapo stands.
SCARLET BRO.: A Jadis - Centeo Jungle. Worshipping Mafek.
ZOMBIES: F Scar Isle – Mare Mysticum, F Quime - Theadonica.

Divine Blessing from: MAFEK (Berserkergang, again)Elsea, Melan, Adern, Scarlet Brotherhood may vote in autumn for recipient..

- King-Emperor Thagarius: Fleeing Ursus barbarians from the East so frenziedly, the Elseans overrun others in the West!”


URSUS: Army Plex S Zoobar A Mal – Imn, Army Per S Zoobar A Mal – Imn, A Rav – Fionar, F Fion Sea S A Rav – Fionar, A Ole S A Rav – Fionar, A Tai S A Ole, F Tem hold. Blessing on Ursus. Gain Perdition, Lose Fionar: No change.
ELSEA: A.Fionar S UNSEEN A.Ankmor - Olebra, A.Calram S ELSEA A.Fionar, A.Janthar S ELSEA A.Imnryr, A.Imnryr Holds. Mafek vote to Elsea. Gain Fionar, Lose Perdition: No change.
ZOOBAR: Vote Elsea. F HOR - KAB, F PEA S Touv A IYA - IKE, A MAL NEC, A HAM Hold. No change.
MELAN: F Oljatt Sea to Tilvanot, F Sea of Sharks to Oljatt Sea, A Sharba to Xolapeqa, F Cantaborian Sea holds, A Cursed Shore to Melandria, A Alphemar to Melandria. Vote for Elsea to receive Mafek's blessing. Gain Tolanok & Xolapeqa, Lose Scar Isle, Build 1: Fleet Melandria.
DALESMEN: F Adern Forest - Schlegian Isles, F lake Convoys A Orking Vale - Adern Forest, A strongheart – Eastmarch. Lose Boritzi, Disband 1: A auchendennan.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Ankmor-Olebra, A.Obscuran Steppes S A.Ankmor-Olebra, A.Eudopolis S A.Obscuran Steppes, A.Lat S A.Eudopolis, F.Theadonica-Adern Forest. Lose Quime, Disband 1: A.Lat.
ADERN EXILES: A Duettin - Boritzi, F Caprian Sea C A Duettin - Boritzi, F Earth Sea C A Duettin - Boritzi, All others hold. Bless – Myself. Gain Boritzi, Build 1: an army in Arrioni.
THE TOUV: A Tolanok to Ikelan, A Centeo Jungle to Jadis, F Yano Desert supports A Byanbo. Lose Tilvanot & Xolapeqa (but famine finally ends), Disband 1: Army Centeo Jungle.
SCARLET BRO.: A.Jadis Holds. Mafek vote to (who would have guessed it) Elsea. No change.
ZOMBIES: F Mare Mysticum – Scar Isle, F Sea of Thunder – Quime. Gain Scar Isle & Quime, but don't care: No change.

Divine Blessing of Mafek's Berserkergang to: ELSEAMay specify one moving unit to receive a divine extra support in Spring 06.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: Ah, the loyal Elf Legions have begun to land, on their return home... But the Undead Hordes conquer even more than they!


URSUS: Army Plex – Imnryr, Army Ravvening – Perdition, Army Fionar S A Rav – Per [RETREAT], Fleet Fion Sea S A Fio hold, Army Olebra Hold, Army Taiga S A Ole hold, Fleet Tempest Ocean hold. Retreat: [A Fio] to Rav.
ELSEA: A Sylinat - Fionar, A Calram S A Sylinat - Fionar, A Bolemia - Janthar, A Nidheg Khanate - Imnryr. Worshipping Mafek.
MELAN: A Centeo Jungle to Sharba, F Sea of Sharks convoys A Centeo Jungle to Sharba, F Cantaborian Sea supports F Horror Strait to Byanbo, F Solnor Ocean to Oljatt Sea, A Cursed Shore to Alphemar, A Hallion's March to Cursed Shore. Voting for MAFEK, god of war.
DALESMEN: F Sclegian Isles - Adern Forest, F lake Ick supports - F Adern Forest, A Orking Vale - Ash Plain, A Slennin - Orking Vale. Dalesmen will worship Notret this season.
UNSEEN CON.: A.Obscuran Steppes S ELSEA A.Sylinat - Fionar, A.Ankmor - Olebra, A.Eudopolis S A. Obscuran Steppes, A.Lat S A.Eudopolis, F.Theadonica stand. Worship MAFEK
ADERN EXILES: F Caprian Sea - Earth Sea, F Uradili S F Caprian Sea - Earth Sea, F Oceanum Titanicum - Caprian Sea, F Arrioni - Oceanum Titanicum. God - Mafek
THE TOUV: Fleet Zar to Xuxchan Isles, Army Xolapeqa to Centeo Jungle, Fleet Jolan to Cantaborian Sea, Fleet Yano Desert supports Fleet Jolan to Centeo Jungle, Army Tolanok to Ikelan, Army Iyapo to Ikelan.
SCARLET BRO.: A Jadis S A Centeo Jungle. Worshipping Mafek.
ZOMBIES: F Sea of Thunder Hold, F Earth Sea – Mare Mysticum.

Divine Blessing from: MAFEK (Berserkergang)Ursus, Elsea, Zoobar, Melan, Unseen Confederacy, Adern, Scarlet Brotherhood may vote in autumn for recipient.

- “Korenth Zan, the Father of Obedience, sent an ambassador to the court of the Ruby Skull Throne in Elsea, bearing a simple message: 'Submit to the Scarlet Brotherhood or be destroyed'. When the ruling Princes contemptuously refused, the ambassador presented a list of thirty minor nobles of the highest Necromon lineages. Twenty-seven of the nobles were found dead by the next sunrise, slain by red-hooded assassins; two others remained alive but had been severely injured. The Princes surrendered. A ship flying the Scarlet Sign docked in Imnryr's port - unloading many savage Hepmonaland warriors, an Elder Brother monk with direct authority from the Father of Obedience, and subservient scarlet-robed monks to be 'advisors' of the surviving Princes...” [Elsea passes from TonyH to AlexT]

- “Hmm! I know, let's take a relatively balanced situation involving three against one. Then, when one of the three looks like they're going to lose their last supply centre, we'll give them control of the country that's protecting the other two's rear!”

- King-Emperor Thagarius: Is that drumming I hear? At this late hour??


URSUS: Army Fionar – Obscuran Steppes, Army Olebra S A Fio - Obs, Army Taiga S A Ole, Army Ravvening – Fionar, Army Gugul – Plex, Fleet Tempest Ocean S Army Gugul – Plex, Fleet Fion Sea S A Rav – Fionar. No Build.
ELSEA/Necromon: Army Calram supports Army Sylinat. Army Sylinat supports Army Janthar to Bolemia. Army Janthar to Bolemia. Army Imnryr to Nideg Khanate. No Build or Disband 1.
ZOOBAR: Vote TOUV for famine. A Mal Hold [AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT: ELSEA A Imn - Nid], A Ham - Ike, F Pea C A Ham - Ike, F Hor – Bya. No Build.
MELAN: A Bigendia to Centeo Jungle, F Cantaborian Sea convoys A Bigendia to Centeo Jungle, F Solnor Ocean supports F Cantaborian Sea, F Sea of Sharks supports A Bigendia to Centeo Jungle, A Hydrabad to Hallion's March, A Melandria to Cursed Shore. No Build.
DALESMEN: A Bolemia – Sylinat [RETREAT], A Nideg Khanate – Bolemia [RETREAT], A Orking Vale - Ash Plain, F Lake Ick - Adern Forest, F Schlegian Isles – Theadonica, [AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT: A Auchendennan S DALESMEN A Ork – Ash]. Retreats: Army from Bolemia to Strongheart and disband army in Nideg Khanate. No Build or Build 1 or 2: rebuild army in Slennin.
UNSEEN CON.: F.Theadonica - Adern Forest, A.Lat - Ash Plain, A.Eudopolis S A.Lat - Ash Plain, A.Ankmor S A. Obscuran Steppes, A.Obscuran Steppes S A.Eudopolis. No Build.
CANTABRIA: Army in Canton to hold [DESTROYED]. OUT :-(
ADERN EXILES: A Istria - Canton, A Denzalia S A Istria - Canton, F Caprian Sea - Uradili, A Duettin S F Caprian Sea - Uradili, F Oceanum Titanicum - Caprian Sea, F Arrioni - Oceanum Titanicum. Build 1: Fleet in Arrioni.
THE TOUV: Army Byanbo stands, Fleet Yano Desert supports Army Byanbo, Fleet Jolan to Cantaborian Sea, Army Tolanok to Ikelan, Army Iyapo to Ikelan, Army Centeo Jungle to Xolapeqa, Fleet Xuxchan Isles to Zar. Build 1 but -1 for Famine = No Build.
SCARLET BRO.: A Sharba - Jadis, vote: The Touv. No Build.
ZOMBIES: F Uradili – Caprian Sea [RETREAT], F Gulf of Ishtar – Sea of Thunder. Retreat: F Uradili – Earth Sea.

Divine Blessing of Notret's FAMINE to: THE TOUV – Support one less unit than their supply centres this year.

- “Army in Canton to hold on by their finger nails if necessary, they could all try and look menacing by pretending that they have guns in the pocket of their raincoats etc. and try and scare of the invaders, if that doesn't work then they should all pretend to be jehovahs witnesses who want to talk to the invaders - that should see anyone off!! If I am dead, I hope that the children still sing songs about our valiant last stand!
- King-Emperor Thagarius: Let the children sing of the terrible Elvish Hordes which drive Zombies before them, conquering all Cantabria!


URSUS: Fleet Polyp Isles to Tempest Ocean, Army Ursus to Ravvening, Army Gugul S Army Ursus - Ravvening, Army Fionar S A Olebra - Obscuran Steppes, Army Olebra – Obscuran Steppes, Army Taiga - Olebra, Fleet Fion Sea S Army Taiga – Olebra. Worship to Mafek
ELSEA/Necromon: Army Sylinat supports Ursus Army Olebra to Obscuran Steppes. Army Janthar supports Army Sylinat. Army Calram supports Army Sylinat. Army Perdition to Imnryr
ZOOBAR: A Nid - Mal, F Hor - Bya, A Ham - Ike, F Pea C A Ham - Ike. Pray to Notret
MELAN: F Cantaborian Sea to Byanbo, F Solnor Ocean to Sea of Sharks, F Bloody Channel to Solnor Ocean, A Cursed Shore to Hydrabad, A Hallion's march to Bigendia, A Melandria Holds. Nominate Notret as the god to propitiate
DALESMEN: F Slennin - Lake Ick [actually “Lake” but order unambiguous], A Auchendennan - Sylinat, A Strongheart - Nideg Khanate, F Earth Sea - Schlegian Isles, A Orking Vale – Auchendennan, [AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT: A Bolemia S ELSEA A Sylinat]
UNSEEN CON.: A.Eudopolis & A.Obscuran Steppes S DALESMEN A.Auchendennan - Sylinat, A.Ankmor S A.Obscuran Steppes, F.Theadonica stand, A.Quime - Lat. This year I will mainly be worshipping MAFEK
CANTABRIA: [A Canton] hold at all costs, they are to fight to the death defending every last inch of territory. There will be NO retreat, Scorched Earth
ADERN EXILES: A Orceesh Forest - Denzalia, A Istria - Canton, A Duettin S A Istria - Canton, F Caprian Sea Hold, F Oceanum Titancum S F Caprian Sea Hold, F Arrioni S F Oceanum Titancum. God – Marek [as Mafek is known to the Elves]
THE TOUV: F Tilvanot to Xuxchan Isles, A Xolapeqa to Centeo Jungle, A Tolanok to Ikelan, F Yano Desert supports A Kabrevo Plain to Byanbo, A Kabrevo Plain to Byanbo, F Jolan to Cantaborian Sea, A Iyapo to Ikelan. Pay Tribute and worship MAFEK
SCARLET BRO.: A Jadis-Sharba. Worshipping Notret
ZOMBIES: F Uradili - Duettin, F Gulf Of Ishtar – Caprian Sea

Divine Blessing from: (Mafek 4, Notret 4: Casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I)... NOTRET, Blessing of FamineZoobar, Melan, Cantabria & Scarlet Brotherhood may vote in autumn for recipient.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: We are pleased the Dalesmen are so loyal to Us that they will fight themselves, yet saddened that the Elves are again defeated by their ancient undead nemesis.


URSUS: Army Ravvening – Fionar, Fleet Fion Sea S Army Olebra HOLD, Army Olebra S Army Ravvening – Fionar, Army Tai S Army Ole HOLD, Army Gul HOLD, Fleet Ursus – Polyp Isles. Build 1: Army in Ursus (City)
ELSEA/Necromon: Army Perdition Supports Ursus Army Ravvening to Fionar, Army Calram Supports Army Janthar Hold, Army Janthar Supports Zoobar Army Malobar to Nideg Khanate, Army Sylnat to Bolemia, Fleet Imnryr Holds. Disband 1: F Imnryr is scrapped
ZOOBAR: A Mal - Nid, F Hor S (Melan) F Can - Bya, F Tem - Pea, A Ham hold, Vote for The Touv to receive famine.
MELAN: F Cantaborian Sea to Byanbo, F Denzalia to Bloody Channel, F Mare Mysticum to Solnor Ocean, A Bigendia to Hallion's March, A Cursed Shore Holds, A Melandria Holds, Nominate The Touv for Famine.
DALESMEN: A Nideg Khanate – Janthar [RETREAT], A Bolemia supports A Janthar, A Auchandennan - Sylinat, A Eastmarch - Strongheart, F Hell Isles - Slennin, F Earth sea – Uradili. Retreat: A Nideg Khanate disbands. Build 1: A Orking Vale
UNSEEN CON.: A.Fionar – Calram [DESTROYED], A.Obscuran Steppes - Eudopolis, A.Ankmor - Eudopolis, F.Adern Forest – Theadonica. Build 2: A.Eudopolis and A.Quime
CANTABRIA: A (Canton) - Duetti, F (Gulf of Ishtar) - Caprian sea, F (Uraldili ) support (Canton) – Duetti. Disband 2: NMR! F Gulf Of Ishtar & F Uradili become ZOMBIES!!!
ADERN EXILES: A Orceesh Forest - Istria, A New Aderna - Orceesh Forest, A Arrioni - New Aderna, F CAP S A Due, [AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT: A Duettin S DALESMEN F Earth Sea – Uradili]. Build 1: Fleet in Arrioni
THE TOUV: F XUXCHAN ISLES to Tilvanot, A Xolapeqa holds, A Tolanok supports F Jolan, F Jolan holds, A Kabrevo Plain to Byanbo, A Iyapo to Kabrevo Plain, F Yano Desert supports A Kabrevo Plain to Byanbo. Build 1 but -1 for Famine = No Build.
SCARLET BRO.: A Centeo Jungle - Xolapeqa, vote: The Touv. Disband 1: army in Centeo Jungle.

Divine Blessing of Notret's FAMINE to: THE TOUVSupport one less unit than their supply centres this year!

- Affronted by the combined treachery and apathy of the nations on the North-Eastern continent, the Theocratic Emperor of Melan sends word for his fleets to withdraw to the


URSUS: Fleet Fion Sea – Ursus, Fleet Olebra – Fion Sea, Army Taiga – Olebra, Army Portare – Taiga, Army Rav S Army Gugul hold, Army Gugul S Army Rav Hold (MAFEK)
ELSEA/Necromon: Army Fionar Supports Ursus Army Taiga to Olebra [RETREAT], Army Janthar to Sylinat, Army Calram Supports Army Janthar to Sylinat, Army Imnryr to Janthar, Fleet Guul Sea to Imnryr, (HETADUN) Retreat: A Fionar – Perdition.
ZOOBAR: Tributary, F Hor - Bya, A Ham - Kab, F Tem C A Ham - Kab, A Mal HOLD, Also worshiping NOTRET
MELAN: NOTRET, Free. F Cantaborian Sea supports A Jadis to Centeo Jungle, A Bigendia holds, A Cursed Shore to Melandria, A Melandria to Canton, F Mare Mysticum convoys A Melandria to Canton, F Denzalia supports A Melandria to Canton.
DALESMEN: A strongheart – Bolemia, A Orking Vale – Auchendennan, F Tania - Earth Sea, [AUTOMATIC TRIBUTARY SUPPORT: F Hell Isles S F Tania – Earth Sea], A Nideg Khanate supports A [to] Bolemia, and we will stay with worship of THRUNDAR this year
UNSEEN CON.: A.Sylinat-Fionar, A.Obscuran Steppes S A.Sylinat-Fionar, A.Ankmor S A.Obscuran Steppes, F.Adern stand. (SAFIEROS)
CANTABRIA: Fleet Gulf of Ishtar - Earth Sea, fleet Duetti - [Ca]prian sea [RETREAT], Army Canton - Istria, (NOTRET) Retreat: F Duettin – Uradili.
ADERN EXILES: A Istria - Duettin (BERSERK!), A Orceesh Forest – Istria, A New Aderna – Denzalia, A Arrioni - New Aderna, F Mount Doom - Caprian Sea, F Oceanum Titanicum S F Mount Doom - Caprian Sea, God: MAFEK
THE TOUV: Fleet Jolan to Cantaborian Sea, Fleet Yano Desert to Byanbo, Army Kelo Hills to Kabrevo Plain, Army Iyapo supports Army Kelo Hills to Kabrevo Plain, Fleet Zar to Xuxchan Isles, Army Zolteo Jungle to Tolanok, Army Xolapeqa holds, Pay Tribute to the Old Empire, Worship ILMETHIR
SCARLET BRO.: A Sharba-Jadis. A Jadis-Centeo Jungle, Worshipping NOTRET

Divine Blessing from: NOTRET (Famine)Zoobar, Melan, Cantabria, Scarlet Brotherhood may vote for recipient in Autumn.

The newly crowned Paladin King refuses to acknowledge imperial authority, asserting that with inter-continental influence comes Imperial status for the Melani crown. All hail Lucilius the Bold, first Paladin-Emperor of the Theocratic Empire of Melan!”
- “Attack! Kill! Duck!” here


URSUS: Fleet Fionar – Olebra, Army Taiga Support Fleet Fionar – Olebra, Fleet FionSea Support Fleet Fionar – Olebra, Army Gulgul Support Army Ravvening Hold, Army Ravvening Support ELSEA Army Perdition into Fionar, Blessing to James (Khalkidia). Build: A Portare.
ELSEA/Necromon: Army Perdition to Fionar, Army Calram to Sylinat, Army Janthar Supports Army Calram to Sylinat, Fleet Imnryr to Guul Sea. Build: A Imnryr.
ZOOBAR: F Hor – Bya, A Mal – Nid, A Ham – Kab, F Tem C A Ham – Kab. Build: None.
MELAN: F Bloody Channel to Denzalia, F Mare Mysticum to Denzalia, F Hallion's March to Cantaborian Sea, A Bigendia to Hallion's March, A Cursed Shore to Hallion's March, A Alphemar to Melandria. Build: None.
DALESMEN: F hold Tania, A Eastmarch – Stongheart, A Troicinet – Eastmarch, A Nideg Kanate support A Bolemia, F Hell Isles support F Tania. Build: A Orking Vale.
UNSEEN CON.: F.Adern stand, A.Syinat-Fionar, A.Obscuran S A.Olebra, A.Olebra stand [RETREAT], A.Boelia-Janthar, Vote for UNSEEN to get beserkerkerkergang [VOTE INVALID – no vote]. Retreat: A Olebra – Ankmor. Disband: A Bolemia.
CANTABRIA: F duetti - Caprian sea, F gulf of ishtar support F duetti - Caprian sea, A istria -Municipia [DESTROYED], A canton hold, Divine Blessing from: MAFEK (Berserkergang) [assumed to self]. Build: None.
ADERN EXILES: A Municipia – Istria, A Orchessh Forest S A Municipia – Istria, F Mt Doom - Caprian Sea, F Oceanum titanicum S F Mt Doom - Caprian Sea, A New Aderna S F Bloody Channel – Denzalia, Blessing - Myself ( Khalkida). Build: A Arrioni.
THE TOUV: Fleet Xuxchan Isles to Zar, Army Centeo Jungle to Xolapeqa, Army Zolteo Jungle supports Army Centeo Jungle to Xolapeqa, Fleet Cantaborian Sea to Byanbo [RETREAT], Army Kelo Hills to Kabrevo Plain. Retreat: F Cantaborian Sea – Yano Desert. Build: F Jolan, A Iyapo.
SCARLET BRO.: A Sharba – Xolapeqa, A Jadis Holds, F Tilvanot- Oljatt Sea, F Sea of Sharks S MELAN F Hallion's March - Cantaborian Sea. Disband: F Oljatt Sea, F Sea of Sharks.
Divine Blessing of Mafek's Berserkergang to: KHALKIDIA – May specify one moving unit to receive a divine support extra in Spring 03.

- King-Emperor Thagarius: “We hear these Touv are formidable warriors. Bring some before Us for examination...”


URSUS: F Fion Sea – Fionar, A Ravvening S F FionSea-Fionar, A Gugul S A Ravvening, F Ursus City – Fion Sea, A Portare – Taiga, (MAFEK)
ELSEA/Necromon: A Janthar – Sylinat, F Imnryr holds, A Calram S URSUS F FionSea-Fionar, A Perdition S URSUS F FionSea-Fionar, (HETADUN)
ZOOBAR: F Zoobarel – Horror Strait, Rest hold, Tributary, GAIALA
MELAN: F Scar Isle – Bloody Channel (BERSERK!), F Melandria – Mare Mysticum, A Hallion's March – Cursed Shore, F Hydrabad – Hallion's March (wc), A Alphemar holds, A Bigendia holds, ALL GODS
DALESMEN: F Slennin-Tania, A Strongheart-Nideg Khanate, A Boritzi – Eastmarch, F Hell Isles S F Tania, (THRUNDAR)
UNSEEN CON.: F Fionar stand [DESTROYED], A Olebra S F Fionar, A Sylinat – Bolemia, A Eudopolis – Sylinat, A Obscuran Steppe S A Eud-Syl, F Adern Stand, (SAFIEROS)
CANTABRIA: F Theadonica – Gulf Of Ishtar, A Canton – Denzalia, A Istria S A Can-Den, F Duettin – Caprian Sea, ALL GODS
ADERN EXILES: F Bloody Channel – Denzalia [RETREAT], A New Aderna S F Blo – Den, F Mt.Doom – Caprian Sea, A Vecnopolis – Orceesh Forest, A Municipia S A Vec – Orc, MAFEK. Retreat: F Blo – Oceanum Titanicum
THE TOUV: F Ikelan – Xuxchan Isles, A Tolanok – Zolteo Jungle, A Kabrevo Plain – Kelo Hills, F Byanbo – Cantaborian Sea, A Jolan – Centeo Jungle, (Ilmethir)
SCARLET BRO.: NMR! (Lanrakus)
Divine Blessing from: MAFEK (Berserkergang)

With the god of war favouring all three of the Melani crusades, the people of Melan rejoice and the tournament champion Lucilius the Bold is...” more


URSUS: A Ravvening – Gugul, A Ursus City – Ravvening, F Fion Sea S A Urs – Rav, Vote: –. Build: F Ursus, A Portare
ELSEA/Necromon: A Calram – Janthar, A Perdition – Calram, F Imnryr holds. Build: A Janthar
ZOOBAR: A Boobar – Hambu, F Tempest Ocean C A Boo – Ham, A Malobar holds. Build: F Zoobarel
MELAN: F Mare Mysticum – Scar Isle, A Hallion's March – Bigendia, A Cursed Shore – Hallion's March, Vote: MELAN. Build: A Alphemar, F Melandria, F Hydrabad
DALESMEN: A Eastmarch – Troicinet, A Slennin – Boritzi, F Tania – Hell Isles. Build: A Strongheart, F Slennin
UNSEEN CON.: F Ick – Adern Forest, F Fionar stand, A Obscuran S F Fionar, A Sylinat – Janthar, Vote: UNSEEN. Build: A Eudopolis, A Olebra
CANTABRIA: F EarthSea A – Theadonica, A Municipia holds (RETREAT), A Canton holds. Retreat: A Municipia – Istria. Build: F Duettin
ADERN EXILES: A Orceesh Forest – Municipia, A Vecnopolis S A Orceesh Forest – Municipia, F Griffildi – Bloody Channel, Vote: URSUS. Build: F Mt.Doom, A New Aderna
THE TOUV: F Cantaborian Sea – Byanbo, A Kelo Hills – Kabrevo Plain, A Tolanok holds. Build: F Ikelan, A Jolan
SCARLET BRO.: A Sharba – Jadis, A Xolapeqa – Sharba, F Oljatt Sea – Sea of Sharks. Build: F Tilvanot
Divine Blessing to: MELAN (casting vote by Pope-Hero Aesop I)

"With the various Paladin Lords each progressing well with their crusades, the priests of the holy conclave convene in the Melandria's Theocratic Palace to ..." more


URSUS: A Ursus – Ravvening, A Ferre – Ursus, F Portare – Fion Sea, Tribute + MAFEK
ELSEA/Necromon: F Imnryr Holds, A Calram – Perdition, A Janthar – Calram, (Tribute + HETADUN)
ZOOBAR: F Boobar – Tempest Ocean, A Zoobarel – Boobar, A Malobar Hold, Tribute + GAIALA
MELAN: F Melandria – Mare Mysticum, A Hydrabad – Hallion's March, A Alphemar – Cursed Shore, FREE! + MAFEK
DALESMEN: A Strongheart – Eastmarch, A Orking Vale - Slennin, F Slennin – Tania, Tribute + THRUNDAR
UNSEEN CON.: F Olebra – Fionar, F Quime – Ick, A Eudopolis – Sylinat, A Ankmor – Obscuran Steppe, Tribute + MAFEK
CANTABRIA: F Canton – Earth Sea, A Istria – Municipia, A Duettin – Canton, (Free + NOTRET)
ADERN EXILES: A Mt.Doom – Vecnopolis, A New Adern – Orceesh Forest, F Arrioni – Griffildi, Tribute + MAFEK
THE TOUV: A Ikelan – Tolanok, A Iyanbo – Kelo Hills, F Jolan – Cantaborian Sea, (Free + ILMETHIR)
SCARLET BRO.: A Xolapeqa – Sharba, A Zar – Xolapeqa, F Tilvanot – Oljatt Sea, Free + LANRAKUS
Divine Blessing from: MAFEK (Berserkergang)

With the natural death of the latest Paladin-King of Melan - Regulus the Competent - Not only was the contract with the Empire of Ayathgaron that he ...” more

The campaign will be played according to standard Diplomacy rules, with a few additions detailed below.
Here is a copy of the Diplomacy rules (4th edition). Other versions are available from
Orders should be e-mailed to reach the GM by 10:30pm of Deadline Day, the date given on the latest version of The Map.

1) The map looks different but is functionally the same as the standard map, with England extended into two nations and Africa extended into two more.
2) Tribute: Each year (Spring) you can decide whether to pay 'Tribute' to the Old Empire, which may gain you defensive support in exchange for sometimes involuntarily giving support with inactive units.
3) Tithe: Each Spring you choose a deity, to decide which one of the divine Blessings/Curses will occur that year-end; and each Autumn may get to vote for which nation receives that Blessing/Curse.
4) Under some quite rare circumstances, Zombie armies/fleets may appear and start wandering randomly about.

That's it. Here are the details...

Most nations initially pay tribute by default, but can change that any year by saying so in Spring, or to (re-)start paying. Nations are accordingly listed on the current Map page as Tributary or Free. Units of a tributary nation will automatically be deemed supported by available units (i.e. adjacent, and not otherwise moving/supporting) of any tributary nation, but only for actions which are: 1) within the supported unit's original territory; or 2) against non-tributaries.

Each nation worships their default deity, but you can change that for any one year by specifying another (or "All Gods" or "No Gods") in Spring.
The deity worshipped by the most nations each year (determined in Spring) will bestow their Blessing/Curse on a target nation (selected in Autumn) at the year's end.
Target nation is selected by vote of the nations worshipping that particular deity, or All Gods, this year. Votes are submitted with Autumn orders. The vote for any nation worshipping 'No Gods' this year is reduced by one (due to the lessened power of the priests to implement the gods' will there).
In cases of tied selection for deity or recipient the casting vote will be made by Pope-Hero Aesop himself (i.e. the GM, via random die-roll).

The Gods of Cantaboria and their Blessings/Curses:
ILMETHIR, Goddess of Peace - “Healing”
- Next season, recipient can specify one of their units to gain an extra support in Defence (i.e. only if not moving).
MAFEK, God of War - “Berserkergang”
- Next season, recipient can specify one of their units to gain an extra support in Attack (i.e. only if moving).
SAFIEROS, God of Knowledge - “Prescience”
- Next season, the nation can give a conditional order to any one of their units.
THRUNDAR, God of Making - “Reconstruction”
- Recipient must immediately change one of their units from an Army to a Fleet, or vice versa.
GAIALA, Goddess of Nature - “The Wild Hunt”
- Recipient specifies one of their units to immediately move to a random neighbouring space.
LANRAKUS, God of the Moon - “Lunacy”
- One unit of the recipient is randomly selected and will be ordered by 'Diplomatic Anarchy' next season.
NOTRET, Goddess of Disease - “Famine”
- Recipient nation can support one less unit than their supply centres this year.
HETADUN, God of Death - “Zombies”
- Zombie army appears in a random vacant territory of the recipient nation's homeland (after builds).

Zombie armies/fleets require no Supply Centre to maintain and are only destroyed by being dislodged with no possible retreat. Zombie units will move or hold randomly, as determined by the GM with the roll of a die. If more than one Zombie unit targets the same territory, the first moves and the others support it. Zombies are not tributary to Ayathgaron, but the Empire requires its tributaries to give any available support to Zombies in conflict with non-tributary ('free') nations. Supply Centres captured by Zombie units revert to neutrality.

Units of nations for which no orders are received by a given deadline will stand and mutually-support where possible, or retreat as decreed by the GM in the case of dislodgements; Disbandments will instead become Zombies (this includes unordered disbandments for nations which have not otherwise NMRed) using the normal 'furthest-from-home, fleets-before-armies' rule; NMRing players are not disqualified and may still submit orders for any later season (unless/until a new player is found for that nation).

As per standard Diplomacy rules, you win when you control at least HALF of all supply centres. On this map that's 24 (there are 48 centres).
However if a majority of players vote for "Game End", then whoever has the most centres wins a partial victory - shared with as many other players as necessary to make up the 24, in order of the number of centres they control. Ties broken by whoever has submitted "Press" which adds most character to the setting, in the GMs view.
Alternatively, some other grouping of 24+ centres could be voted to win - but any such proposal must name the player who is the "real" winner. Other members of the grouping will be deemed losers, just like anyone else.


Some territories (Hallion's March, Ravvening, Quime) have separate coasts, and it matters to a Fleet which one it's on. So this may need to be specified when moving, as ambiguous orders will fail. (These are like Spain, Bulgaria and St.Petersburg in standard Diplomacy).

Slennin, Tania, Adern Forest and Ursus can be passed-through by Fleets due to their waterways, and no coast specification is required for them. (These are like Kiel, Denmark, Sweden and Constantinople in standard Diplomacy).

The central Ayathgaron/Franchia/Keystone Mountains area is impassable, except via the indicated “Passes”. The passes are not separate territories, and armies move directly from the territory at one end to that at the other.


Since the Time of Legend the lands of Cantaboria have never been completely united. In that Golden Age, when the ancient gods and their followers all lived in harmony, Peace reigned – but it was destroyed two millennia ago. Infamous human warlord Zark-Oh found new faith and made war upon the Elhadiz, gods he called 'Evil', in the cause of the Astridae, or 'Good' gods. This villain and his cohorts were finally defeated and banished across the ocean - but the damage was done. Heavenly Harmony was lost and the lands thereafter ravaged by unnatural plagues, undead hordes and unsane magics.

Throughout history since, Cantaboria has been a place of wars and petty nations struggling to survive. Some achieved a passing greatness but are now gone, or dwindled to sad remnants sunk in decadence and wickedness. Two such are the Empire of Ayathgaron and the Theocracy of Franchia.

Once, the armies of the Empire of Ayathgaron marched with ruthless efficiency to dominate half the known world. Their time is now long past, the 'empire' reduced to a heartland around the capital city Ayathgar. There effete and degenerate fops vie for social advantage, foolishly oblivious to the barbaric world beyond the city walls. Yet still their King-Emperor pretends to rulership of the provinces, demanding tributary fealty and sending regiments against whoever will not serve. The Theocracy of Franchia still holds theoretical spiritual supremacy over the lands, in the undying form of Pope-Hero Aesop the First. His pervasive priestly minions extract tithes from the people of all nations, whose rulers must use their best diplomacy to avoid Unholy Curses invoked at his whim.

The Legacy of Ayathgaron campaign is set in the legendary continent of Cantaboria, with Hepmona and Fireland to the north-west and north-east. Cantaboria is divided into many minor nations and tribal areas. Cantaboria itself lies in the southern hemisphere, so the southerly nations are colder and the northerly hotter. The temperature differences are more extreme to the west and milder to the east, due to prevailing winds and ocean currents. It is approximately 800 leagues east-west by 650 north-south. To the north-west is the subcontinent of Hepmonaland, called Amoricia by recent settlers from Capria, far to the east. Its north is covered with dense jungles and its south by hot dry plains. To the far north-east is Fireland, named New Cantaboria by the exiled Zark-Oh and divided into the kingdoms Cantabria, Khalkidia, Municipia and Griffildi. There the vast volcano Doom blots the sky with fume, blurring the sun into two and obscuring the minor moon. (For convenience, the land-masses are shown as closer than in the campaign world).

URSUS (GaryW) – Fur-clad barbarian warriors who range the snowy forests and tundra of the far south, guided by shamanic yogi, priests of a primitive bear totem cult. (Default Deity: Mafek, god of war).
ELSEA (TonyH) – Vestige of Necromon, a long dead empire, whose sorcerous nobility claim dark elvish descent and exhibit extraordinary cruelty in evidence of their bloodlines. (Default Deity: Hetadun, god of the dead).
ZOOBAR (MikeC) – From the jungles of Necrophylica emerge the tribesmen, conquering orcs and other foes with trampling elephants, frog-venomed darts and pitched-and-flaming war-pigs. (Default Deity: Gaiala, the wild goddess).
THEOCRACY OF MELAN (PeterW) – Duty impels the Paladin-Lords, elected by combat and the gods' will, to lead their holy legions in bringing true faith or the sword to all. (Default Deity: All Gods).
DALESMEN OF THE EAST (PeterT) – The Dalesmen prefer industrious mining, horse-trading, raiding and pillaging to war, and work well with their dwarf neighbours but distrust other non-humans. (Default Deity: Thrundar, the maker).
UNSEEN CONFEDERACY (PeterT [MikeW resigned]) – Seemingly benign union of Obscuran, Olebran and other states, in reality controlled covertly by cynical hedonistic wizards waging war! (Default Deity: Safieros, god of knowledge).
CANTABRIA (SteveB) – Feudal duchies and city-states, held as a united kingdom despite many foes by their King's iron will, elf aid, waning magic and unshakable faith in the goddess' goodness. (Default Deity: Notret, goddess of disease).
KHALKIDIA/NEW ADERN (JamesW) – Exiled from their native forest by a zombie plague, the Aderni elves found new northern lands most favourable to their kind, despite orc hordes and dragonfire. (Default Deity: No Gods).
THE TOUV (ChrisG) – Natives of Hepmonaland, the Touv are dark-skinned, proud but egalitarian; Princes of these nations must earn their people's respect with wisdom, courage and skill. (Default Deity: Ilmethir, goddess of peace).
SCARLET BROTHERHOOD (AlexT) – Pale ascetic assassins, ruthlessly ruling minions of lesser race by fear and favour in order to re-establish the long-fallen empire of their Sueloise ancestors. (Default Deity: Lanrakus, god of moonlight).

See here for The World's End poster.

(For the earlier “Cantaboria: Legacy of Ayathgaron” PBeM – see here. For the Cantabria RPG campaign -
see here).

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