of RuinQuest |
Geradil, Drac,
Dan the Dwarf-Man, Absinthe,
Schikell, Kayentelva,
Dray, Marcus,
Findecano, Jengo,
Garret. |
to the Glitterhame |
Pandaria – Home of
Heroes. Protectorate of disparate states, mist-shrouded 'land of
many bridges', haunted by ancient and monstrous horrors. |
Including the famous lands of
Greyhawk, the Flanaess, setting for many classic adventures. Now
also these campaigns: |
Pavis & Prax – Amid the harsh deserts of Prax, the dirty imperial outpost of New Pavis huddles beside the dangerous giant-walled ruins of ancient Pavis city. |
Chiavelli -
Fantasy EnGarde PBeM, set in Southern Cantabria. Map
of the Realms, EnGarde
applet. |
The Rules |
and campaigns on associated worlds use RuinQuest rules (my own
RPG system, based on RQ2 and the best of others): |
Healers, Druids,
Law, Chaos,
Melkor, Hecate,
Halea, Loviatar,
Diabolic, Demonic.
Valar (elvish), Mahal
(dwarvish), Orcish,
Barbarian Gods, Nomad
Gods, Kymerian,
Mercanian/Wyrd, Serenian,
Emphidian. Pandaria
Pantheon. |
RuinQuest is based on Chaosium BRP, plus the best bits of D&D, RuneQuest, Pendragon, etc... (Free BRP QuickStart here)
of the World. Pandaria
Wars, Battle
Reports (archive).
SteveB: A
Poem, White Mountain Rag, #1,
#2, #3, #4;
Tisselles Tittilator #1, #2,
#3. RobB: The
Melderynian, #1, #2,
#3, #4,
#5, #6,
Imperium Gallery. |
House Rules |
Dragon Pass, 4000 A.D., Cluedo Crusade/Advanced Cluedo Crusade, WarpWar, Tunnels & Trolls, Axis & Allies Rules, Hordes of the Things (HOTT), Crudis Chariot Racing, RuneQuest, WH40K, Noughts and Crosses Variants (Super, Nuclear, Realistic Nuclear, European Theatre Nuclear and Communist) |
Utilities |
Diplomacy, WebHex Battle Games, On Garde!, TIME2GO, FuryDice, Treasure, CHARACTER GENERATOR, Personality Generator |
Archives |
King of Sartar (Campaign
Map, League
of Nations, Army
Lists, Collected
History, New
Rules. Last Battles: Wilm's
Church, Trader's
Isle, Dangerford,
of Krarsht) |
Links |
Old Bold Home Page, Family Pictures, The Games Cabinet, Imperium Battles, Jokes, White Dwarf Library, Pandaria Pictures |
14th February 2014 |
Cantaboria game links more prominent; Realms of Chiavelli changed to EnGarde game & link to old OnGuard page. |
10th February 2014 |
“Cantaboria II: Realms of Chiavelli” PBeM added (initial version, under construction). |
3rd February 2014 |
Link to World of Glorantha page and Pavis/Prax campaign description & characters added. |
30th December 2013 |
Further re-arrangements (in progress). |
13th December 2013 |
Main characters sheets converted to PNG format; Minor re-ordering, defunct characters relegated downwards. |
21st October 2013 |
Started the Adventures page, of past adventure write-ups – and for future ones! |
16th June 2013 |
Direct links to the 'Heroes' character sheets. |
29th May 2013 |
Re-arranged: prominence to RuinQuest rules & Other Realms supplement; outdated sections moved down. |
7th March 2013 |
Page re-titled “Realms of RuinQuest”; Online adventures added; links to Heroes & adventure diaries given prominence. |
30th January 2013 |
“The Hold of Gold” added - fantasy PBeM for social interaction, trading, character development and some adventure in down-time. |
13th December 2012 |
Diplomacy applet added (improved version of Java Diplomacy). |
2nd December 2012 |
Page rearranged and added link to the new Legacy of Ayathgaron PBeM. |
10th October 2012 |
Latest RuinQuest Rules version + Other Realms supplement (draft) for D&D-type magic/spell translations, Herbs, etc. |
20th September 2012 |
New RuinQuest rules pdf (in RQ2 style). + Original RoleMaster Herbs (29th). |
1st August 2012 |
Added link to RuneQuest rules pdf (2nd edition). |
30th May 2012 |
Added articles from the White Dwarf archive: 'The Ale Standard', The Town Planner, Monsters Have feelings Too. Salvaged 'Cantabrian Tales'. |
5th January 2012 |
Links to Oerth map & Lands of Cantabria added, plus Cantabria Risk. |
3rd November 2011 |
Layout tidied-up, some old links removed; Links to Gods of Oerth (Greyhawk), placeholders etc added. |
1st November 2011 |
Old links removed; Link to RuinQuest rules improved; Gods of Greyhawk Pantheons page added, with link. |
4th July 2011 |
Incorporated The Melderynian back-issues; removed defunct visit counter. |
24th January 2011 |
Heroes page extended to include characters from the Kingdom of Wyrd, Propadyandi and Cantabrian campaigns. |
7th September 2010 |
General maintenance: Some broken links fixed. |
7th January 2010 |
Added BRQ - “Basic Ruin Quest” - rules-lite system pdf (initial 4-page version). |
9th December 2009 |
Added link to BRP QuickStart rules book download (free, legal, and with Chaosium's permission to me personally!). |
29th May 2009 |
Martial Skills (Expertise & special combat abilities/feats) upgraded. |
26th March 2009 |
"Personas" Character Personality generator added. |
6th February 2009 |
(Waitangi Day!) Experience each break; Clarify Saving Throws, Spirit/Psionic Combat & AD&D PHB Spells. |
11th December 2008 |
Rules for Hiding/Sneaking overhauled again and harmonized with BRP. And that could possibly, finally, be it! |
30th November 2008 |
Character Creation - Characteristics, Heritage, Talents/Bogeys, Personality Traits, Distinctive Features, etc. |
20th-23rd November 2008 |
BRP Harmony: System Summary combat/spot rules updated; plus minor corrections/tweaks to new sections. |
14th November 2008 |
BRP Harmony: Standard BRP Options & House Rules specified; Actions, Combat & Miscellaneous rules. |
3rd November 2008 |
BRP Harmony tweaks: Increased initial Mage/Cleric Power; Holy Items store Power; Failed casting cost x2. |
28th August 2008 |
BRP Harmony: Melee weapons, Missile weapons & Shields revised for compatibility with BRP system. |
2nd August 2008 |
BRP Harmony: Magic/Miracles using Power; Staffs/familiars revised; Variable skill increase/difficulty. |
26th July 2008 |
Added links to Cantabrian pages (Steve Brooks' campaign world) |
4th May 2008 |
Martial skills: Expertise and Abilities rationalized; Warrior-Monk combat abilities revised accordingly. |
28th April 2008 |
Distinctive physical features table added for character generation. |
19th April 2008 |
Personality traits made standard skills; Holiness increased via skills/traits; Magic specials cost no power. |
25-29th March 2008 |
Philosophy updated; Expanded character creation: added heritage tables, name generators, separate files. |
12th March 2008 |
Links to Steve's Tittilator, Rob's Melderynian and Tony's gallery for the Imperium. Many thanks, guys! |
11th March 2008 |
Tweaks to links and The System crib-sheet (i.e. STR v STR for Golfball Effect, grappling, etcetera). |
10th March 2008 |
Improved links to Pandaria Forum, including new "News of the World" topic for current events postings. |
7th March 2008 |
Character generation detail links added; Spell definitions published and linked; heroes updated. |
6th March 2008 |
Added more links into this index page, to old archives, house rules, utilities, etc. |
5th March 2008 |
Skills based on stats (minor edits passim); interim crib-sheet update; index, combat, movement pages re-done. |
29th January 2008 |
Live Pandaria pages move to new web-space, kindly provided by Steve Brooks. This index page is revamped. |
13th January 2008 |
Optional Personality Traits added (including Virtues for Paladins of any alignment); RQ House Rules. |
29th October 2007 |
Clerical spell-lists updated in line with spells overhaul; Cleave combat ability requires opponent knock-down. |
19th October 2007 |
Latest character generation details published (interim version). |
24th September 2007 |
Spell lists added (Pandarian modified versions). |
1st September 2007 |
Spell lists added (unmodified AD&D versions). |
19th/20th May 2007 |
Skill training requires weeks; Characteristic training; Experience 1xp/session; Paladin Quests for Holiness. |
10th May 2007 |
Spell-learning chances can accumulate, Spell Book hire fees as per equipment list (Magic System 6.3). |
21st April 2007 |
Traits (Inborns), Fatigue, armour/encumbrance mods; Factor (SIZ) for height/weight generation. |
8th April 2007 |
Psionic combat and abilities system published. |
15th March 2007 |
Minor rewording/rearrangement throughout; Piety renamed Holy Power; example Cult Skill targets given. |
13th March 2007 |
Stat/target saving throws; Hide/Sneak simplified; Open Hand two attacks; Combat/Magic ability tweaks. |
26th February 2007 |
Magic item properties overhaul; modifications to Combat Special Abilities. |
13th December 2006 |
Stats purchasable at character creation reduced. |
12th December 2006 |
Spells overhaul: Cantrips & 1st level Spells (Mage Armour, Magic Weapon added); 1st & 2nd level Miracles. |
8th December 2006 |
Magic Staffs and Familiars; minor mods to combat and magic special abilities and character creation. |
30th November 2006 |
Tweaks to character creation (paladin/ranger skills, no language age limit for mages); skill renamed Evasion. |
27th November 2006 |
Special Combat Skills and Special Magic Skills simplified and revised to include special abilities/feats. |
3rd November 2006 |
Standard Equipment prices list added (including revised costs for magical items). |
16th September 2006 |
Paladin special abilities revised; Clerical "Blessing" ability; Power/Piety formulae based on stat bonuses. |
8/9th July 2006 |
Herb Lore skill; Bardic Voice etc; revised Golfball Effect for Grappling/Knockback; Fumble Tables. |
1st July 2006 |
New weapon damages adopted; new weapon ranges adopted; new weapon types added. |
29th June 2006 |
Half-benefit from miracles unless tithes are paid; Ranger 'Fury' bonus made optional; INT ticks maximum. |
26th June 2006 |
Martial Arts can stack attacks & parries; Missile attacks are full/half/tenth chance at range x1/x2/x3. |
24th June 2006 |
Sneaking system clarified (save v surprise, pre-rolls, save v no defence). |
23rd June 2006 |
Amendments to various pages relating to new saving throws; Skills page formatted for printing. |
22nd June 2006 |
Saving Throws overhaul, max. +10 level bonus; Failed casting gives half-effect spells (Magic System 6.0). |
15th June 2006 |
Reformat some pages for printing; General rules shortened; Non-magic only subdues multi-planars. |
17th March 2006 |
Fighter special abilities; Combat cribsheet updated (mounted shooting, shooting into melee, parrying). |
9th March 2006 |
Paladin special abilities; Cure Serious/Critical Wounds spells improved; Ukko miracles list added. |
2nd March 2006 |
Mage special abilities; Magic staffs store power; Elven chainmail modifiers calculated. |
1st February 2006 |
(Minor tweaks to format nicely for printing). |
5th November 2005 |
Added Magic Item Costs page, detailing prices of magic items, spells and miracles available for purchase in Pandaria. |
10th September 2005 |
Added monster conversion system, character catch-up system, modified spells page. |
3rd September 2005 |
RULE CHANGE: Thieves Sneaking rules revised for d20 saves; Backstabbing & Pick Pockets procedures simplified. |
29th August 2005 |
RULE CHANGE: Clerical Cult Skill targets classified by complexity; Piety Points revised to WIS/4 x Max. (Magic System 5.9) |
28th August 2005 |
RULE CHANGE: Saving Throws system overhauled (Saves revised to d20, with a target of 20+). |
24th August 2005 |
RULE CHANGE: Max Ticks limit revised to 8 + Int Bonus; new Stat Bonuses apply to skills. |
22nd August 2005 |
RULE CHANGE: New Stat Bonuses table published (in Character Generation) |
20th August 2005 |
RULE CHANGES: Power/Piety improved (5.8); RQ2 armour adopted (chainmail up to 5ap); Initiative d20+Dex bonus; Max Ticks 10+Int bonus. |
14th August 2005 |
Pandarian Religions list & write-ups added. |
6th August 2005 |
Hit Locations table changed from d100 to d20. |
9th July 2005 |
Pandarian Myths & Legends added. Magic Spells list added |
14th Jun 2005 |
Heroes added. RULE CHANGES: Clerics gain Holiness by using cult skills, Piety Points reduced; Experience points are added only to Defence. |
12th Jun 2005 |
Combat crib-sheet and general (I) rules updated to reflect the new actions/initiative systems. |
11th Jun 2005 |
RULE CHANGE: Actions & Initiative system, to dexterity-order and turn-based combat based upon the D20 System. |
12th Mar 2005 |
Character generation system based on 'Character Creation' points. |
17th Feb 2005 |
RULE CHANGE: Power/Piety derive from main skills; Cantrips cost less to cast; Beneficial Clerical miracles have only half-effect on non-worshippers; Divine Intervention primarily for Clerics only and usually benefits worshippers only. |
19th Oct 2004 |
RULE CHANGE: Skill increases relate to difficulty; no increase-rolls rqd for Defence; experience maximum added; specialist mages modified. |
22nd June 2003 |
Experimental "FuryDice" Initiative Roller, Special Fighter and Mage Skills (draft versions); Language Skills listed in families. |
16th Feb 2003 |
First-level Magic spells properly formatted and standard 1st/2nd-level Clerical miracles added. |
1st Feb 2003 |
RULE CHANGE: Perception roll multiplier for sneaking reduced to x3 and negative modifiers reduced. |
21st Dec 2002 |
Character Sheet template and example character added. (To fill-in, replace invisible white ?-marks and change their colour). |
18th Dec 2002 |
RULE CHANGES: Starting skills for weapons reduced by 5% for most; Thieves Skills & Martial Arts rationalized. |
14th Dec 2002 |
RULE CHANGE: Base percentages reduced to 10% for all weapon types. |
1st Dec 2002 |
Weapons & Armour lists added - phew!. |
30th Nov 2002 |
Language skills added; Pandarian Languages page & diagram reconstructed; Saving Throws added. |
28th Nov 2002 |
Fumble formula revised (fumbles less frequent); scroll-reading rule reworded; general rules 1,2,3; sneaking rules, standard skills; spell lists formatting begun. |
22nd Nov 2002 |
The Great Task of publishing the
Pandaria Rules continues: |
28th Feb 2001 |
Combat crib sheet smartened up; Miracles lists added. |
11th Feb 2001 |
Magic System: Casting Bonus; staffs
store power & spells; spells require 1 memory per
level. |
11th Feb 2001 |
This "Pandaria Rules!" index page added. |